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8 octobre 2013

Les six défis des MOOCs Benjamin Keller. Apprendre la programmation informatique, la mécanique quantique et la mythologie grecque en suivant des cours du MIT ou des universités Stanford et Harvard? C’est désormais possible pour tout le monde grâce aux MOOCs, ou «Massive Open Online Courses». Ces cours en ligne ouverts et gratuits attirent des millions d’étudiants, suscitent des attentes énormes et provoquent un vaste questionnement sur les nouvelles formes de l’enseignement supérieur. Célébrés comme une révolution, ils devront surmonter plusieurs défis pour confirmer leur statut. Suite...

8 octobre 2013

Aplicación Open Source para creación y gestión de cursos Mooc e imparte
Wemooc pone a tu disposición una potente herramienta para la creación y edición de cursos en modalidad mooc con roles específicos para diferentes perfiles: creador de cursos, editor, profesor, validador.
Gracias a sus diferentes módulos escalables, wemooc ofrece: una herramienta para la creación de estructura de curso y carga de contenidos y módulos de seguimiento para que puedas conocer la evolución de los estudiantes y a partir de datos orientados a ayudarte en la identificación de mejoras posibles en los cursos para favorecer el aprendizaje social.
Aprende y comparte
Wemooc incorpora diferentes herramientas colaborativas como Foros, Q&A, Wiki, Blog, que podrán ser utilizadas en función del diseño de cada curso, para promover el aprendizaje social y colaborativo.
Se incluyen diferentes sistemas motivadores con una clara orientación a favorecer la reputación digital e identidad social, mediante niveles de Karma y Badges que permiten gamificar los logros adquiridos en la plataforma.

8 octobre 2013

openHPI MOOC: Free, Open Online Course on Business Process Modeling latest free, open online course at the German Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) provides participants with an in-depth understanding of business process modeling. The course, starting October 28th on the interactive Internet educational platform, will be taught by Prof. Mathias Weske, who heads the HPI research group Business Process Technology. In the six-week online course, domain experts, business administration experts, IT professionals and students alike will learn that business processes can only be successfully implemented when there is a common understanding of the workflow process involved. Online registration for the course, which is taught in English, is already open at: More...

8 octobre 2013

Learning by Giving Foundation Announces Results of World's First MOOC on Effective Charitable Giving the Learning by Giving Foundation announced it has awarded $130,000 to 40 nonprofit organizations nominated, assessed, and voted on by students in Giving With Purpose, the world's first massive open online course or MOOC on effective charitable giving.
"We are thrilled to recognize the work of these organizations," said Alex Buffett Rozek, Chairman of the Learning by Giving Foundation. "Thousands of students in all 50 states and 111 countries participated in the MOOC. Their commitment to becoming effective givers enabled us to identify outstanding nonprofit organizations in communities across the nation." More...

8 octobre 2013

MOOC'in: Learning Beyond Letter Grades Sheryl Grant. Why do so many schools use letter grades? Where did they come from? What do they tell us and fail to tell us about the learners? What is the relationship between letter grades, student learning, and assessment?
Those are a few of the questions Bernard Bull and others will be exploring in a 6-week MOOC on Learning Beyond Letter Grades that kicks off this week. With a syllabus that focuses on the benefits and limits of different kinds of assessment, it's no surprise that the course includes a badge system. With all the research and work I've done around badges, I haven't been a learner in a badged course, so I'm looking forward to the experience and chatting with others about it. Read more...

7 octobre 2013

L'université française passe de l'amphi aux cours en ligne . C'était une première. L'an dernier, une trentaine d'élèves ingénieurs de l'école Centrale Nantes et de Télécom Bretagne assistent à un cours sur l'acquisition des connaissances sur le Web. Un petit groupe. En réalité, ils sont beaucoup plus. Le cours est accessible aux internautes du monde entier : 1 300 étudiants, de Madagascar au Canada en passant par la Martinique, suivent l'exposé grâce à Internet...
Nés aux Etats-Unis, les cours en ligne ouverts et massifs ("MOOC" en anglais ou "CLOM" en français) débarquent en France. Il s'agit de cours dispensés gratuitement sur Internet par les meilleurs établissements et mis à la disposition de toute personne qui veut apprendre à travers le monde. Aujourd'hui, n'importe quel étudiant peut s'inscrire à l'un des nombreux MOOC de Harvard, Stanford ou du MIT. Demain, ce sera de Polytechnique, de la Sorbonne... Geneviève Fioraso, la ministre de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, devait lancer, mercredi 2 octobre, France université numérique (FUN). Voir l'article entier...

6 octobre 2013

Will MOOCs help you open career doors? Scott Kirsner. We’re living through an incredible moment in the history of learning. Suddenly, anyone with an Internet connection can take courses, for free, from some of the world’s top universities. On sites like Coursera, edX, and Khan Academy, you can learn how to run a clinical trial that will satisfy the Food and Drug Administration, study aircraft design, or dive into the basics of environmental law. More...

6 octobre 2013

Welcome to The High Speed Vedic Math MOOC for All . Vedic Maths Forum India, in association with WizIQ, presents India’s first MOOC on Vedic Mathematics. The course will give the learners access to Live Classes,Videos,Notes, Tests and Online Tests.
The MOOC is being instructed by Gaurav Tekriwal, the Founder and President of Vedic Math Forum India, noted educator and a TEDx speaker. He has introduced the concept of Vedic Maths to many prestigious universities and institutions the world over. Solving number problems is so much easier when you do it the ‘Vedic-Math’ way. Watch this TEDx video by Gaurav Tekriwal and be intrigued by the magic of fast-way mathematics. More...

6 octobre 2013

Vive la Révolution MOOC Steve Kolowich. France is encouraging its universities to build massive open online courses—in French, naturally—with edX’s open-source platform, the nonprofit organization announced on Thursday. The move is part of a push by France’s Ministry of Higher Education and Research to increase the country’s online offerings. This year the ministry opened a “digital university,” called France Université Numerique, which it hopes will serve as an online clearinghouse for MOOCs offered by various French universities. The first courses will begin early next year. Read more...

5 octobre 2013

MOOCs take off in Rwanda: Accreditation, sustainability and quality issues am happy to be back to blogosphere, after months of silence, and excited to see that MOOCs are now taking off in Rwanda. I have been following closely the MOOC initiative by Generation Rwanda and its Kepler initiative (Leber 2013, Bartholet 2013 and O’Neil 2013). These articles received many comment, but I would like to add my contribution as a Rwandan, and a MOOC researcher. For those who have not yet come across my profile, I am researching Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and Open Educational Resources (OER) for Widening Participation in Rwandan Higher Education. My research interest is not accidental. It was inspired by learning experience, face-to-face, on radio and online. A bit of my educational background is covered in my earlier blog entry. My professional profile can be found here. This blog post is the first of several entries written as response to issues raised by O’Neil’s article and the comments it triggered. It addresses accreditation, sustainability and quality of conventional higher education in Rwanda. More...

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