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2 novembre 2015

Snapping Fingers . I have recently encountered an endearing trend among high-school and college students, informally as well as in classrooms and in larger gatherings: collective finger-snapping. Once, in the middle of a lecture I delivered at the University of Oxford, someone began expressing approval by snapping her fingers, and within seconds the entire hall followed her. More...

2 novembre 2015

Morphing the Skeuo . Is there any frisson more delicious than the learning of a crown wagongreat new word? OK, don’t answer that. But a great new word is a gift, and I received one last week only to find that it had been passed around certain circles for years. More...

2 novembre 2015

Just Shoot Me! . Unfortunately, shootings in schools and colleges have become so frequent in the United States that several websites have started to take score. The advocacy site Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund, for example, maps and lists 152 school shootings in the United States since 2013. More...

2 novembre 2015

From Seneca to Self-Help . In 1997, Alain de Botton published his book How Proust Can Change Your Life. I was charmed by it. I remember using it in a course on cultural criticism for a graduate class that had a mix of theorists and creative writers. More...

2 novembre 2015

Evasive Passives in Texas . Ellen Bresler Rockmore, in her New York Times op-ed “How Texas Teaches History,” levels a grammatical accusation against history textbooks recently approved for use in Texas schools. More...

2 novembre 2015

It’s Not Too Late: Making Mid-Course Adjustments . On many campuses right now, it’s midterm season. Students and faculty are feeling the strain of heavier workloads, colds and viruses are making the rounds, and the enthusiasm that marked the first few weeks of school seems like a distant memory, at least on certain days. Read more...
2 novembre 2015

Unprincipled on Principle

By Michael S. Roth. When The New York Times enlisted Stanley Fish as a columnist, it found a great partner in this literary critic — someone who writes with clarity about academic matters but who is at ease with everyday rhetoric. More...

2 novembre 2015

Electives Can Play a Crucial Role in Education, So Let’s Stop Neglecting Them

By Daniel Regan. Electives are the neglected offspring of American undergraduate education. Accrediting bodies have little to say about them. A keyword search through the New England regional standards reveals a single mention. More...

2 novembre 2015

Rethinking college: Disruptive innovation, not reform, is needed

By Stuart M. Butler. To make college more affordable for low-income students we need to rethink what “college” means. The system needs much more than tweaks in financing or regulation; it requires an entirely different business model. More...

2 novembre 2015

We must resist the market forces destroying our universities The Conservatives’ ideological vision is working towards a US-style, fully private education system: students will march against this next week. More...

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