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28 avril 2016

Finding success in the maker space

eCampus NewsBy Laura Devaney. Catch up on the most compelling higher-ed news stories you may have missed this week. More...

28 avril 2016

Employers face education gap in workforce, report finds

University Business LogoSubmitted by Stefanie Botelho. The number of workers with bachelor's degrees in North Dakota and Minnesota falls short of employers' demand for that education credential, according a recent study. More...

28 avril 2016

Wax tablets, chicken rustling and medieval roots of the modern university

University Business LogoSubmitted by Stefanie Botelho. When we think of colleges, we imagine sprawling campuses, big-time sports programs, hefty endowments, and massive libraries stuffed with thousands of books. More...

27 avril 2016

Princeton will keep Woodrow Wilson’s name on buildings

University Business LogoSubmitted by Stefanie Botelho. Princeton University said Monday that it will keep President Woodrow Wilson’s name on its school of public and international affairs and a residential college despite calls to expunge his name from those places on the Ivy League campus because of his staunch support of racial segregation. More...
27 avril 2016

Princeton will keep Woodrow Wilson's name on building despite controversy

The Guardian homeByAssociated Press in Princeton, New Jersey. Students had raised questions about the former US president’s racist views, but university pledges to adopt other changes such as diversifying campus symbols. More...

27 avril 2016

Modern tribes: the helicopter parent

The Guardian homeBy. We might have gone for Edinburgh, even with the poor student satisfaction, except the rudeness when I put my hand up and asked about vegan kitchen arrangements. More...

27 avril 2016

A lost baby taught me how little academia really meant to me

The Guardian homeByAcademics Anonymous. I was working on an outline for a dissertation on American literature, post world war two, when I found out I was pregnant with twins. I’d already had three miscarriages, the emotional fallout of which had derailed my academic progress. More...

27 avril 2016

Éducation et ironie : les universitaires se doivent d’avoir de l’humour

The ConversationPar et . Utiliser l’humour pour générer de la visibilité sur la recherche est moins ridicule qu’il n’y paraît au premier abord. Impliquer le public est la nouvelle marotte du monde académique et les universitaires de la planète entière sont de plus en plus contraints de montrer « l’impact » de leurs travaux. Voir l'article...

27 avril 2016

An education in irony: why academics need to be funny

The ConversationBy  and . Despite what some people might think, academics are not all humourless boffins out of touch with the real world. They can also be funny, and some are turning to humour to help get their messages across. More...

27 avril 2016

Opening up access to research and information isn’t a luxury – it’s a necessity

The ConversationBy . A lack of infrastructure is just one contributor to South Africa’s entrenched and ongoing educational inequality. There is another, less frequently discussed issue that is deepening this inequality: access to quality peer-reviewed information. More...

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