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3 novembre 2018

Why history education is central to the survival of democracy

The ConversationStatues and names of prominent Canadians have also been the centre of vigorous debate across the country this year. One of these debates has focused on the statue of Edward Cornwallis in a public park in Halifax — the military officer who founded Halifax for the British in 1749, but also offered a cash bounty to anyone who killed an Indigenous person. More...

3 novembre 2018

From slavery to colonialism and school rules: a history of myths about black hair

The Conversation“Your hair feels like pubic hair.” That was one of the first insults that someone hurled at my hair. She was a junior at my school. She would touch my hair and repeat this sentence to all present. I had to threaten her with violence to get her to stop touching my hair and comparing it to her pubes. More...

1 novembre 2018

The No-Theme Conference

HomeBy Colleen Flaherty. Historians announce their 2020 annual meeting won't have a general theme, to avoid "acrobatics" to fit it. Some like the idea and say that themes are pointless, while others say framing topics help make meetings and even disciplines more cohesive. More...

1 novembre 2018

‘Upending the Ivory Tower’

HomeBy Scott Jaschik. Author discusses his new book about history of black activism and the civil rights movement at Ivy League universities. More...

31 octobre 2018

Reflections on the Revolution in Chapel Hill

HomeHowever powerful the cases for and against the University of North Carolina's Silent Sam Confederate statue, there are other relevant parties to consider -- not only in the here and now -- and we neglect them at our peril, warns Peter A. Coclanis. More...
30 octobre 2018

Rendez-vous de l’Histoire de Blois : « Athena, déesse poliade, est l’idéogramme de l’Athènes classique »

l'emag de l'educationLors des Rendez-vous de l'Histoire de Blois, une table ronde sur les images de la démocratie athénienne de l'âge classique aura lieu, destinée aux enseignants. Plus...
30 octobre 2018

Rendez-vous de l’histoire de Blois 2018 : instants choisis

l'emag de l'educationLors des Rendez-vous de l'Histoire de Blois 2018, le rôle majeur de l'enseignement de l'histoire a été réaffirmé, surtout dans le contexte actuel de déferlement des images. Focus vidéo sur quelques temps forts et prises de parole. Plus...
28 octobre 2018

La robotisation des emplois creuse les écarts régionaux

C2RP Carif-Oref Hauts-de-FranceDans son nouvel essai, l'historien Yuval Noah Harari en parle comme du prochain grand défi de nos sociétés. L'intelligence artificielle et le big data ont déjà commencé à bouleverser nos industries et nos emplois dans des proportions sans commune mesure avec les précédentes révolutions industrielles. Plus...

26 octobre 2018

Household Internet Use Survey

Household Internet Use Survey
Margot Chiasson (she's still out there - yay!) summarizes this nicely: The Household Internet Survey results for 2003 were released by Stats Canada on July 8. Use of high speed Internet from home increased from 56% last year to 65% in 2003. An increase is reported in most provinces but the biggest proportional increase is reported in the Atlantic provinces. More...

26 octobre 2018

CARL Institutional Repository Project: Online Resource Portal

CARL Institutional Repository Project: Online Resource Portal
Launched about a month ago (sometimes the news just trickles in), the Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) Online Resource Portal will "enhance public access to scholarly journal articles through the use of 'pre-print' servers." The service harvests e-prints from six Canadian university libraries. More...

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