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8 février 2015

How the REF’s regime of excellence is changing research for the worse

The ConversationBy Nick Butler and Sverre Spoelstra. There can be little doubt that the research environment in universities is changing: it is now less a collegiate community of scholars than a competitive game of winners and losers. This transformation manifests in all sorts of ways, most notably in the rise to prominence of national research audits such as the recent Research Excellence Framework (REF) – the mechanism that provides the backbone for the way UK government spending on science and research in higher education is allocated. More...

3 février 2015

2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF) reports published

HEFCE logoA number of documents have been published on the REF web-site.
Following publication of the results of the 2014 REF in December 2014, the REF team has published a number of reports giving additional information about the REF process and management. More...

1 février 2015

Independent school pupils 'twice as likely to attend elite universities' Josie Gurney-Read. Figures published today by the Department for Education show that pupils from fee paying schools are twice as likely to attend a Russell Group university and five times as likely to attend Oxbridge. Read more...
1 février 2015

Has the Research Excellence Framework been drowned out by its own noise?

The Guardian homeBy . When 25 university departments can each prove that they came in the top three, rankings are over. More...
26 janvier 2015

2nd Academicus Event Maribor on Academic Excellence 2nd Academicus event Maribor that took place at the University of Maribor between January 19th – 20th, 2015, in co-organisation between the IREG Observatory, Jiao Tong University Shanghai and University of Maribor attracted 75 participants from different states, especially the neighbouring states of Slovenia Italy, Croatia and Austria, but also from farer states, as Saudi Arabia and India. More...

22 janvier 2015

Submissions to the 2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF) published

HEFCE logoThe 1,911 submissions made by 154 UK universities to the 2014 REF have been published on the REF website. The submissions included 52,061 academic staff, 191,150 research outputs (such as journal articles, authored books and book chapters); and 6,975 case studies of the impact of research. More...

7 janvier 2015

Essonne : le campus d’excellence Paris-Saclay est créé

Par F.L. et S.M. C’est fait. Le campus Paris-Saclay vient de voir le jour. Le décret du 29 décembre 2014 publié au journal officiel du 31 décembre porte création de cette université d’excellence. Cette entité réunira dès la rentrée de septembre deux universités (Orsay et Versailles-Saint-Quentin), sept organismes de recherche (CNRS, CEA, INRA…) et dix établissements d’enseignement supérieur de recherche (APT, Ecole centrale Paris, HEC, Polytechnique, ENS Cachan, Supélec, Institut Mines Télécom…). Voir l'article...

25 décembre 2014

New EUA report analyses 'Excellence' funding schemes in Europe and their impact on universities

LogoEntitled ‘Funding for excellence’, it is the first in a series of three thematic reports that will outline many of the key findings of the EUA-led DEFINE project* which analyses the impact of funding efficiency measures on universities (the next two reports will focus on mergers/concentration measures and performance-based funding). The new report takes into account excellence schemes that have been introduced in different countries across Europe but looked more closely at 10 schemes. It also includes a series of project recommendations for policy makers and higher education institutions which are based  on data collection, case studies, site visits and focus groups which have been carried out/collected in the framework of the DEFINE project.
The full report can be downloaded here. More...

21 décembre 2014

UCL breaks Oxbridge stanglehold on university research . Results from the Research Excellence Framework (REF) show University College London has overtaken Cambridge but Oxford is still the best institution for research. Read more...

21 décembre 2014

Ref 2014 – your reaction in tweets feeds have been flooded with celebratory comments following the research excellence framework results. We pull out some more reflective comments. More...

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