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31 août 2016

Can technology recreate the studying abroad experience?

eCampus NewsBy Jeremy Cunningham. I recently led a study abroad trip to England.  My students and I watched live accounts of the historic Brexit take place as well as the only slightly less historic football upset of England. More...

29 août 2016

Paths to partnerships, mobility and brain circulation

By Karen MacGregor. Understanding that strong academics are key to improving the quality and relevance of higher education, in 2002 Pakistan embarked on a massive faculty development initiative that awarded over 10,000 international and even more local scholarships. More...
29 août 2016

Smaller colleges fuel social mobility

University Business LogoBy Jeffrey R. Docking. Sometimes, well-known propositions lead to predictable conclusions. But not always. Occasionally, they lead to surprises—and even busted myths. Here’s one: Wealthy, private institutions willing to invest large endowments in financial aid for poorer students do the best job of expanding access to higher education. More...

27 août 2016

Obstacles to social mobility in Britain date back to the Victorian education system

The ConversationBy . Despite the growing number of young people attending university, comparatively few disadvantaged students are accepted into Britain’s most prestigious institutions. Many of the most selective universities have missed recent targets to improve access, as the least privileged students remain more than eight times less likely to gain places than their peers from the most prosperous backgrounds. More...

26 août 2016

Education opportunities are booming across the pond

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Alice P. Gast. In the fast-paced competitive world of high-tech and intensifying globalization, a great opportunity awaits students willing to study abroad. Last year, the number of international students coming to Texas rose by 18 percent. Yet, only 1 in 10 U.S. undergraduate students undertake study at a foreign university. When they do study abroad, 62 percent of them take a short-term stay of a summer or up to eight weeks. More...

26 août 2016

Studying abroad can be complicated and expensive, say Dutch students

Résultat de recherche d'images pour " logo"Dutch students who want to study abroad often find it too complicated or expensive or their courses don’t allow it, according to research by the two big student organisations
Read more at Studying abroad can be complicated and expensive, say Dutch students. More...

25 août 2016

China: united front bureau to focus on overseas returnees

By Sara Custer. China has recently announced a new bureau to its United Front Work Department that will focus on ensuring students who have returned from overseas study align with party doctrine. More...

25 août 2016

QS IMPACT awards recognise staff, student mobility

By Sara Custer. A student from the University of Strathclyde in Scotland has been awarded the QS Unisolutions 2016 IMPACT Award for Best Student Mobility Experience for his work on a project to create sustainable energy sources in Gambia. More...

23 août 2016

Study abroad benefits UK peers and institutions

By Brendan O’Malley. After study abroad, United Kingdom students gain confidence, develop communication skills and seek to share experience with their peers, according to new research from the British Council. Read more...

23 août 2016

Etude de l’APEC sur la mobilité intersectorielle’APEC a publié, en juillet 2016, une étude dans laquelle elle aborde des mobilités intersectorielles vers l’aéronautique.
Consulter l'étude. Voir l'article...

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