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8 avril 2018

Les plates-formes d'innovation font le lien entre les start-up et les PME

C2RP Carif-Oref Hauts-de-FranceUn rapport publié par BPIFrance analyse la monte en puissance des tiers-lieux, incubateurs ou espaces de cooworking. Le modèle économique n'est pas encore stabilisé. Plus...

5 avril 2018

La Région Centre-Val de Loire soutient l’innovation pédagogique

Logo Etoile16 projets d’innovation pédagogique ont ainsi bénéficié d’un financement dans le cadre du Frip (Fonds régional pour l’innovation pédagogique) depuis sa mise en place.
Parmi les 3 derniers projets retenus figurent un "serious game" porté par le Gip FTLV-IP, une formation de formateurs portée par le CFA BTP 45 et une formation des professionnels de régie des musiques actuelles portée par les Formations d’Issoudun. Plus...
4 avril 2018

Eidos 64 : Innover en classe : la résistance est-elle (f)utile ?

logoTout était un peu étrange et épicé sous le soleil de Bayonne pour cette édition 2018 d’Eidos 64, à commencer par la parenthèse. Je me suis dit ils sont fous, l’innovation vouée aux gémonies par tout une frange de la communauté éducative. Serait-ce le retour des “pédagogos” contre les “consternants” ? Et pourtant, cette parenthèse et ce courage sont indispensables. Plus...

31 mars 2018

How to foster innovation while keeping data private

eCampus NewsIT infrastructure at colleges and universities has become increasingly complicated as availability, performance, and student success compete with security. But the threat landscape continues to expand, as evidenced by the growing number of cyber attacks in the sector (education institutions are the number-one target for ransomware attacks). More...

31 mars 2018

Innovation and the independent college: Examples from the sector

University Business Magazine logoThe signature activity of the Council of Independent Colleges’ initiative, Securing America’s Future, was a series of eight workshops hosted by CIC member presidents on campuses across the nation in 2016–2017. The goals of these workshops were to help member colleges and universities prepare for the future more effectively and become more engaged in promoting the value of the liberal arts and of independent colleges and universities. More...

30 mars 2018

TCS Education System fuels legal education innovation

University Business Magazine logoIn a mission to advance student success and community impact through its partner colleges and universities, TCS Education System recently helped The Santa Barbara & Ventura Colleges of Law (COL) launch the first accredited hybrid JD program in California. The program was made possible through seed funding and support by TCS Education System. More...

30 mars 2018

Higher education must innovate to serve modern learners

University Business Magazine logoWhile many factors contribute to the evolving student profile, a primary driver is the need to continually acquire new skills and knowledge in the digital economy. To do so, learners require much more flexible, accessible studies and diverse degree plans. More...

26 mars 2018

Live from the League, Day 1 Matt Reed. The League for Innovation conference is sharing a cavernous and confusing convention center with a cheerleading competition, so the place is overrun by ten-year-old girls in spandex and sparkle. I’ve seen more hair bows in two days than probably in the previous two years. More...

26 mars 2018

The Politics of Academic Innovation

By Steven Mintz. It requires all the abilities of a skilled politician, plus other talents. Success hinges on message crafting, coalition building, vision, and leadership, including the ability to motivate, incentivize, and remove obstacles. More...

26 mars 2018

Creating Team-Based Communities of Teaching and Curricular Innovation

By Steven Mintz. Yet college faculty have escaped such requirements. In the absence of ongoing professional development training, efforts at improvement and innovation remain voluntary. More...

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