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25 mai 2017

5 ways top universities are handling students’ diverse web needs

eCampus NewsBy Ivo Pascucci. The proliferation of connected devices (Gartner predicts that 20 billion devices will be connected to the internet by 2020) is coming with a generation of people who will leverage the internet in novel ways. More...

25 mai 2017

How Marcel Proust is going digital

University Business LogoSubmitted by Stefanie Botelho. Hours before Germany formally declared war on France in WWI, Marcel Proust penned a letter to his financial advisor that anticipated the horrors to come. More...

25 mai 2017

Digital learning: how to keep your students switched on

The Guardian homeDelivering teaching online is increasingly important for academics, but it needs to be more than a content dump. More...

24 mai 2017

Higher education should embrace digital possibilities

By Sonal Minocha and Dean Hristov. Digital – the convergence of social media, mobile and the web – has become a leading player in the knowledge economy at a time of major tech disruption. Today about half the world’s population owns a smartphone; by 2020, 80% will. Mobile technology enables the digital economy and this has had a huge impact across many sectors. More...
24 mai 2017

Digital transformation is changing the way graduates are recruited for jobs

By Brendan O’Malley – Managing Editor. In Commentary, Amber Wigmore Álvarez says gamification is revolutionising the way candidates are recruited for jobs and universities need to equip their students accordingly in order to achieve good future employment outcomes. John A Akec examines the bleak outlook for higher education in South Sudan, where persistent underfunding and soaring inflation could force many universities to close down, impacting heavily on the country’s future. Chau-Duong Quang discusses some of the factors that have hampered the growth of private higher education in Vietnam, including political sensitivities due to the country’s communist background. And Sonal Minocha and Dean Hristov suggest that universities – as the drivers of world-leading research – adopt a more outward-oriented and visual digital leadership to increase their impact globally.
   In our World Blog this week, Nita Temmerman warns against over-reliance on the textbook by university teachers, who should use a broad source of contemporary learning materials in delivery of their subject.
   In Features, Tunde Fatunde reports on the Anglophone crisis in Cameroon, where protest action in the Anglophone provinces by students, academics, teachers and lawyers, who are objecting to being marginalised by the Francophone-dominated government, is taking its toll. And Stephen Coan reports on the threat to academic credibility posed by predatory journals, emphasising research on the extent of the problem in South Africa and possible solutions.
   In a Special Report covering an international conference held in South Africa on higher education and inclusive development, Munyaradzi Makoni reports on a speaker’s call for the link globally between higher education access and social advantage to be broken by developing admissions criteria that identify potential. Makoni also focuses on a presentation by students from the School of Oriental and African Studies, UK, which outlines their stance on decolonisation, while Makoni and Sharon Dell report on a South African vice-chancellor’s call for the need to address the “massive socio-cultural, inter-generational chasm” which exists between students and university administrators. More...
24 mai 2017

Building Up Your Org's Digital Presence Eric Stoller. “What advice would you give an organisation to get real [digital] presence?”
It's not often that I get a question via Twitter from a friend's mom. Read more...

22 mai 2017

Digital Education, @ev, and the 'Broken Internet’

By Joshua Kim. How education is redeeming the internet from the pathologies of Twitter and Facebook. More...

19 mai 2017

La digitalisation de la formation renouvelle les pédagogies et les parcours de formation

Logo de l'Agence Régionale de la Formation tout au long de la vie (ARFTLV Poitou-charentes)

La digitalisation de la formation professionnelle est susceptible de renouveler profondément les pédagogies et les parcours de formation. L’IGAS a publié en mars 2017 un rapport qui mesure l’impact de cet essor des technologiques numériques sur les méthodes pédagogiques et sur les parcours de formation professionnelle, d’une part, sur le secteur économique des organismes de formation, d’autre part.
Consulter l'ensemble des recommandations de l'IGAS. Voir l'article...

19 mai 2017

Le digital learning plébiscité par les entreprises

Emploi Parlons Net, le webzine de l'emploi & du travail (Retour à l'accueil)Les entreprises sont de plus en plus nombreuses à digitaliser tout ou partie de leurs formations. Une façon d'introduire de la souplesse et d'individualiser les programmes pour répondre aux attentes et besoins des salariés. Voir l'article...
18 mai 2017

Pourquoi et comment Pôle emploi fait sa transformation numérique

Pôle emploiContrairement aux idées reçues, la révolution numérique ne fait pas disparaître Pôle emploi aux profits d'autres acteurs, mais le fait évoluer en collaboration avec ces derniers. Retour sur les enjeux et les moyens mis en oeuvre pour la transformation numérique du service public de l'emploi. Voir l'article...

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