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19 novembre 2018

A century on from Hamburg visionary Albert Ballin’s death, what connects him to UIL?

The death of Albert Ballin on this day in 1918 marked the end of the life and career of one of history’s greatest shipping magnates. The Hamburg native is regarded as the inventor of modern cruise shipping, but what ties him to the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) is his former residence on Feldbrunnenstrasse, which is now home to UIL. More...

19 novembre 2018

The relevance of Paulo Freire’s work in today’s world

The pedagogy of one of the most influential philosophers of education of the twentieth century, Paulo Freire, was the focus of a recent congress dedicated to his work. The three-day congress took place from 9 to 11 November 2018 at the University of Hamburg and was co-organized by the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning and other partners. More...

19 novembre 2018

NTEU Lecture 2018: Australia’s brutal past (Advocate 25 03)

This year marks the anniversary of two of the best known frontier massacres in Australia: the180th anniversary of the Myall Creek massacre of 1838, and the 90th anniversary of the Coniston massacre of 1928. More...
19 novembre 2018

Boxing and the Cool Halls of Academe

Boxing and the Cool Halls of Academe
Hockey is a lot like boxing - close enough that some wags say the two are indistinguishable - and if there are lessons to be learned in boxing, the same lessons are available to be learned in hockey. At any rate, like the author, many of my own life experiences were shaped in the arena, and while my hockey career was completely undistinguished, I would never have traded it for anything. More...

19 novembre 2018

P2P Services in the Clear

P2P Services in the Clear
A huge victory for file sharing. "Peer-to-peer file-sharing services Morpheus and Grokster are legal, a federal appeals court ruled Thursday." The article continues, "The decision is a blow for record labels and movie studios which sued the peer-to-peer operators claiming that the services should be held liable for the copyright infringement of their users." It is refreshing to see a court finally line up with reason. More...

19 novembre 2018

Some Clarifications About the Commonwealth List

Some Clarifications About the Commonwealth List
Glenn O. Brown responds to the criticisms of the Creative Commonwealth proposal highlighted in this space (and echoed by a number of commentators) last Wednesday. His first point is that "It is never a foregone conclusion that a project in discussion will be adopted by Creative Commons." This gives me some hope. More...

19 novembre 2018

Instructional Technology Institute

Instructional Technology Institute
I will be giving a keynote at this conference the first few days of September hosted by David Wiley (who I'm looking forward to finally meeting) in Logan, Utah. Looks like a great program, opening the first day with a talk by Lawrence Lessig. More...

19 novembre 2018

Play and Learning in The Brain

Play and Learning in The Brain
Maish Nichani summarizes this nicely in elearningpost: "Nice article on the importance of play in learning. Learning is not all about external rewards and punishments, rather “the human brain determines our learning potential, and subjective experience is, clearly, more than just stimuli and responses. More...

16 novembre 2018

Goodbye Groove I've had Groove

Goodbye Groove
I've had Groove on my desktop from time to time, to give presentations and the like. It is not currently on my desktop and not likely to return, mostly for the sorts of reasons outlined in this item. Michael Feldstein follows up, extending the discussion to Sakai and OKI. More...

16 novembre 2018

Moving Out of the Traditional Classroom

Moving Out of the Traditional Classroom
Survey article noting the rise of non-traditional education in the United States. "New educational options -- such as charter schools, home schools and distance learning -- are gaining ground and remain a subject of debate." Lumping the three into a single category as this does, the article is a little misleading. More...

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