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1 octobre 2018

E-Discussion Toolkit

E-Discussion Toolkit
Good overview resource outlining the major steps involved in hosting an online discussion. Each step is described, with additional resources offered. Navigation is at the top of the page, so you'll have to scroll back up to find the next page. More...

30 septembre 2018

New tools launched in Australia to better support higher ed faculty

University Business Magazine logo

Interfolio, the leading faculty information system company, today announced a new partnership with Edalex, a leading educational services company, to better support academics in Australia and New Zealand. Through this partnership, institutions across Australia and New Zealand can now access Interfolio's innovative Faculty Information System, a first-of-its-kind platform streamlining shared governance and academic data collection processes. More...

29 septembre 2018

Rewarding outcomes in higher ed

University Business Magazine logoIncentives, when properly developed and implemented, can be powerful tools for driving behavior and performance. More...

27 septembre 2018

Teaching tools you should know

Teaching tools you should know
Amy Kenyon, Duke Learning Innovation, 2018/08/17
This is a bit of a snapshot of the state of play in learning technology at universities. This list provided by Duke is intended to be practical - it's what's in production and in use. So it inmcludes the LMS, WordPress site and e-Portfolios, of course. But there's also Coursera, a lecture capture tool, voice thread and even maker spaces. More...

24 septembre 2018

Use of Stots TemplateMaster Woodworking Tool Limited to One Shop

Use of Stots TemplateMaster Woodworking Tool Limited to One Shop
I would like to say that this article demonstrates the absurity toward which our copyright and patent regime is pushing us, but there are many (including this company, obviously) who hail the new world order. Where pricing and quality have failed to produce customer loyalty, licensing agreements and the weight of law will surely succeed. More...

23 septembre 2018

Combining Data from Multiple Digital Learning Tools Produces Better Predictions

Screenshot-2018-4-19 Techno-News BlogTechno-News Blog. A study undertaken jointly by the University of Maryland, Baltimore County and education technology companies Blackboard and VitalSource found that early activity with digital tools is a “strong predictor” of passing a class — even more so than the grade point average a student enters the class with. More...

23 septembre 2018

Using Digital Tools to Teach Soft Skills

Screenshot-2018-4-19 Techno-News BlogTechno-News Blog. Most educators who have attempted to infuse their instructional activities with edtech have learned the hard way that things do not always go according to plan. But wise educators will turn this into a learning opportunity: the inevitable challenges to getting technology to work properly can become a powerful lesson on adaptability and flexibility that will help students develop these soft skills. More...

20 septembre 2018

CARIF Espace Compétences - Acteurs de l'orientation - Boîte à outils

20 septembre 2018

CARIF Espace Compétences - Acteurs de la formation - Boîte à outils

19 septembre 2018

Arofe - L'insertion et l'adaptation des travailleurs handicapés - Guides et outils

Aquitaine Cap MétiersCatalogue des interventions du FIPHFP (2016)
Ce catalogue suit une logique de parcours de vie personnel et professionnel d’une personne en situation de handicap. Il s'organise autour de 3 axes : Favoriser l’accès à l’emploi ; Créer les conditions de succès de l’insertion et du maintien dans l’emploi ; Assurer la pérennité des compétences et connaissances relatives au handicap au travail. Télécharger le guide
Guide régional : l'orientation des jeunes en situation de handicap (Novembre 2013)
Ce guide régional aide les familles à mieux orienter leurs enfants en situation de handicap. L'objectif du guide est de présenter les différentes possibilités d'orientation en fonction de la situation de chacun.
Télécharger le guide.
Guide de la sous-traitance (juillet 2016)
Annuaire des entreprises adaptées (EA) et des établissements et services d’aide par le travail (ESAT)
Consulter l'annuaire.
Guide pour le maintien dans l'emploi de salariés rencontrant des difficultés de santé (2014)
Ce guide s'adresse aux professionnels du domaine médico social ainsi qu'aux personnes susceptibles d'accueillir des individus confrontés à des problèmes de santé et rencontrant des difficultés pour se maintenir dans l'emploi. Il est présenté sous forme de questions/réponses et informe par département, des coordonnées des organismes à contacter, des démarches à effectuer et des outils mobilisables.
Consulter le guide. Plus...
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