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26 janvier 2014

2014, l’année des MOOCs ?

Logo DoctrixBlog Educpros Doctrix. En ce début d’année 2014 et alors que les universités traversent des périodes budgétaires délicates, la ministre de l’ESR poursuit sur la lancée MOOC.
Après les Etats-Unis (Coursera, edX et Udacity), la Chine (XuetangX), le Royaume-Uni (Futurelearn), l’Espagne (Miriadax) et l’Australie (Open2Study), la première vague française a commencé et le ministre met en avant ses chiffres prometteurs :

  • 88 000 utilisateurs inscrits à un MOOC au 10/01/14

  • 1 600 000 pages vues sur la plateforme FUN

  • Des inscrits qui se trouvent majoritairement en France (86% des inscrits se trouvent en France, 7% en Afrique et 5% sur le continent américain.)

On est tout de même assez loin des chiffres américains :1,7 millions d’inscrits pour le leader du marché Coursera, crée en avril 2012. More...

26 janvier 2014

MOOCs : difficile d’être performant sans une tradition de e-learning Educpros de Gilbert Azoulay. Le groupe Edhec a depuis longtemps inscrit le e-learning dans sa politique de développement. Bernard Curzi qui en a la charge au sein de cette grande école de commerce nous fait part de son analyse à la lueur des programmes 100% distantiels mis en place depuis déjà longtemps, notamment pour les sportifs.
Vous proposez une filière 100% à distance pour les sportifs de haut niveau. Avec le recul, comment cela fonctionne ?
Plutôt bien, même si la qualité du présentiel ne peut être remise en cause. Mais pour les populations comme les sportifs de haut niveau, les handicapés, les expatriés… c’est une excellente solution. Seule contrainte : organiser les examens sur des campus référencés. Il existe bien des solutions d’examens à distance, mais ce qui est en jeu c’est la reconnaissance de l’évaluation et sa légitimité. Rien ne garantit la validité de l’examen… Ce qui pose un sérieux problème quand il s’agit d’un diplôme d’Etat ou d’une certification d’entreprise. La procédure de contrôle ne peut se faire qu’en mode présentiel. J’estime que 60 à 70% des évaluations doivent se faire comme cela, le contrôle continu à distance représentant le reste. Suite de l'article...
26 janvier 2014

MOOC à la française : ça commence Educpros de Matthieu Cisel. La semaine dernière, la France franchissait une nouvelle étape dans la course mondiale aux MOOC. La plate-forme France Université Numérique ouvrait ses premiers cours jeudi. Sciences Po, le CNAM, universités parisiennes ou bordelaises. Il y en a pour tous les goûts. Dans la foulée la Ministre Mme Fioraso annonçait 8 millions supplémentaires pour le développement des cours en ligne. Quelques retours à chaud sur une semaine riche en événements. Suite de l'article...
26 janvier 2014

5 slide decks on #mLearning #MOOC and #Future for download

Inge Ignatia de WaardBy Inge Ignatia de Waard. Just got a boost from Slideshare! As I was sleepingly looking at my slideshare account (I go there sometimes, procrastination, I admit), I found that the content I uploaded was within the top 1% of most viewed content. That was quite a surprise. Fun.
Intro to durable and scalable mobile learning - 11.900 views, 73 downloads
MOOC benefits for international learners - 6700 views, 110 downloads
The future (of learning) will be telepathic and telekinetic - 3800 views, 57 downloads
Planning an mobile learning project - 4400 views, 46 downloads
Plan your own MOOC from OEB2013 - 4200 views, 29 downloads (this one is my latest slide deck). More...

26 janvier 2014

Penn State MOOC strives for sustainability

Penn StateBy Katie Jacobs. Latest MOOC, led by Richard Alley, will focus on the science of alternative energy sources. Whether people admit it or not, the way the world uses energy is unsustainable: Energy demand keeps going up as fossil fuel reserves go down, and science is racing to find an answer. Penn State’s latest MOOC — Energy, the Environment and Our Future — is exploring some of the proposed solutions by delving into the science behind energy alternatives such as solar and wind power. Instructing the course, which began Jan. 6 and will run through March 3, is Richard Alley, a Penn State researcher and professor well known for his research on ice cores and what they can tell us about how climate has changed in the past. The MOOC will expand on material covered in a PBS series Alley hosted in 2011 called "Earth: The Operators’ Manual." Seth Blumsack, an associate professor of energy policy at Penn State, will also be contributing to instructing the course. More...

26 janvier 2014

Is it Possible to Go from MOOC to Community? Some Guidelines in the Making Cathy Davidson. At 10 am EST on Monday January 27, some 14,000 participants will become part of our "meta MOOC" on "The History and Future of (Mostly) Higher Education."  One of their first participatory assignments will be to edit the DRAFT document below.   The students in ISIS 640 started with the peer-generated document designed for classroom engagement in a peer-to-peer physical setting that is in Twenty-First-Century Literacies   and, collectively, using a Google Doc, edited it to this stage for a massive virtual community. More...

26 janvier 2014

Newest edX Member is Dartmouth Lawrence Biemiller. Dartmouth College said on Thursday that it had joined edX, the massive open online course provider established by Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dartmouth will offer its first MOOC this fall, and three more are planned, but the university did not say in what disciplines. At a meeting in November, members of the nonprofit edX consortium discussed a possible expansion of the group, in part because it is currently too small to offer as many courses as there appears to be demand for. Including Dartmouth, the consortium has 31 members. More...

26 janvier 2014

Completion Rates Aren’t the Best Way to Judge MOOCs, Researchers Say Steve Kolowich. When it comes to measuring the success of an education program, the bottom line is often the completion rate. How many students are finishing their studies and walking away with a credential?
But that is not the right way to judge massive open online courses, according to researchers at Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “Course certification rates are misleading and counterproductive indicators of the impact and potential of open online courses,” write the researchers in the first of a series of working papers on MOOCs offered by the two universities. (The Harvard papers can be found here, the MIT papers here). Read more...

26 janvier 2014

Regent U. Creates a Christian MOOC Lawrence Biemiller. Regent University unveiled a Christian massive open online course platform called Luxvera on Thursday, but the initial offerings are limited to three courses asking “Who Is Jesus?” and a series of “great talks” by conservative figures connected to the university, including Pat Robertson, the university’s chancellor and the founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network. In a statement announcing MOOC platform, the university said that in the future it “plans to confer actual college credit at the university as a paid option.” It also plans to offer degree programs through the platform. More...

26 janvier 2014

Alexander the MOOC

By Guy MacLean Rogers. 2013 was undoubtedly the year of the MOOC. My year of the MOOC however was way back in 1999. In that year the Global Education Network (GEN) in New York City chose my Wellesley College history course about Alexander the Great to be their first online course. I subsequently spent many weeks high up in Carnegie Towers on West 57st Street in mid-town Manhattan filming lecture modules, designing inter-active battle sequences, and writing computer-graded exams. It was a fantastic experience. Read more...

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