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21 octobre 2013

Ice Breaker Herman Berliner. There are many situations where as an administrator or as a not-for-profit board member it is necessary to engage strangers or almost strangers in conversations for the good of the organization.  Often these conversations go well but first there is that awkward introductory phase. I am sure there are many good alternatives but I have one that may be a guaranteed success.  A cute dog is a great ice breaker. The latest personal example of the effectiveness of a cute dog was yesterday’s homecoming parade at my local school district.  As a board of education member, I march in the parade, which I enjoy doing, but there are always a significant number of parents and students who I don’t know. Read more...

21 octobre 2013

'Piloting Ourselves to Death' Matt Reed. It’s no secret that I’ve been a fan of Kay McClenney for a long time. She puts together brilliant panels, encapsulates the obvious in useful and valuable ways (“students don’t do optional”), and bases her findings on wide-ranging empirical research. She even wrote the introduction to my book, which I considered a genuine honor. That said, a quote of hers last week landed funny and deserves a response. In an article about the gap between what community colleges know they should do, and what they have done, McClenney notes that colleges are “piloting ourselves to death” and need to focus on scaling up. Read more...

20 octobre 2013

RWTH Aachen University symposium on staff development in academia’s Secretary General Lesley Wilson earlier this month took part in a symposium on staff development in academia organised by RWTH Aachen University in Germany. The event brought together different stakeholders from across Germany to discuss different elements and challenges of human resources (HR) management in universities.
Lesley Wilson was asked to provide a European perspective on the topic – and in her presentation stressed that human resource development at all levels was a crucial issue not only for universities in Germany but also across Europe and worldwide, as institutions seek to attract talented staff and students. She underlined that one of the important aspects for universities to compete in a global higher education environment, was that they should have the autonomy to decide freely on issues related to human resources management, including recruitment, salaries, dismissals and promotions. EUA’s autonomy scorecard study had shown that there are still wide divergences across Europe in terms of staffing autonomy, she added, and that this does not always make it easy, for example, to promote mobility or recruit staff from other countries. More...

13 octobre 2013

Manager contra Moderator Marion Schmidt. Wolfgang Herrmann und Bernd Huber führen in München die erfolgreichsten deutschen Universitäten – jeder auf sehr eigene Weise.
Die Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in München gehört mit beinahe 50.000 Studenten zu den größten Hochschulen Deutschlands. Ihr steinernes Herz sind die prachtvollen Bauten im historischen Rundbogenstil an der Ludwigstraße, wo Sophie Scholl 1943 die Flugblätter der Weißen Rose in den Lichthof segeln ließ. Von den Treppenaufgängen blicken antike Geistesgrößen und königliche Herrscher auf die Eintretenden herab. Doch der Präsident dieser Universität, Bernd Huber, sitzt anderswo. Er ist in einem schmucklosen, dunklen Gebäude aus den siebziger Jahren untergebracht. Dort werden Personalkarten noch in einer alten Stechuhr abgestempelt. Im vierten Stock lässt sich Huber in einen abgewetzten Ledersessel fallen, den er von seinem Vorvorgänger geerbt hat, und zündet sich eine Marlboro an. "Ich bin ein uneitler Mensch", sagt er und bläst den Rauch aus. "Mir sind Äußerlichkeiten nicht wichtig." Mehr...
1 septembre 2013

Institutional Management in Higher Education (IMHE)

 The Programme on Institutional Management in Higher Education (IMHE) is a membership-based forum. IMHE focuses on a wide range of cross-cutting issues. Activities include reviews of higher education in regional and city development, the assessment of higher education learning outcomes, as well as studies on quality teaching. in higher education and the management of internationalisation. The link address is:

27 juillet 2013

Et si on parlait des managers irresponsables ? Educpros d'Isabelle Barth. La responsabilité sociétale des organisations (RSO) est sans conteste le nouveau paradigme du management en ce début de XXIe siècle. Cette aspiration à une entreprise plus responsable dans les domaines de l’économie, de l’environnement et du social se décline au sein des équipes avec la promotion d’un “management responsable”. Des managers qui exercent leurs fonctions de façon éthique, respectueuse de l’environnement, et qui sont capables de gérer la diversité de leurs équipes.
Cette évolution des attentes envers les entreprises impacte évidemment les écoles de commerce, qui forment les managers de demain. Or si la définition du management responsable semble simple, sa mise en œuvre est plus complexe. Suite de l'article... Dienoraštis Educpros Isabelle Barth. Įmonių socialinė atsakomybė (SAR) yra neabejotinai nauja paradigma valdymo prie dvidešimt pirmojo amžiaus pradžioje. Daugiau...

2 juin 2013

New way to run universities Bruce Spencer. Athabasca U staff look at shifting from corporate-style management. The cut of more than seven per cent in public funding for post-secondary institutions that were expecting a two-per-cent increase has created a crisis for Alberta's university and college sector. This new cut in funding, alongside mandate letters that emphasize post-secondary education as essentially preparation for work and university research in the service of business, is all in line with global trends that threaten university independence. Is it possible for universities to survive in this environment or will we be left with only the largest privately funded universities? Read more...

20 avril 2013

Invest in Your Staff—It Can Pay Off Ed Trombley. For the past several years, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University has partnered with the University of Central Florida to offer the Leadership Enhancement Program to populations that are underrepresented within the university management structure, specifically women and minority faculty and staff members. Operated under the supervision of each university’s Office of Diversity Initiatives, the stated goals of the program are to enable participants to gain career enhancing skills and experiences to become successful leaders. The program is tailored to meet the individual needs and career goals of participants, and to empower them and help them develop a sense of who they are. Read more...

13 mars 2013

Quel est l’état d’esprit des managers français? est l’état d’esprit des managers français? CSP Formation et Manageris dévoilent les résultats du premier baromètre des managers.
Troisième organisme de formation professionnelle en France, CSP Formation effectue une veille constante des pratiques en entreprise afin d’accompagner les managers dans leur quotidien et le développement de leurs compétences. En partenariat avec Manageris, CSP Formation a réalisé un « baromètre des managers » dont l’objectif est de comprendre la place et l’état d’esprit des managers au sein de l’entreprise aujourd’hui.
Réalisé en octobre 2012 auprès de 209 managers (dont 58,4% de managers de proximité, 23% de managers de managers, 11,5% de dirigeants et 7,2% d’autres profils), le baromètre des managers révèle tout d’abord des informations sur le rôle, l’état d’esprit et les motivations des gestionnaires d’aujourd’hui. D’autre part, l’enquête met en exergue le positionnement des managers vis-à-vis des directions et de leurs équipes, ainsi que leurs besoins pour réussir leurs défis.
Contre toute attente, un état d’esprit positif et des responsabilités jugées motivantes

Malgré la période de crise et d’incertitude qu’ils traversent, les managers français sont positifs! En effet, pour qualifier en un mot leur état d’esprit, 39% des répondants se disent « enthousiastes »; près de 20% « sereins » et plus de 11% « épanouis ». Ces 70% de managers contrebalancent largement ceux qui se disent « réservés » (9,5%), « désabusés » (8,5%), « stressés » (8%) ou « inquiets » (4%). Voir le Communiqué de presse en format PDF. é an giúmar bainisteoirí na Fraince? CSP Oiliúna Manageris nochtadh ar thorthaí chéad suirbhé na mbainisteoirí. Níos mó...
3 février 2013

Bridging the Divide Between Study-Abroad Officers and the Faculty following is a guest post from Mandy Reinig, director of international education at St. Mary’s College of Maryland. Last year I wrote a blog post that explored common misconceptions of what study-abroad administrators do. In a sense, it was an opportunity for us to tell faculty members, hey, we’re not glorified travel agents.
Now I want to turn the tables and give the professors their say. I have asked a few to give me their perspective on some of the misconceptions study-abroad officials have about professors’ work. A few study-abroad colleagues also weighed in with what they see as frequent misunderstandings. Those who responded represent a  variety of disciplines as well as institutions. The instructors who responded have been involved with international education in some capacity, whether in directing a program or simply encouraging students to study abroad. Read more...
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