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26 janvier 2015

Dossier 27 janvier : Journée de la mémoire des génocides et de la prévention des crimes contre l’humanité

Le 27 janvier a lieu la journée de la mémoire des génocides et de la prévention des crimes contre l'humanité. Chaque année, le ministère chargé de l'éducation nationale invite la communauté éducative à engager une réflexion avec les élèves sur l'Holocauste et les génocides reconnus, en liaison avec les programmes scolaires. More...

25 janvier 2015

Giving Away 'The Story of Civilization'

By Joshua Kim. This weekend I gave away The Story of Civilization.These books have followed me over 3 states, 4 moves, and the raising of 2 children. Every year I mean to crack into the 11 volume set. Each year I failed. I had purchased the full series at a used bookstore (for maybe $100 bucks) back in 1997, and it has sat on my bookshelf ever since. Read more...
25 janvier 2015

Immunization Conflagration

HomeBy Scott McLemee. His reputation will never recover from that unfortunate business in Salem, but Cotton Mather deserves some recognition for his place in American medical history. He was the anti-vaccination movement’s first target.
The scene was Boston in 1721. Beginning in April, a smallpox epidemic spread from a ship anchored in the harbor; over the course of a year, it killed more than 840 people. Read more...

11 janvier 2015

Pop History Colleen Flaherty. Kathleen Casey, an assistant professor of history at Virginia Wesleyan College, thought teaching a course on the history of American leisure time – what she called a “history of fun” – would be a good way to reach non-majors and other students who weren’t particularly enthusiastic about history. Read more...

10 janvier 2015

‘Ferguson Did Not Happen in a Vacuum’

subscribe todayBy Jennifer Howard. Historians discuss a flash point for protest and their role in explaining it.
On August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, Mo., a white police officer shot an unarmed young black man dead. To understand what happened that day, you need more than details about what went down between the officer, Darren Wilson, and the victim, Michael Brown. You need history. More...

10 janvier 2015

From the archive, 8 January 1960: The price of educating women Lois Mitchison. Higher education is nothing but a hindrance to women who marry early and want to run a happy home.
In a “Panorama” television programme some little time ago a group of Girton undergraduates were almost unanimous in asserting that politics was not a good career for women. It was unfeminine and difficult to combine with marriage, they said. More...

10 janvier 2015

The Magna Carta and its Legacy

In 1215, King John sealed Magna Carta by the Thames at Runnymede in Surrey, a charter between the monarch and his Barons placing limits on his power over freeborn men in the kingdom. Magna Carta enshrined the principle that all people should be bound by the rule of law, including the monarch, and that the processes of justice must be applied to all. Many political thinkers have celebrated Magna Carta as the first example of a bill of rights, an ancient constitution. More...

25 décembre 2014

The 1914 Christmas truce

By Alan Whaites, ‎team leader, Governance for Peace and Development at the OECD. The Christmas truce of 1914 is one of the iconic moments of the First World War, soldiers on the Western Front took the initiative to suspend hostilities in order to meet, share rations and play football. Accounts of the events on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day 1914 often refer to the singing of carols as a point of connection between the two sides. More...

24 décembre 2014

Chronologie de la formation professionnelle en France (1971 - 2009) particularité française, en ce qui concerne la législation liée à la formation professionnelle, est que la plupart des lois est basée sur les accords nationaux interprofessionnels (ANI), négociés auparavant par les partenaires sociaux, c'est à dire les syndicats de salariés (CGT, FO, CFDT, CFTC, CGC) et les principales organisations patronales (MEDEF, CGPME, UPA).
La formation continue tout au long de la vie est régie, pour le secteur privé, par la sixième partie du Code du Travail, mais elle concerne aussi les fonctionnaires.
Le droit de la formation est la branche du droit du travail, qui est le domaine le plus modifié depuis 30 ans, avec le temps de travail.
En 30 ans, le droit de la formation professionnelle continue s'est développé en combinant plusieurs objectifs :

  •     l'insertion professionnelle des jeunes
  •     la promotion sociale et le perfectionnement professionnel des salariés
  •     la formation des demandeurs d'emploi
  •     le développement de la compétitivité des entreprises

Chronologie de la formation professionnelle en France (1971 - 2009) -source vie Voir l'article...

21 décembre 2014

'The History of American Higher Education'

HomeBy Scott Jaschik. American higher education today looks nothing like it did a few generations ago, let alone at the founding of the country. A new book, The History of American Higher Education: Learning and Culture From the Founding to World War II (Princeton University Press), explores how colleges evolved. The author is Roger L. Geiger, who is distinguished professor of higher education at Pennsylvania State University. Read more...

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