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13 avril 2014

Rebuilding a Reader

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web.
Clarence Fisher.
I complained at length to a Google representative today about this, so Clarence Fisher's comment is timely: "When Google declared war on RSS and the open web by killing off their reader it was a heavy blow for deep thinking and for blogging. At first, I didn’t miss it. I still had twitter after all. But over time, I began to realize that relying on twitter only for what I was going to read and learn was like relying on the remote control of my TV. It put me too much at the whim of other people and things I just happened to see." More...

13 avril 2014

#Diabetes, Sue Townsend, Easter a personal mix

Inge Ignatia de WaardBy Inge Ignatia de Waard. This morning sad news was announced as the author Sue Townsend died (well known for her Adrian Mole books, but all round prolific and wonderful writer). Two days ago I finished her book “The woman who went to bed for a year”, a book that compelled me to laugh out loud, reflect upon the spirits of people, and of whom at the end cares the most for each one of us. I really enjoyed the book. As I read the back end of the book two facts sparked an extra, personal interest: blind, kidney transplant. Linking those two together I immediately thought of diabetes complications. After a quick search I found Sue Townsend was just like me a diabetes type 1 person since the 80’s. Read more...
13 avril 2014

Students: bring your own technology to uni

The Guardian homeBy Asking students to use their own tech in lectures could save money, but will it damage attention spans? A few years ago, if a student got their phone out in a lecture, this was quite a clear sign that they were no longer paying attention. But today, using a phone or tablet in the lecture hall is actually encouraged by universities, many of which are asking students to use their own technology to access learning resources. Read more...
13 avril 2014

Crowd-Sourcing Examinations . It’s no secret that we at ProfHacker like GoogleDocs. Ryan Cordell has used Google Docs to run a peer-review writing workshop, and George Williams has previously written about using GoogleDocs to take collaborative notes at conference sessions. Guest poster Thomas Burkholder wrote about using Google Forms. I have used all of these, and today I’m going to share yet another use: for compiling a crowd-sourced study-guide. Google Docs is useful in this respect because it allows users to easily share documents. In my case, I can quickly distribute to an entire class, and students can then download or not as they wish. More...

13 avril 2014

Fixing the Common App

HomeBy Scott Jaschik. The glitches on the Common Application in the fall -- which left many applicants unable to submit their applications -- may be fixed. But why did they happen in the first place?
A report released Thursday by the Common Application summarized the findings of an independent consultant's report that tried to answer that question. Read more...

12 avril 2014

Is education playing catch-up in the EU digital revolution?

With estimates suggesting that by 2015, 90% of jobs in the EU will require basic computer skills, the European Parliamentary Research Service has published a briefing that explores the challenges and opportunities facing education during the digital revolution.
At a time when more than half of EU citizens have low or no computer skills, the report identifies OERs and MOOCs as important resources to help maximise digital learning opportunities in the EU, highlighting the 450 plus courses currently tracked via Open Education Europa’s very own European MOOCs Scoreboard. CEDEFOP website. More...

7 avril 2014

La voie pro sur mobile

lesmetiers.netL'Onisep vient de lancer une application mobile qui devrait répondre à l'ensemble des interrogations des jeunes sur la voie professionnelle... et susciter quelques vocations !
La voie professionnelle propose un enseignement en relation avec le monde professionnel et ses métiers. Elle permet d'acquérir des connaissances, de compétences et de savoir-faire dans un domaine pro précis. Ainsi après la 3e ou suite à un 1er diplôme obtenu, vous pouvez préparer un CAP (certificat d'aptitude professionnelle), un bac professionnel puis un BTS (brevet de technicien supérieur). Voir l'article...

6 avril 2014

L’événement du numérique éducatif en Lorraine !

lorraine.euLa Lorraine fête le 16 avril les 10 ans d'existence de l’environnement numérique de travail (ENT) mis à la disposition de l’ensemble de ses lycéens, collégiens, apprentis, personnels d’éducation ainsi que des familles. Pour cet anniversaire, les utilisateurs sont invités le 16 avril à l’Abbaye des Prémontrés de Pont-à-Mousson, de 10h à 18h pour fêter l’aboutissement d’un appel à projet lancé il y a une décennie par le ministère de l’Éducation Nationale et la Caisse des dépôts et consignations. Un long travail qui permet aujourd’hui de faire profiter à l’ensemble des établissements publics, privés, agricoles et CFA lorrains du même environnement numérique de travail. Une façon de développer l’usage du numérique pour les collégiens, lycéens et apprentis mais aussi d’optimiser les services proposés par un environnement de travail partagé sur l’ensemble du territoire lorrain.

Pour les 10 ans de l’ENT lorrain, des démonstrations des usages pédagogiques de PLACE seront proposées au public ainsi que des expositions.

S’inscrire à la manifestation. Voir l'article...

6 avril 2014

Using Browser Profiles for Organization . Many of us have more than one email account these days. I have several, I’m afraid, though I don’t need to use all of them regularly (thankfully!). Still, there are three that I use on an almost daily basis: my personal account, my main work account, and the account of the office I currently direct. While I could use a desktop email client to manage my email (and I sometimes do, for backup purposes if nothing else), all three are GMail accounts. Since I also make extensive use of Google Calendar and Google Drive with all three, there are some advantages to working in a browser most of the time. More...

6 avril 2014

Microsoft Finally Introduces Office for iPad George Williams. After years of speculation from users, Microsoft has finally introduced a version of their Office suite of applications for the iPad. As their description on the product’s web page explains, you can
[v]iew, create, and edit Office documents on your iPad® with touch-friendly Word, Excel, and PowerPoint apps. In Word, add comments or track changes while you work together with others. Review and update Excel spreadsheets and add formulas or charts. Change PowerPoint presentations and project them wirelessly on a big screen.
There’s one thing that might be considered a catch, however: “Editing and creating documents with Office for iPad requires an eligible Office 365 subscription.” Without that subscription, you can only view files in the native apps. More...

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