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31 mars 2016

Is a Queen Victoria statue offensive? It’s about time we debated our colonial past

The Guardian homeBy. First it was Cecil Rhodes, now it’s a celebrated monarch. These student campaigns force us to confront our imperial history – which doesn’t happen enough. More...

31 mars 2016

Studying 18th-century criminals makes me look at my modern prejudice

The Guardian homeByStephen Basdeo. In the last year of my undergraduate history degree I was introduced to one of the most fascinating genres of literature: the 18th-century criminal biography. Tomes such as Charles Johnson’s Lives of the Most Remarkable Criminals (1734) catalogue the experiences of thieves, rogues and prostitutes. I haven’t been able to leave them alone since. And now my enthusiasm for little-known crime writers of the 1700s is being kept alive by my PhD on 18th- and 19th-century literary representations of outlaws and highwaymen. More...

30 mars 2016

Bizutages et enseignement supérieur : nous sommes toujours au Moyen Âge !

The ConversationPar . Au sein des institutions d’enseignement supérieur, la présence de pratiques rituelles assimilables à des bizutages – terme qui ne semble pas employé en français avant le XXe siècle – est attestée en Europe depuis au moins le XIVe siècle.
C’est à l’université de Paris que l’on relève la première mention, vers 1340, d’un rituel initiatique d’accueil des nouveaux venus, dénommés « béjaunes ». Voir l'article...
30 mars 2016

Quelles réformes pour l’université ?

The ConversationPar . Rappelons que le terme université désignait (XIe siècle) une organisation regroupant l’universalité des collèges étudiants. La pédagogie consistait en la lectio (lecture) et la disputatio (dispute), sorte de débat contradictoire. Voir l'article...
30 mars 2016

The medieval power struggles that helped forge today’s universities

The ConversationBy . As universities prepare for a new regime of regulation aimed at monitoring the quality of their teaching, they may find some comfort in the 900-year-old history of debates around autonomy, governance, who can award qualifications and even the relationships between students and their teachers. Who held power over universities and their pursuit of intellectual inquiry was hotly contested in the Middle Ages. Universities were beholden to popes and kings, but also, in some cases to students. More...

27 mars 2016

'Wisdom's Workshop'

HomeBy Scott Jaschik. In Wisdom's Workshop: The Rise of the Modern University, forthcoming this month from Princeton University Press, Jim Axtell explains how the history of universities played out, from medieval Europe to modern America. Read more...

27 mars 2016

‘Diploma Mills’

HomeBy Ashley A. Smith. The sizable outcry against for-profit colleges and universities has only grown in the past few years, as federal and state investigations into these institutions have picked up steam and new regulations emerge. Read more...

17 mars 2016

Les bacs pro ont 30 ans !

lesmetiers.netPar Sandrine Damie. Le premier bac professionnel a vu le jour en 1985/1986 ! La ministre de l'Education nationale a saisi l'occasion des 30 ans de ce diplôme pour remettre le lycée professionnel sous le feu des projecteurs. Voir l'article...
7 mars 2016

Jacques Callot, 30 ans en 1622

Sur le blog "Histoires d'universités" de Pierre Dubois. Nancy, Musée Lorrain, Histoire et œuvres de Jacques Callot, enfant du pays, célèbre graveur. La biographie ci-dessous est constituée de citations de Wikipédia. Visite du musée et gravures numérisées : album de 19 photos. Suite...

5 mars 2016

Asleep at the Switch…

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Alex Usher. … is the name of a new(ish) book by Bruce Smardon of York University, which looks at the history of federal research & development policies over the last half-century.  It is a book in equal measures fascinating and infuriating, but given that our recent change of government seems to be a time for re-thinking innovation policies, it’s a timely read if nothing else. More...

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