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26 octobre 2015

Is Apple patent defeat a victory for universities?

Apple has won patent infringement lawsuits against other companies, but its loss on 16 October to a university could have significant impacts on other university researchers concerned about their intellectual property rights, writes Lucy Schouten for The Christian Science Monitor. Read more...

25 octobre 2015

CBE and the Sage Dynamic: New Roles for Faculty and Administration

Evolllution Logo, click to return to homepageBy William Ryan - Evolllution. Do you remember how excited you were entering those freshmen college classes? The long lecture halls with the tiered seating where you could gaze down and listen attentively to the one who would share their expertise, their knowledge, and be there to evaluate your efforts along with the other 300 or so classmates? Oh my, those were the days indeed. More...

25 octobre 2015

Expected Parental Contributions

Résultat de recherche d'images pour " logo"By Alex Usher. Just a quick note: next week, I’ll be on that all-too-common common transportation route, Toronto-Milwaukee-Shanghai, en route to attend (and deliver a paper at) the 6th International Conference on World-Class Universities, and the blog will be on hiatus while I’m away. Anyways, to business.
Everyone knows that for dependent students – that is, students less than four years out of secondary school, or who have not spent two consecutive years in the labour market full-time – the amount of student assistance available depends on parental income.  And that’s mostly true.  But there are some catches. More...

25 octobre 2015

Golden Liberty or Rapid Collegiality?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour " logo"By Alex Usher. Once upon a time, there was a land of liberty known as Poland.  While the rest of Europe was going through the counter-reformation, the Thirty Years’ War, and the beginnings of absolutism, Poland had the world’s most liberal constitution.  Nobles (who formed a rather substantial portion of the population) had the right to elect their king.  Religious freedom existed (though Catholics remained a strong majority).  The king could not declare war or peace without Parliamentary agreement (the Sejm), nor could he raise taxes without them. More...

25 octobre 2015

What might governing bodies ask their vice chancellors?

The instructions I have received for this event advise that ‘our most successful speakers are those who encourage the audience to reflect on what they can do when they go back to their institutions, for example by offering them some key questions to ask their boards and senior management teams. More...

25 octobre 2015

Students kicked Clegg and backed Miliband but it made little difference – and it might not help Corbyn much either

On Thursday, 15th October 2015, the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) publishes one of the first detailed analyses of voting behaviour at the general election in Students and the 2015 general election: Did they make a difference? by Nick Hillman, HEPI’s Director. More...

25 octobre 2015

The Rise of Antisocial Deconstructivism

By . Phil and I gave our first ever joint keynote at the OLC conference this week. We didn’t want to just do dueling PowerPoints, so instead we tried a format that I have been calling a social constructivist keynote. Each of us would present on a topic for a few minutes, and then the two of us would talk about it for a few minutes. More...

25 octobre 2015

Yes, I did say that Knewton is “selling snake oil”

By . My comments in today’s NPR article about Knewton are getting some attention on Twitter. One comment in particular, actually. The one where I accused Knewton CEO Jose Ferriera of selling snake oil. More...

25 octobre 2015

Keynote #CLIL Teresa Ting second #language learning challenges

Inge Ignatia de WaardBy Inge Ignatia de Waard. Y.L. Teresa Ting from the Universitá della Calabria (Italy) has an Italian charm and looks fabulous as she takes the stage.  Today she focused on the question on how the CLIL format can answer the many challenges of educating pupils in a foreign language, especially if one takes into account that the outcomes of native language courses keep having flaws. She is also clearly a teacher, narrating, yet paying attention at our focus, and she makes us do things (takes me back to the classroom).I was following with pleasure, until the sentence "students need good textbooks more then ever, as you never know what they will find on the internet" - okay, just imagine my face when hearing that sentence! Fun though, and the full keynote was definitely of interest. Read more...

25 octobre 2015

Write, create, curate and collaborate: preparing for #digiWriMo

Inge Ignatia de WaardBy Inge Ignatia de Waard. Great initiative to combine digital writing and creativity all through the month of November 2015. I learn by writing. It always feels like the movement of my fingers on my keyboard makes me think more clearly, and even pushes thoughts right into the open. So this Digital Writing Month initiative (#DigiWriMo), organised by the Hybrid Pedagogy bloggers (Maha Bali, Sarah Honeychurch, and Kevin Hogdson), is right up my alley. The #DigiWriMo will push people to engage in digital writing and creativity during the month of November. Read more...

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