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30 avril 2019

Deux MOOC pour explorer science-fiction et culture vidéoludique !

Logo FUN Imaginer un avenir où la technologie rend possible les voyages interplanétaires ; modéliser une réalité alternative où le quotidien intègre des innovations sociologiques ou technologiques… la science-fiction et le jeu vidéo ont pour trait commun d’utiliser l’imaginaire comme point de départ. Un futur dystopique, une invasion extra-terrestre, un monde parallèle étrange : si le jeu vidéo a constamment puisé dans les ressorts propres à la science-fiction, cette dernière se nourrit des mondes créés pour le jeu vidéo. Plus...

30 avril 2019

MOOCFOLIO : le projet lauréat de solutions numériques pour l'orientation

Logo cap-métiersDans le cadre de l'appel à projet "Mooc et solutions numériques pour l'orientation vers les études supérieures" de l'action "Territoires d'innovation pédagogique" (PIA3 - 3e volet du Programme d'investissement d'avenir), 12 projets, dont MOOCFOLIO porté par FUN et intégrant 17 partenaires comme les universités ou l'Onisep, ont été sélectionnés.
Les lauréats se partageront une enveloppe de 5 millions d'euros et auront jusqu'à 24 mois pour développer leurs projets. Plus...

22 avril 2019

Online open education: yes, this is the game changer

The ConversationMass Open Online Courseware (MOOCs) is less than a year old but it is already clear this will be the game changer in higher education worldwide. Right now it is reverberating through Australian universities like a tectonic shock. More...
22 avril 2019

MOOCs will mean the death of universities? Not likely

The ConversationMOOCs, or Massive Open Online Courses, are gaining a lot of attention. Some commentators believe that these free internet-delivered courses are the future of university education. More...
22 avril 2019

How Australian universities can play in the MOOCs market

The ConversationUniversities with global reputations have been the first to establish themselves as big name players in the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) market. Their ventures, including Coursera, Udacity and edX, are all dominating this space with large numbers of students enrolled. More...
22 avril 2019

MOOC and you’re out of a job: uni business models in danger

The ConversationAt the moment, academics already use technology to create and host courses, usually through a Learning Management Systems (LMS). Unlike a MOOC which is offered by brand name universities for free online, the LMS is only accessible by university staff and students. Job promotions and university income depend on this course development, particularly through book publications later on. More...
22 avril 2019

Online learning glitch: MOOC flaws will be hard to resolve

The ConversationSuperficial opinion abounds, and nobody ever got famous for suggesting things were pretty much going to stay the same, but although the online education revolution will bring about fairly major changes in the way universities do things, they are not an existential threat. More...
22 avril 2019

Legal learning: how do MOOCs and copyright work?

The ConversationAnother university has jumped on the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) bandwagon this month, with the Australian National University joining up with Harvard venture edX. More...
22 avril 2019

The Aussie Coursera? A new homegrown MOOC platform arrives

The ConversationOpen Universities Australia, a private distance and online education organisation, has stepped into the world of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) with a new online platform called Open2Study. More...
22 avril 2019

Public good or playing markets? The real reason for MOOCs

The ConversationThe astonishing idealism and energy manifest in the advance of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) has taken the higher education world by storm. More...
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