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Formation Continue du Supérieur
18 février 2014

L’anglais encore en tête des formations les plus demandées en 2013 Marion Senant - © Kelformation. Anglais, informatique et développement perso… tel est le trio gagnant des formations professionnelles les plus demandées en France. D’après le 6ème baromètre de la formation réalisé par Place de la Formation, ces trois thématiques conservent leur place : les salariés veulent travailler leur employabilité dans ces temps de crise.
L’anglais, sésame de l’emploi ? Si le niveau moyen des Français ne décolle pas, leur volonté d’apprendre l’anglais, elle, ne se dément pas ! En 2013, les formations en langues représentent une demande de formation sur deux dans le cadre du DIF et une sur trois dans le cadre des plans de formation des entreprises. Et parmi ces demandes de formation linguistiques… l’anglais est ultra-majoritaire (80%). Suite...

17 février 2014

Politeness in Refereeing Favor Requests Geoffrey Pullum. Early one weekday morning you are at work in your study when the front doorbell interrupts you. On the doorstep you find a total stranger who hands you two dog leashes, a small container of kibble, and some keys. He states brusquely that you’ll need these later. You stare blankly as he walks away. Read more...
17 février 2014

English for Everyone Rose Jacobs. When I was working as a reporter in London, I witnessed one of those “two countries separated by a common language” moments one soggy spring morning in 2012. A Boeing executive visiting from Seattle had made time ahead of a press conference to chat with the journalists in attendance, and we were all eager to forge the sort of personal connection that can lead to future scoops. The executive gamely opened the small talk with a comment about the weather. “Oh yes,” laughed one of my colleagues. Read more...
17 février 2014

The Lesser Kudos William Germano. Kudos: the Greek word κδος means, according to the OED, “praise or renown,”  implying  that the person who possesses that quality has done something to merit it. On the rare occasion when I have to say it out loud, I find myself taking pains to pronounce the second syllable so that it rhymes not with nose but with MS-DOS. That reference gives you an idea how long it’s been since I’ve said it aloud. Read more...
17 février 2014

Dry Spell Allan Metcalf. The other afternoon I was surprised by a phone call from a concerned citizen who identified himself as Eugene Segar of Detroit, 83 years old. He wanted to talk about reforming English spelling to make it more accessible to students and second-language learners. His message wasn’t what surprised me. The ineluctable complexity of English spelling has been evoking calls for reform for centuries. No, it was rather the realization that in two and a half years of Lingua Franca posts, more than 600 of them, I don’t remember anybody who has touched on the subject. Read more...
16 février 2014

What is your experience of OER and less used languages?

International Council for Open and Distance EducationICDE and partners in LangOER, a 3-year network project supported by the EU Lifelong Learning Programme, are looking for your input on the role of Open Educational Resources and Open Educational Practices in less used languages.
How can less used languages, including regional and minority languages benefit from Open Educational Practices (OEP)? How can Open Educational Resources (OER) foster linguistic and cultural diversity in Europe? What policies are favourable to the uptake of quality OER in less used language communities? Answers to these questions will be sought through LangOER, a 3-year network project supported by the EU Lifelong Learning Programme. To aid in this, you are asked to contribute by answering five very short questions on your experience of OER and less used languages. More...

16 février 2014

ICC Annual Conference: language, learning and the brain

The International Language Association (ICC) is holding on 26-27 April its Annual Conference on “Language, learning and the brain” in Mainz, Germany.The event will mainly focus on lessons learned from neurosciences and neurolinguistics for language learning and teaching, while the 2012 Commission’s Communication on “Rethinking Education” has shed a new light on the importance of language learning across the EU. The Conference will also allow for many networking opportunities through various interactive workshops and a marketplace. See the draft programme and register here!

15 février 2014

New Trends in Language Didactics

European Commission logoNew Trends in Language Didactics is an international conference that will take place at ”Babe-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, on 9-10 May 2014.
New Trends in Language Didactics is an international conference that will take place at ”Babe-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, on 9-10 May 2014. It aims to bring together specialists in various areas of language acquisition and the pedagogy for language learning. It seeks to offer a congenial forum for language professionals, researchers, research groups and institutions involved with language learning, to exchange their views on the latest advancements in the field. The official languages of the conference are: English, French, Italian, Romanian and Spanish.
The conference is organised around the following main areas of enquiry:

  • Language for specific purposes (LSPs)
  • Computer assisted language learning
  • Audiovisuals and language learning enhancement
  • Translation and language learning

Thematic areas

Presentations should reflect on the developments of the fast changing language acquisition environment with specific emphasis on the following thematic areas:

  • Language learning and cultural mediation
  • E-learning and M-learning
  • Video game localisation and language learning
  • Subtitling and the role of audiovisual translation in language learning
  • Language for specific purposes
  • Social networks & language learning
  • Copyright issues in language learning
  • New trends in foreign language learning
  • Training the trainers: working with foreign language instructors
  • Quality and innovation in the teaching of Romanian as a foreign language.

Please send your proposal in .doc format by e-mail to with the following accompanying information:

  • Name of the author(s), affiliation and contact information
  • Abstract and title (250-350 words in the language of the presentation)
  • Line of research of the presentation (see above main areas of enquiry)

Deadline for submission: 25th February 2014.

More information is available on the official conference website

15 février 2014

Cérémonie de remise des labels européens des langues 2013

Logo AgenceCérémonie de remise des labels européens des langues 2013 - Intervention de Mikaël Meunier, Direction générale de la traduction, Représentation en France de la Commission européenne
L'institution que je représente ici aujourd'hui – la Commission européenne – n'est, de toute évidence, pas novice en matière de questions linguistiques, puisqu'elle possède plus d'un demi-siècle d'expérience de multilinguisme officiel. Et de fait, dans l'Union européenne, le multilinguisme n'est pas une question abstraite, mais bien une réalité concrète et quotidienne de la vie publique.
À bien des égards, l'Union européenne est une construction unique, inédite dans l'histoire de l'humanité. Elle a apporté la paix la plus durable qu'ait connue notre continent. Et pas une pax romana, imposée par la force, mais une pax europea, à laquelle les nations adhèrent de leur plein gré. Suite...

13 février 2014

Du 15 au 23 mars 2014 Semaine de la langue française et de la Francophonie

Prisme Limousin« Dis-moi dix mots… à la folie »
A partir du 17 mars, venez découvrir à la BFM de Limoges une exposition intitulée "Dis-moi dix mots à la folie" proposée par la Délégation générale à la langue française ainsi que des productions écrites, sonores et visuelles réalisées dans le cadre d'un concours organisé par Prisme-Limousin et le Centre régional du livre en Limousin. La remise des prix de ce concours aura lieu le mercredi 19 mars après-midi. Plus d'infos : Catherine Tabaraud, 05 55 10 99 09,,

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Formation Continue du Supérieur