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26 mai 2017

L'innovation dans les entreprises en 2014 - Enquête communautaire sur l'innovation (CIS) - Insee Résultats

Le champ de l’enquête a été étendu en 2014 par rapport à l’enquête précédente (CIS2012 - soit 70 938 sociétés) à 148 000 sociétés. Sont ajoutés la construction, le commerce de détail, le commerce et la réparation d’automobiles, l’hébergement restauration, les holdings financières, les activités immobilières, les activités juridiques et comptables et toutes les activités de services administratifs et de soutien. Pour comparer les deux enquêtes, il convient de se restreindre au champ de 2012, car il est commun aux deux interrogations. Voir l'article...
25 mai 2017

New research: This is how successful innovation is done

eCampus NewsBy Alana Dunagan. As higher education institutions face new demands from society, students, and the government, the ground is shifting beneath them. More...

18 mai 2017

Le Lab Pôle emploi, au cœur de l'innovation

Pôle emploiLe Lab Pôle emploi est le cœur du système de l'innovation, un véritable accélérateur d'idées. Un lieu de création ouvert à tous, collaborateurs Pôle emploi comme entreprises publiques et privées, qui donne corps en un temps record aux projets les plus audacieux. Voir l'article...

18 mai 2017

Higher Education Today - Attainment & Innovation

The latest on innovative strategies that support postsecondary attainment for all students, including adults and underrepresented minority populations, by the staff of ACE’s Center for Education Attainment and Innovation (CEAI), guest writers and ACE members working to advance new higher education models to expand access and success. More...
17 mai 2017

Learning’s Role in Innovation

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Learning’s Role in Innovation
Clark Quinn, Chief Learning Officer, 2017/05/11
The nature of productivity is changing, writes Clark Quinn. "The ability to plan, prepare and execute is no longer sufficient. Agility and the ability to adapt is imperative." This puts an increasing weight on innovation. More...

17 mai 2017

Is innovation destroying jobs? Firm-level evidence from the EU a unique firm-level database comprising the top European R&D investors over the period 2002-2013 and running LSDVC estimates, this study finds a significant labour-friendly impact of R&D expenditures. However, this positive employment effect appears limited in magnitude and entirely due to the medium-and high-tech sectors, while no effect can be detected in the low-tech industries. From a policy point of view, this outcome is supporting the EU2020 strategy, but - taking into account that most European economies are specialised in low-tech activities - is also worrying in terms of future perspectives of the European labour market. More...
10 mai 2017

The links between global value chains and global innovation networks - An exploration

OECD iLibraryEconomic globalisation has given rise to two types of networks that stretch out across OECD and emerging economies.  At the one side, global value chains (GVCs) can be thought of as the “material” transfers of goods and services (final as well as intermediate) across borders.  At the other side, Global Innovation Networks (GINs) refer to the transfers of intangibles and immaterial assets between countries.  Concerns are increasingly raised in policy discussions that countries are not able to capture the value of their innovative activities, hence the clear need to better understand the interdependencies between these two types of networks. More...
2 mai 2017

SDGs and higher education – Leaving many behind

By Savo Heleta and Tohiera Moodien. Sustainable development cannot be achieved anywhere in the world “without the capacity-building contribution of an innovative higher education system”. More...
30 avril 2017

Des profs d’université en soif d’innovation ! le blog Educpros de Jean-Charles Cailliez. Trouver des méthodes innovantes permettant de motiver les étudiants et les enseignants ; nécessité de partager avec d’autres les méthodes pédagogiques pour évoluer, changer et s’améliorer en permanence – découvrir de nouvelles façons d’enseigner, de faire des liens entre la recherche scientifique et l’enseignement – inspiration, cohésion, plaisir et + si affinité – ancrer un envol – comment varier mes pratiques d’enseignement pour assurer un meilleur ancrage des apprentissages tout en gardant les étudiants éveillés et actifs. Voir l'article...
29 avril 2017

The Innovation Session – Imagining the Future Margaret Andrews. I’ve been thinking (and writing) a lot about innovation in higher education lately, as the news for many colleges and universities continues to be about “challenges ahead.” For many schools it’s not a pleasant picture: rising costs, low graduation rates, student/employer skills mismatches, a difficult financial model, and the increasing pursuit of new revenue streams. More...

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