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26 octobre 2014

Northern Irish universities warned over major cuts

By . Reports that thousands of student places could be cut. Queen’s University Belfast and the University of Ulster have already been forced to make multi-million pound savings during this financial year and now face further reductions because the executive’s failure to strike a deal on implementing welfare reforms continues to cost it dearly. More...

26 octobre 2014

National approaches to funding tertiary education

Many countries have similar goals for tertiary education, such as strengthening the knowledge economy, increasing access for students, encouraging high completion rates, and ensuring the financial stability of their higher education systems, according to the OECD’s latest Education at a Glance report. Read more...
24 octobre 2014

Future financial challenges facing the higher education sector

HEFCE logoA review of the financial health of higher education institutions published by HEFCE concludes that the higher education sector in England faces significant financial challenges over the next three years.
While the projected performance of the sector to 2016-17 is sound overall, this assumes that higher education institutions will achieve their student recruitment targets, and that there will be no further reductions in government funding.
These findings are part of the summary of finances for universities and colleges in a new HEFCE publication, ‘Financial health of the higher education sector: 2013-14 to 2016-17 forecasts’. More...

24 octobre 2014

Financial health of the higher education sector: 2013-14 to 2016-17 forecasts

HEFCE logoThis report provides an overview of the financial health of the higher education sector in England. The analysis covers the financial forecasts for the period 2013-14 to 2016-17, as submitted by higher education institutions to HEFCE in December 2013 and July 2014.
Show/hide contents and executive summary. More...

24 octobre 2014

Funding competition for solutions to security, trust and privacy issues in online learning

To reach the height of its potential, online learning needs to effectively deal with the issue of online security for learners. The Trust Challenge is a competition for institutions and organisations that are working to make online education safer in real-life contexts, with over 1.2 million USD to be awarded. More...

19 octobre 2014

Europe to offer cross-border pension plans for mobile researchers David Kent. Calling all North American funding agencies!
Researcher mobility appears to be a high priority for funding agencies and universities, and it has many advantages for the science community – most importantly the sharing of new ideas and the formation of new networks. Recently, there has been a backlash against the “need to move,” with many scientists doing perfectly well in their current city/institute and relocations being costly in terms of time and money. More...

5 octobre 2014

IA et Campus : du levier au frein

Sur le blog "Histoires d'universités" de Pierre Dubois. Nouvelles difficultés financières pour les Établissements d’enseignement supérieur et les Grands organismes… Graves menaces sur les financements des Investissements d’Avenir et des opérations du Plan Campus. Du levier au frein. Suite...

2 octobre 2014

Education : les chiffres clés du projet de loi de finances 2015

Orientations : études, métiers, alternance, emploi, orientations scolairePar Wally Bordas. Le projet de loi de finances 2015 est sorti. Orientations revient sur les différents chiffres clés du budget dédié à l'éducation et à l'enseignement supérieur.
Il y a quelques jours, la Conférence des présidents d'universités (CPU) s'inquiétait du budget attribué par l'Etat aux universités. More...

28 septembre 2014

Financement de l’Enseignement supérieur Educpros de Jean-François Fiorina. D’un côté, de bonnes nouvelles avec de remarquables classements pour nos écoles de management dans le Financial Times ; de l’autre, tel un écho dissonant, le gouvernement confirme qu’il réforme le mode de collecte de la taxe d’apprentissage (moins 50 millions au global) – revenu significatif pour nos établissements -, et qu’il ponctionnera 500 millions dans la trésorerie des CCI, nos tutelles institutionnelles. Faut-il rappeler une fois de plus que l’enseignement a un coût. Suite...

27 septembre 2014

Community college engagement and funding connections

University Business LogoBy Sherrie Negrea. Supporting local economic and civic projects is a central part of the mission for community colleges that rely on voter approval for funding. More...

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