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11 mars 2019

Resisting the Marketisation of Learning

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Resisting the Marketisation of Learning
Rob Watson, Rob Watson Media, April 2, 2013
It's interesting. One of the predicted side-effects of treating education as a business was that the business would focus more on the customer. Though this sounds good in practice, in fact what has happened is that the new business-like education would determine that students don't have enough money, and that henceforth the customer would be the ultimate 'consumers' of the educational 'product', business and industry. More...

8 mars 2019

Laguiole a retrouvé l'usage de son nom

Alternatives EconomiquesSur le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiques. On peut espérer que la décision de la Cour d'appel de Paris mettra, enfin, fin à la pratique d'un aigrefin, qui, profitant de faiblesses du droit, vendait à son seul profit le nom de Laguiole, au détriment de cette commune de l'Aveyron et de ses habitants. Plus...

7 mars 2019

Après Cocagne, Fleurs de Cocagne, Table de Cocagne ... Vigne de Cocagne

Alternatives EconomiquesSur le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiquesC'est maintenant le premier vignoble d’insertion en France qui est porté par la SCIC Vigne de Cocagne, au Domaine de Mirabeau, à Fabrègues, dans l'Hérault. Plus...

7 mars 2019

The “Marketization” Critique

By Alex Usher. If you pay attention to the train wreck that is higher education policy in the UK, you will no doubt quickly come across claims that “marketization” is to blame.  Skyrocketing vice-chancellor’s (i.e. President’s) salaries?  Marketization at work.  Student Mental Health pressure?  Also marketization. More...

3 mars 2019

Does 'The End of Advertising' Matter to Higher Ed?

By Joshua Kim. This Sunday most of us will park ourselves in front of a TV to watch the Super Bowl. For many of us, this will be the only time of the year when we sit through the advertising. At $5.3 million for each thirty-second spot, we can at least hope that the commercials will not suck. More...

3 mars 2019

Being a Better Client’ll never hear a decent, self-respecting consultant or agency readily admit that higher education clients can be uniquely challenging. More...

24 février 2019

How to use chatbots as part of your marketing strategy

Techno-News Blog Chatbots have been a pretty big industry buzzword for a few years now. To recap, a chatbot is any computer program that can carry on conversation with humans in a natural, fluid way. More...

31 janvier 2019

Parents overlooked in social marketing

By Anton Crace. Educators and recruiters have been encouraged to diversify their social media marketing and tailor campaigns to the parents of prospective students during a session in the lead up to March’s Asia Pacific Association of International Education conference in Singapore. More...

30 janvier 2019

Une marque perso ? Artiste, journaliste, créateur de contenus… personne n’y échappe !

The ConversationVoici le deuxième article de la série sur le « personal branding », si vous n’avez pas lu le premier, c’est ici. Plus...
8 janvier 2019

Comment réaliser une vidéo explicative pour votre marque employeur

Focus RH - Gestion de carrière et évolution professionnellePar Caroline Vincelet. En surfant sur le web, vous avez vu de nombreuses vidéos marque employeur, et vous rêvez d’avoir ce genre de communication pour booster vos recrutements. Et si cette année c’était à votre tour de conduire un tel projet ? Conseils pratiques. Plus...

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