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21 mars 2019

All Things in Modulation

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. All Things in Modulation
Carl Straumsheim, Inside Higher Ed, Aug 09, 2014
It's hard not to be a bit cynical about the University of Wisconsin's strategy to reduce MOOC dropouts by making courses more locally focused and a lot shorter. More...

21 mars 2019

From Open To Connected

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. From Open To Connected
Gardner Campbell, Gardner Writes, Aug 10, 2014
One of the points I've tried to make over the years is that open learning requires commented learning, and vice versa. That's why the drive to trivialize the 'open' in MOOC isn't just an accessibility problem, it's a pedagogical problem. Campbell writes, "we may well have missed the greater and more important aims that “open” strives toward. And while there’s no way to protect words from being twisted or co-opted, the phenomena of “openwashing” and the long long O in MOOC are troubling indicators that what initially seemed to be the language of openness may have fought shy of the question of what the openness was for. More...

20 mars 2019

Blogphilosophy: does #peace, pacifist education exist in #MOOC?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Blogphilosophy: does #peace, pacifist education exist in #MOOC?
Inge de Waard, Ignatia Webs, Aug 07, 2014
In the last week I have sadly deleted dozens of Facebook contacts, all of whom have in one way or another promoted the war effort of one or another side through the posting of graphic images, propaganda, or justifications. With Inge de Waard I ask, is there nobody who will promote peace. More...

20 mars 2019

Why MOOCs are only part of the answer for higher education

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Why MOOCs are only part of the answer for higher education
Tony Bates, online learning and distance education resources, 2014/12/01
For the record, I have never thought of Tony Bates as a critic of MOOCs, particularly, though he has certainly weighed in with his opinions on how they could be improved (which is what we would hope for and expect). here is a case in point. More...

15 mars 2019

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) Market to Grow at a 56.61% CAGR

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) Market to Grow at a 56.61% CAGR
Press Release, Sandler Research, Jul 17, 2014
I both agree and disagree with the prediction made in this report. I agree in the sense that the market for open online learning will continue to grow at a substantial speed. But I don't agree in the sense that the MOOC itself will most likely evolve, will most likely be branded as something other than a MOOC, and will most likely be seen as competition to traditional MOOCs and eating in to their growth. More...

15 mars 2019

Open and online but not a MOOC, GCU Games On – an alternative model for online engagement?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Open and online but not a MOOC, GCU Games On – an alternative model for online engagement?
Sheila McNeil, ALT Online Newsletter, Jul 17, 2014
As Sheila McNeil reports, "Glasgow Caledonian University have taken their first steps into the world of open online education this week with the launch of GCU Games On - a three-week, open online event." What's interesting about this item is that the open event was not created using the usual MOOC technology. More...

15 mars 2019

Will SOOCs eat MOOCs for breakfast?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Will SOOCs eat MOOCs for breakfast?
Unattributed, Pearson, Jul 16, 2014
You can almost hear the disbelief in Audrey Watters's voice as she says "wow" on reading this article from Pearson advocating a form of online learning that removes "unwanted diversity" from open online courses. Yes, you read that correctly, and it's not out of context. More...

15 mars 2019

Peer Assessment for Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Peer Assessment for Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
Hoi K. Suen, International Review of Research in Open, Distance Learning (IRRODL), Jul 14, 2014
This article examines the application of peer assessment in massive open online courses (MOOCs). More...

15 mars 2019

Bill Gates Talks Performance Funding and MOOCs in Conference Keynote

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Bill Gates Talks Performance Funding and MOOCs in Conference Keynote
Don Troop, Chronicle of Higher Education, Jul 23, 2014
Bill Gates talks about education and everyone listens (one of these days I'd like to go to Redmond to talk to MS face-to-face about these topics). Still, some good bits: like this: "My key message today is that that model will be under challenge. And so, instead of tuning it to find 3 percent here or 4 percent there, which has been the story in the past, there will be dramatic changes." See also IHE coverage. More...

15 mars 2019

La CNIL lance sa formation en ligne sur le RGPD ouverte à tous

Une nouvelle formation en ligne ouverte à tous (MOOC) intitulée « L’atelier RGPD » propose aux professionnels de découvrir ou mieux appréhender le RGPD.
Il permet ainsi d’initier une mise en conformité de leur organisme et d’aider à la sensibilisation des opérationnels.
Cet outil de formation gratuit est accessible à tous. Une fois son compte créé, l’utilisateur progresse à son rythme.
Une attestation de suivi sera délivrée dans le Mooc à tout participant ayant parcouru la totalité des contenus et ayant répondu correctement à 80 % des questions par module.

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