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7 juillet 2014

System and institutional excellence Melbourne,

System and institutional excellence
Melbourne, Thursday 24 July, 6-8PM.
Drinks and canapes from 5:30PM

Australia has a fine higher education system, but new generation system policies and institutional strategies can make it excellent. How to further grow key strengths and value-add other priorities? Join Stephen Parker, Alan Robson and Phil Honeywood to discuss. Chaired by Gregor Kennedy.
What can be done to further ensure that higher education in Australia serves our diverse population? What is a sustainable configuration of strategic profiles that will boost system and institutional excellence? What are key implications from online provision and hybrid corporate structures?
Has Australia the imagination and will to create and maintain international pre-eminence in higher education? Key issues must be tackled across the next few years if an excellent higher education system is to be designed and built.
The 2014 Policy Seminars address contemporary debates, providing a forum for leaders from across Australia's education and government sectors to discuss issues of national significance.

Registrations are now open for this seminar
Visit website for further information and online registration:

Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact us via email:
or tel: +61 3 8344 4605 (business hours).

6 juillet 2014

Higher education teachning excellence and the scolarship of teaching and learning

7th Annual Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy
The 7th Annual Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy is focused on higher education teaching excellence and the scholarship of teaching and learning. The conference showcases the best pedagogical practice and research in higher education today. Sessions address disciplinary and interdisciplinary instructional strategies, outcomes, and research. Ultimately, the conference is an opportunity to demonstrate effective instructional practice and disseminate the latest research aimed at improving the quality of higher education.
Faculty are, on a daily basis and in very unassuming ways, demonstrating a renewed energy and focus toward the scholarship of teaching and learning. This is further evidenced by our attention to academic assessment, the integration of technology and learning, and even in the change in our teaching lexicon as we incorporate active engagement and reflective practices into instruction to encourage authentic learning. More...

29 juin 2014

Final DEFINE Focus Group in Nuremberg examines ‘excellence schemes’

LogoOn 11 and 12 June, the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg hosted a Focus Group bringing together university practitioners from several European countries in the framework of the EUA-led DEFINE project.
Participants presented and reflected on the characteristics of national funding mechanisms focusing on “excellence” in higher education and research. While certain “excellence schemes” have received significant attention across Europe, as for instance the German Initiative of Excellence, the discussions confirmed EUA findings that such schemes often differ in terms of their focus, size and processes.
The key points from the Focus Group will be presented in a report, to be released in the second semester of 2014, and will also be included in the overall analysis to be released at the 2nd EUA Funding Forum. The event will take place at the University of Bergamo on 9 and 10 October 2014 and will bring together the European higher education funding community to discuss strategies for efficient and sustainable funding of higher education in Europe. Registration for the event is currently open. More...

17 juin 2014

Un master de l’IAE d’Aix-en-Provence labellisé Académie d’Excellence

Orientations : études, métiers, alternance, emploi, orientations scolaireLa fondation universitaire AMIDEX vient de décider de labelliser "Académie d’excellence" un master de l’IAE d’Aix-en-Provence, préparant les étudiants au management de projets innovants.
A l’issue d’un appel à projet lancé fin 2013, la Fondation Universitaire AMIDEX vient de décerner le label "Académie d’Excellence" au Master Global Innovation Management (MGIM) de l’IAE d’Aix-en-Provence. Produit d’un partenariat avec Poole College of Management - North Carolina State University (Etats-Unis), ce master délivre un double diplôme, et prépare les étudiants, dont 70 % sont internationaux, au management de projets innovants grâce à une pédagogie par projets et un accompagnement personnalité. Suite...

11 mai 2014

Charte de la désexcellence

Sur le blog "Histoires d'universités" de Pierre Dubois. Pourquoi une Charte de la désexcellence ? 12 pages… "Des critiques se font entendre depuis quelques années dans le monde académique. En France et en Belgique, notamment, sont apparus des mouvements indépendants qui dénoncent les dérives des pratiques actuelles dans la recherche et l’enseignement et appellent tant à un ralentissement – la Slow Science – qu’à un recentrage sur des valeurs favorisant l’émergence d’un travail de qualité : partage, désintéressement, honnêteté, plaisir. Plusieurs appels et pétitions ont été faits en ce sens, qui bénéficient du soutien de milliers de scientifiques à travers le monde. Partageant l’essentiel de leurs constats, nous les avons signés également et contribuons à les diffuser. Voir l'article complet...

6 avril 2014

"Wer sich für das Gemeinwohl einsetzt, geht ein Risiko ein"

Ein Interview von . Gesine Schwan wollte eine Regierungsschule nicht nur für Eliten. Nun musste die Humboldt-Viadrina Insolvenz anmelden. Eine unvorhergesehene Forderung sei das Problem.
Frage: Frau Schwan, die von Ihnen geleitete private Berliner Humboldt-Viadrina School of Governance hat fünf Jahre nach ihrer Gründung Insolvenz beantragt. Warum?
Gesine Schwan: Wir haben uns bisher beachtlich ohne öffentliche Unterstützung geschlagen. Aber Anfang des Jahres ist eine hohe Forderung an uns ergangen, die wir nicht vorhersehen konnten. Das hat letztlich zu dem Insolvenzantrag geführt. Mehr...

29 mars 2014

Charting the way towards excellence and equity in education Andreas Schleicher Deputy Director and Special Advisor on Education Policy to the OECD's Secretary-General. Something remarkable is taking place in New Zealand right now: ministers and teacher union leaders from the best-performing and most rapidly improving education systems are making a unique global effort to raise the status of the teaching profession. The agenda of this year’s International Summit on the Teaching Profession focuses on three policy goals: excellence, equity and inclusion. Vital questions are being addressed, such as how can equity be achieved in increasingly devolved education systems, and how can high-quality teachers and leaders be attracted to schools with the greatest needs. Read more...

16 mars 2014

Thoughts on 'What Excellent Community Colleges Do' Matt Reed. Plato suggested that to know the good is to do the good, which is why I’m not a Platonist. Knowing something and doing it are very different propositions. That’s why I could finish a very good book about ways that community colleges can be more successful at what they do, nodding along contentedly as I read, and still come away feeling like something was missing. Read more...
25 février 2014

Notre objectif est de donner naissance à des pôles d’excellence mieux reconnus

Région des Pays de la LoireL’approche Recherche Formation Innovation (RFI) constitue une innovation majeure introduite par le nouveau schéma régional pour l’enseignement supérieur, la recherche et l’innovation 2014-2020. Les explications de Christophe Clergeau, premier vice-président de la Région en charge de l’action économique et de l’innovation.
Quel est le sens de l'approche RFI? 
Christophe Clergeau : « Les acteurs de la recherche sont, pour certains, parvenus à un tel niveau d’organisation qu’ils peuvent désormais s’appuyer sur les succès collectifs passés pour franchir un nouveau cap. Il faut encourager ceux qui le peuvent à aller plus loin et plus vite ensemble. La démarche RFI fournit une méthode originale qui permettra aux équipes de recherche déjà excellentes et reconnues de décrocher plus de financements publics (Horizon 2020, ANR, etc.), et privés. C’est pourquoi, et c’est complètement nouveau, le financement régional portera en priorité sur les fonctions dites « supports » (ingénierie de projets, animation, valorisation) et sur le renforcement de l’internationalisation, et moins sur la production de science au sens strict. C’est la principale différence avec l’appel à projets Recherche de la Région qui continue à exister par ailleurs. » Suite...

23 février 2014

World Bank rolls out African centres of excellence Munyaradzi Makoni. The World Bank continued rolling out its African centres of excellence initiative this month, meeting representatives of universities in Nigeria – the country won 10 of the 15 centres – to discuss logistics around how the funding will be disbursed. The project seeks to promote regional scientific specialisation to deliver quality training and research, starting in West and Central Africa. More...
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