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18 février 2017

Pleine conscience, éducation et responsabilité

The ConversationPar . J’apprécie au plus haut point la philosophie de l’« Education act » mis en place par la Finlande qui cherche à former des enfants épanouis pour qu’ils deviennent des adultes épanouis et responsables. Voir l'article...

18 février 2017

Why universities can’t take all the credit for graduate employment rates

The ConversationBy . This is probably a pretty sensible move, given that the 2016 University Employability Survey shows that employers of graduates ranked degree classifications fourth in their list of the most important recruitment criteria. More...

18 février 2017

I, Daniel Blake reveals the rich complexity of literacy – and why it matters

The ConversationBy . The film gives us insights into the ways in which today’s world can be particularly alienating for those without the specific skills it demands. Viewing the film through the lens of literacy, we see how letters, booklets and forms accrue as pillars of a system decried by Daniel Blake as a “monumental farce”. More...

18 février 2017

“Design thinking” can prepare graduates for the real working world

The ConversationBy . At first glance, it looks as though the group of young adults is building Lego. But these are actually students at the University of Cape Town’s Hasso Plattner Institute of Design Thinking, and they’re using the colourful blocks to design a prototype. More...

18 février 2017

We Must #Resist Eric Stoller. Fighting fascism with education. Read more...

18 février 2017

Objectivity, Professionalism, Citizenship

By Barbara Fister. Reporters shouldn't air their personal opinions in public - or so the tradition goes. I see some problems with that. Read more...

18 février 2017

It’s Not a Lie Tracy Mitrano. All last week, The New York Times, journal of record for the United States together with The Washington Post, focused on Trump’s propensity to utter mistruths.  A headline that used the word “lie” became its own media sensation. Read more...

18 février 2017

The Importance of Being Relaxed

By Itir Toksöz. As a person who loves her profession in general, I never really found myself saying in the past that I get tired over the course of the academic year. More...

18 février 2017

Morning Routines: Starting the day.

By University of Venus. The writers at University of Venus have dedicated many posts to the integration of work and life. An important part of that integration is often making sure that you get a good start to the day. More...

18 février 2017

UVenus Responds: Beyond the march.

By University of Venus. Last week, on the day after Donald Trump was inaugurated, millions of people gathered around the globe to register their disapproval. Here, University of Venus contributors who took part in these actions report back on their respective marches and discuss what comes next. More...

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