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15 novembre 2016

” Maudite soit la guerre “ le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiques. En ce jour de 11 novembre, quatre-vingt dix huitième anniversaire de la fin d’une guerre meurtrière, on peut se rappeler que sur quelques rares monuments aux morts est gravé “ Maudite soit la guerre “. Suite...

13 novembre 2016

Célébrer l'héritage de Shakespeare en ligne

Logo - Thot CursusPar Alexandre Roberge. 1616 a été une triste année pour la littrérature : à quelques semaines d’intervalle, mourraient Miguel de Cervantes, le célèbre créateur de Don Quichotte, et William Shakespeare, le dramaturge anglais qui a écrit les pièces les plus iconiques et les plus jouées de l’histoire. Voir l'article...

12 novembre 2016

A brief history of why students go away to university

The ConversationBy . In many other countries, it is much more common for students go to their nearest university, which often involves staying in the home town or city. But in England in particular, there is a strong historical precedent for going away to university.
A lot of this is based on the fact that until the 1830s, there were only two universities in England – Oxford and Cambridge. So if you wanted a university education, you had to go to these remote (to many) destinations – which developed a complex system of colleges and tutors to house and look after the undergraduates. More...

12 novembre 2016

Retraction: why we removed an article about the history of maths

The ConversationBy . We have removed an article about the history of maths from The Conversation site. The reason for this is that the editing procedures we normally follow were not adhered to in this instance. More...

12 novembre 2016

Remember the Pacific’s people when we remember the war in the Pacific

The ConversationBy . Recent media coverage of Victory in the Pacific Day has highlighted the way Indigenous peoples of the Pacific remain invisible in our public memory of the Pacific War. We sometimes recall the deeds of the so-called “Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels” of Papua New Guinea. But the wider impact of war on Pacific Island worlds should also be part of our collective memory. More...

12 novembre 2016

To boldly go toward new frontiers, we first need to learn from our colonial past

The ConversationBy . Once upon a time, the story goes, the world was full of space for humans to expand into. The genus Homo radiated out from temperate Africa, colonising the tundras of Ice Age Europe, and the continents and islands of Asia and Australasia. More...

12 novembre 2016

Why Mauritius and the UK are still sparring over decolonisation

The ConversationBy . The Chagos Archipelago forms the British Indian Ocean Territory, one of the 14 British Overseas Territories. Although the archipelago was discovered by Portuguese explorers in the 16th century, France gained ownership of it after the Dutch abandoned it in the late 18th century. The UK only took possession of the islands as part of the Treaty of Paris after it captured Mauritius in 1810. More...

11 novembre 2016

Taking A Pause From EDUCAUSE

By Joshua Kim. It feels weird to not be going to EDUCAUSE. I’ve participated in the Conference throughout my edtech career. I’ve grown up (professionally) with EDUCAUSE. More...
11 novembre 2016

Poland Probes Princeton Professor's Holocaust Claims

HomeBy Elizabeth Redden. Poland’s right-wing government has extended an investigation into a Princeton University-based Holocaust scholar who made the controversial claim that Poles killed more Jews than Germans during World War II, the Associated Press reported. Read more...

11 novembre 2016

Back From Utopia

HomeBy Scott McLemee. This year’s quincentennial of Sir Thomas More’s Utopia coincides with an exceptionally spirit-blighting presidential election, making his work especially relevant, writes Scott McLemee. Read more...

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