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25 octobre 2018

The seven tools of causal inference with reflections on machine learning

The seven tools of causal inference with reflections on machine learning
Adrian Colyer, The Morning Paper, 2018/09/17
Adrian Colyer has found a delicious paper (The seven tools of causal inference with reflections on machine learning Pearl, CACM 2018) that works (for me, at least) on multiple levels. Here's the story: " To understand why? and to answer what if? questions, we need some kind of a causal model. More...

25 octobre 2018

A Manifesto for Collaborative Tools

A Manifesto for Collaborative Tools
Consider the problem of file sharing: despite the existence of many collaborate tools, we continue to send email attachments. "If the tools that purport to solve this problem are good, why aren't we using them?" Because the tools forget about good software. More...

24 octobre 2018

Build Your Own Learning Tools

Build Your Own Learning Tools
Tony Hirst, OUseful Info, 2018/09/06
Tony Hirst explores the idea of creative reusable learning resources with Jupyter Notebooks. Because: "the computational engine that is available to us when we present educational materials as live Jupyter notebooks means that we can build quite simple computational tools to extend the environment and allow students to interact with, and ask a range of questions of, the subject matter we are trying to engage them with." My question is, can we put them in an RSS feed and syndicate them. More...

20 octobre 2018

Le Bilan prévisionnel de retraite, véritable outil décisionnel

Résultat de recherche d'images pour ""Le Bilan prévisionnel de retraite (BPR) permet au salarié, dès 45 ans, de reconstituer sa carrière professionnelle en fonction des différentes caisses de retraite auxquelles il a cotisé et de calculer son âge de départ à la retraite à taux plein. Plus...

19 octobre 2018

Normandie: « Parcours-Métier » nouvel outil numérique pour l’emploi, la formation et l’orientation professionnelle

Associations des Régions de France, toute l'actualité des régions.Parcours-Métier est à destination de tous les normands, demandeurs d’emploi, stagiaires de la formation professionnelle, apprentis et entreprises. Il rassemble toutes les ressources dispersées jusqu’alors sur plusieurs sites internet. Plus...

18 octobre 2018

Application mobile Pôle emploi "Mon espace" êtes inscrit à Pôle emploi en tant que demandeur d’emploi ? Découvrez l’application mobile Mon Espace de Pôle emploi. Plus...
18 octobre 2018

L’Emploi Store, services numériques et innovation

Lancé en 2015, l’Emploi Store, plateforme inédite sur le marché de l’emploi, accompagne toutes les personnes en recherche d’emploi ou qui souhaitent renforcer leur projet professionnel grâce à de nombreux services numériques. Plus...

17 octobre 2018

Top 10 Open Source Tools for eActivism

Top 10 Open Source Tools for eActivism
This is a nice guide to the major open source communication and collaboration tools (blog tools, wiki tools, community sites, newsletter tools) - useful for eActivism, of course, but equally useful for online learning. More...

15 octobre 2018

Eedo Announces Revolutionary e-Learning Content Ingestion and Conversion Tool

Eedo Announces Revolutionary e-Learning Content Ingestion and Conversion Tool
I think the title for this link expresses all the hopes and fears about e-learning in one word: ingestion. More...

1 octobre 2018

The Scout Portal Toolkit

The Scout Portal Toolkit
This is a very interesting software release with some nifty features. In addition to the usual search request features, it allows user annotation, user rating and user agents. It also adds an intelligent metadata tool to assist submissions. More...

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