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19 avril 2014

Listening to the Wrong People

HomeBy Tara M. Samuels. Over the past 14 years, I have served as the chief academic officer of undergraduate colleges, all in small to midsized private institutions. The job was pretty much the same in all four institutions in which I served, despite the fact that the titles varied wildly. In two of the four cases, the job did not resemble at all what I thought I had applied for — the dean was little more than an assistant to the provost, with limited decision-making authority. Read more...

14 avril 2014

Le Management réticulaire

Blog Educpros de Bruno Dufour. Les organigrammes ne reflètent pas la vie quotidienne des entreprises. Le fonctionnement réel s’apparente plus à  des fonctionnements tribaux ou claniques et de ce fait les managers ont du mal à s’y retrouver. Les coûts de transactions inter silos organisationnels augmentent. Le management interstitiel et réticulaire apporte une réponse pragmatique et quelques modalités de fonctionnement. Suite...

12 avril 2014

CEEMAN: ‘International Management Teachers Academy’, Bled, Slovenia (8-20 June 2014)

LogoCEEMAN, an international management development association, is organising its “International Management Teachers Academy” in Bled, Slovenia, from 8 to 20 June 2014.
The programme targets management educators and looks to provide an “opportunity for young faculty to develop their curricula, course design, teaching materials and particularly teaching skills and methods”.
For more information about the programme, please see the CEEMAN website. More...

5 avril 2014

The Desks Have Ears Matt Reed. Last week the Chronicle featured a story about an uproar at the University of Wisconsin at Whitewater about a video recording that a student had made surreptitiously of a guest lecturer.  The video apparently showed the lecturer making some inflammatory statements about Republicans; it was picked up by Fox News, and the rest is predictable. Read more...

5 avril 2014

Pilots Matt Reed. Wise and worldly readers, how much time -- and how many attempts -- do you allow a “pilot” course or project before deciding whether to keep it?
As finances get tighter and political pressures stronger, I’m seeing less patience for waiting for the results from pilots to come in. The meaning of the word is changing. Read more...

5 avril 2014

'Managing the Unthinkable'

HomeBy Andrea Watson. A devastating tornado touches down, claiming the lives of six university students and affecting more than 1,200 without homes. A plane crash kills a team and its coaches. A night of fun goes drastically wrong when a bonfire suddenly collapses, killing 12 students. Campuses experience almost every crisis imaginable, from natural disasters to sexual harassment allegations and shootings. Being prepared for each one isn’t always possible, which is why Managing the Unthinkable: Crisis Preparation and Response for Campus Leaders (Stylus) discusses how campus leaders can effectively deal with situations of all sorts. Read more...
9 mars 2014

Presidential Decree to End Nasty Emails

By Steven Bahls. If my 23 years as a senior administrator in higher education has taught me anything, it’s this: to be a leader on a college campus, whether as president, faculty chair, dean or director, is to be a magnet for nasty emails, angry letters, vitriolic blog posts and acerbic face-to-face interactions. Some are one-line zingers, others are exhaustive diatribes. Some are mildly amusing, and others are somewhat disturbing. So, today, I decided I would address this problem with a Presidential Decree: Henceforth, I will receive no more nasty emails. This decree covers all condescending letters, nasty blog posts and unsavory editorials. You heard me correctly: they are herewith and forever after banished. Read more...

8 mars 2014

6 tips for getting buy-in in a decentralised institution Laura Montgomery. Whether you work in an international office, a marketing and recruitment office, or another central administrative division, you are probably familiar with the challenges of getting things done in an inherently decentralised university environment. Getting agendas and opinions in alignment across offices or departments can seem impossible. While there may not be a one-size-fits-all solution, a few simple practices can go a long way in getting buy-in from outside your core team. More...

2 mars 2014

Ready or Not

HomeBy Allie Grasgreen. If provosts could grade themselves on how well they’re preparing students for success in the work force, they’d give themselves an A+. They did, sort of, in Inside Higher Ed's 2014 survey of chief academic officers. Ninety-six percent said they were doing a good job – but they may have been grading on a curve. Read more...
9 février 2014

As Data Proliferate, So Do Data-Related Graduate Programs

subscribe todayBy Megan O'Neil. Blackboard Inc., whose learning-management system is used by more than two-fifths of nonprofit colleges in the United States, said on Wednesday that it would acquire the student-centric web platform MyEdu.
Jay Bhatt, Blackboard’s chief executive, declined to disclose the purchase price. He described the acquisition as “small” compared with others that Blackboard has made in the past several years, but “extremely strategic.” Read more...

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