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5 avril 2014

Introducing a practical guide to sequential testing: Realising educational and economic benefits 4 Jul 2014
Start Time: 10:00 am
Location/venue: Leeds Institute of Medical Education, School of Medicine, University of Leeds, LEEDS, UK, LS2 9JT
Institutions have conflicting pressures of quality, feasibility and cost in the assessment of students. Students desire fair assessment processes ideally completed by all in a single academic year.This usually takes the format of assessment of the whole student cohort, followed by a period of remediation and retesting for those who underperform. However, underperforming candidates are not a homogenous group and considerable difficulty persists in accurately identifying and profiling these ‘at risk’ students. Provisional programme for the day. More...

30 mars 2014

Analysis Tracks Koch Brothers’ Financial Backing of Higher Education . A new analysis from the Center for Public Integrity details how charitable foundations controlled by the brothers Charles and David Koch have poured money into colleges and universities. The center’s analysis of federal tax filings found that two private Koch charitable foundations contributed more than $12.7-million to colleges in 2012, spreading the money among 163 American institutions. More...

30 mars 2014

Private college funding to hit £1 billion

By . Nearly £1 billion in state-backed funding will be paid to students at private colleges next year.
In a written parliamentary answer published on 28 March, universities and science minister David Willetts said his department expects the amount of taxpayer-backed loans awarded to private college students to rise to £650 million in 2014-15, up from £400 million this year. Read more...
29 mars 2014

Guide to funding and student number controls 2013-14 and 2014-15: How HEFCE allocates its funds and controls student numbers

HEFCE logoThis guide is intended for those working in higher education, and others who wish to understand our funding methods. It explains:

  • how we calculate how much each university or college gets
  • the principles that underpin those calculations
  • the components of an institution’s grant
  • how we set controls for the number of students that institutions may enrol.

The information applies to universities and colleges for academic years 2013-14 and 2014-15. Show/hide contents and executive summary.
Download the Guide to funding and SNCs 2013-14 and 2014-15. More...

29 mars 2014

HESA funding and monitoring data (FAMD) 2012-13: Funding summaries and request for updates to completion status data

HEFCE logo1. This letter provides higher education institutions with further information about how we have used their Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) data to inform funding allocations for 2012-13, 2013-14 and 2014-15.
2. This letter also asks institutions to provide an update for students whose completion status was reported as undetermined in their 2012-13 HESA return. Updates should be uploaded to the HEFCE extranet by Friday 27 June 2014 (see paragraph 12). More...

29 mars 2014

ILR funding and monitoring data (FAMD) 2012-13: Funding summaries and request for updates to completion status data

HEFCE logo1. This letter provides further education colleges with further information about how we have used their Individualised Learner Record (ILR) data (submitted to the Data Service) to inform funding allocations for 2012-13, 2013-14 and 2014-15.
2. This letter also asks colleges to provide an update for students whose completion status was reported as undetermined in their 2012-13 ILR R14 return. Updates should be uploaded to the HEFCE extranet by Friday 27 June 2014 (see paragraph 11). More...

28 mars 2014

Funding agencies risk driving away international scholars David Kent. Scientific research extends well beyond borders and its internationalization has been a major boon for collaboration and advancement. Last month, Switzerland made news by putting a cap on immigrant labour that would prevent mobility into their scientific research environment. This met with much criticism and resulted in the EU banning Swiss applications to its Horizon 2020 grant applications (a good account of the situation appeared in the Huffington Post earlier this week). More...

23 mars 2014

Financer la Recherche et l’Enseignement Supérieur : quelle place à l’avenir pour les collectivités ? Educpros de Romain Pierronnet. Parmi les évolutions majeures du paysage institutionnel français de ces 30 dernières années, les réformes de « décentralisation » sont parmi celles qui ont le plus marqué le champ de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement Supérieur. Et logiquement, son financement.
On peut notamment penser à :
- la loi LRU, consistant à développer l’autonomie de gestion des universités (en leur transférant la gestion de leurs emplois et de leur masse salariale, dans un cadre défini par l’Etat)
- la montée en puissance des régions, qui se poursuit encore aujourd’hui avec un fort lobbying de l’Association des Régions de France. Un sujet dont les Assises de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement Supérieur, en 2011-2012, ont permis de montrer qu’il inquiète une communauté universitaire très attachée au fait que l’Etat reste le titulaire principal de cette compétence. Suite...

23 mars 2014

3 Things to Know About the Expected Family Contribution and College Affordability . The federal government should slash the Expected Family Contribution, argues an op-ed in Friday’s New York Times by Steve Cohen, co-author of a recent book on admissions and student aid. Cutting the expected contribution, he suggests, “would force colleges to construct financial-aid packages without the artificial price supports of inflated contribution numbers—and make paying for college less agonizing.” Read more...

23 mars 2014

A promising proposal for higher ed funding

The Denver PostA proposal to tie state funding of higher education to specific goals has the potential to encourage colleges and universities to double down on important objectives, like boosting the number of graduates.
So we support in broad terms the concept that Colorado House Speaker Mark Ferrandino is promoting in seeking to rewrite the higher education funding model. However, with less than eight weeks left in the session it's not clear there's enough time to fully vet the specifics. More...

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