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4 novembre 2018

The workforce imperative drives universities’ planning

University Business Magazine logoOver many decades various benefits have been ascribed to a university degree, beginning with land grant universities signed into law by President Abraham Lincoln in 1862. More...

4 novembre 2018

The role of higher ed in a 'post-truth' era

University Business Magazine logoFrom the Ancient Greeks to educational reformer John Dewey, and from the suffrage and civil rights movements to modern issues of inequality, educated citizens have played a key role in participatory democracy. More...

4 novembre 2018

Some former students, employees say Apple co-founder's Woz U doesn't live up to promises

University Business Magazine logoAmericans are enrolling in computer coding "boot camps" in record numbers, but a CBS News investigation uncovers problems at Woz U, one of the field's newest and most recognizable programs. Woz U was created by Steve Wozniak, best known for founding Apple with Steve Jobs in 1976. More...

3 novembre 2018

Michael Young and the perils of meritocracy

Screenshot-2018-4-23 The GardianReaders respond to Kwame Anthony Appiah’s long read on the author of The Rise of the Meritocracy, published 60 years ago. More...

3 novembre 2018

Re-education camps for Chinese students

Screenshot-2018-4-23 The GardianRe the detention camps in Xinjiang (Internment camps give Uighurs ‘training’, China’s governor says, 17 October), similar camps were established when the communists took over China in 1949 for returning students from the west. More...

3 novembre 2018

Violences scolaires : en 1883 déjà, au lycée Louis‑le‑Grand

The ConversationTrois cents élèves « insurgés » se rendent dans les dortoirs : les vitres, les vases de nuit, les lavabos sont cassés et jetés, les matelas sont éventrés à coups de couteau. Les agents de police, renforcés par des troupes nouvelles (ils sont alors soixante) bloquent les « émeutiers » dans un dortoir. Armés de tessons de vase et de barres de fer arrachés aux lits, les élèves se battent contre eux. Les dégâts matériels sont évalués à 20 000 francs or, soit le revenu annuel moyen de 10 enseignants. Les sanctions suivent rapidement : 89 élèves sont exclus définitivement de Louis-le-Grand et 13 autres de tous les lycées de Paris. Des mesures qui n’empêcheront toutefois pas une autre révolte, cinq ans plus tard. Plus...
3 novembre 2018

Tearing down Confederate statues leaves structural racism intact

The ConversationWhen protesters tore down the “Silent Sam” Confederate statue at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill on Aug. 20, it wasn’t just destruction of state property - a crime for which the protesters are now being investigated. More...
3 novembre 2018

1968 protests at Columbia University called attention to ‘Gym Crow’ and got worldwide attention

The ConversationThis is what Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee and Black Panther Party affiliate H. Rap Brown told a crowd of Harlem residents at a community rally in February 1967. More...

3 novembre 2018

British Empire is still being whitewashed by the school curriculum – historian on why this must change

The ConversationThese are students who are educated through a school history curriculum that focuses almost entirely on English political and religious history – with bits of 20th-century European history thrown in. These are the bits with figures who can easily be cast as “evil” – Hitler or Stalin, for example. The students who I encounter know very little about Britain’s past, let alone Britain’s connections with the wider world or the history of the world outside Europe. More...

3 novembre 2018

La Universidad debe enseñar a pensar y resolver problemas

The ConversationHace 2,5 millones de años surgió el género Homo en África, donde 2 millones de años después evolucionó el denominado Homo Sapiens. Según los actuales registros disponibles, hace aproximadamente 12.000 años se produjeron los primeros asentamientos estables. El paso de los cazadores-recolectores a agricultores y ganaderos trajo las primeras formas de sociedad y, con ellas, la especialización en los trabajos. Más...

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