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11 mai 2013

Call open for EQUIP change programme, faculty or institutional teams are invited to join the EQUIP change programme.
The Evidence-informed quality improvement programme (EQUIP) is the latest change programme from the HEA and aims to help higher education providers take an evidence-informed approach to quality enhancement.
The programme is designed to enable providers to interpret internal and external data and work towards developing policies and practices to improve the quality of the student learning experience.
The HEA’s change team will provide support and expertise in change processes and organisational development. Previous institutional participants in the EQUIP change programme include The Open University, the University of Huddersfield and Newcastle University.
The Open University used the project to ‘understand the student experience in a changing world’ by rationalising and using quantitative and qualitative information from students about their experiences of modules and qualifications.
While at Huddersfield, EQUIP aided a focus on developing virtual learning environments (VLEs) to enhance the student learning experience.
Newcastle University’s participation in the change programme involved using evidence from UK and international students about their experiences to promote learning experiences abroad for UK students and to engage more effectively with incoming students.
The call for applications opens today (8 May 2013) and closes on 28 June 2013.
The year-long programme will begin in September 2013.
Change Services

Higher education providers are experiencing unprecedented changes which are challenging traditional approaches to learning and teaching. The HEA offers a range of services designed to help institutions, faculties and/or departments adapt to these changes and thereby enhance the student learning experience.
Evidence-informed quality improvement programme (EQUIP)

EQUIP is a one-year programme to help providers develop a widespread evidence-informed approach to quality enhancement. It will help HEIs to interpret and apply the institutional and national evidence to the learning experiences of their students.
The call for expressions of interest to participate is now open. The programme will run from Septembe 2013 to September 2014.
Click here for more information and to submit a proposal.
Current Change Programmes

Overview of Services
Our short guide provides an overview of our services for 2012-13, the nature of our support and the benefits of participation. Download the HEA Short Guide to Change Services.
Past Change Programmes

Click here to view all past HEA Change Programmes.
11 mai 2013

HEFCE Annual Conference 2013 Annual Conference 2013. Thursday 18 April 2013, Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ.
Shaping the future: the social and economic contribution of higher education
This was an event for heads of higher education providers in England and representatives of HE stakeholder organisations.

See conference videos: the chair's summary and comments from delegates.
See our live commentary on the conference.
Conference programme and speaker biographies
Download the Conference programme
Tim Melville-Ross, Chair, HEFCE

Welcome and introduction.
Read the commentary.
RT Hon David Willetts MP, Minister for Universities and Science
What's the value of going to university?
Read the minister's speech in full. Read the commentary on David Willetts' speech.
Sir Alan Langlands, Chief Executive, HEFCE

The social and economic contribution of higher education.
Download the Alan Langlands. Read the commentary on Alan's speech.
Heather Fry, Director (Education, Participation and Students), HEFCE
Higher education and social mobility.
Download the Heather Fry. Read the commentary on Heather's speech.
Shami Chakrabarti, Director, Liberty
Higher education - a rights perspective. Read the commentary on Shami's speech.
Professor Danny Dorling, University of Sheffield
Patterns of social mobility. Download the Danny Dorling. Read the commentary on Danny's speech.
David Sweeney, Director (Research, Innovation and Skills), HEFCE
Universities: the social, cultural and economic contribution to society. Read the commentary on David's speech.
Professor Craig Calhoun, Director, LSE
An international view. Read the commentary on Craig's speech.
Hans Dröge, Senior Vice President, Unilever Research and Development
Universities and economic growth; Unilever's perspective. Download the Hans Droge. Read the commentary on Hans' speech.
Sue Hoyle, Director, Clore Leadership Programme
A view from the arts. Download the Sue_Hoyle. Read the commentary on Sue's speech.
11 mai 2013

Erasmus - vers un espace européen de l'enseignement supérieur'est-ce que le programme Erasmus ?
Erasmus contribue à la réalisation d'un espace européen de l'enseignement supérieur en poursuivant plusieurs objectifs opérationnels dont:
* l'amélioration de la qualité et l'accroissement du volume de la mobilité étudiante et enseignante en Europe
* l'amélioration de la qualité et l'accroissement du volume de la coopération multilatérale entre établissements d'enseignement supérieur (EES), et depuis 2007, entre établissements d'enseignement supérieur et entreprises
* la transparence et la compatibilité des qualifications acquises dans l'enseignement supérieur et la formation professionnelle supérieure en Europe. grand programme européen, Erasmus favorise les actions de mobilité en Europe pour les étudiants (périodes d'études ou de stage), le personnel enseignant (mission d'enseignement), ainsi que l'ensemble des personnels des établissements d'enseignement supérieur (périodes de formation).
Erasmus facilite également la coopération entre établissements d'enseignement supérieur par l'élaboration de programmes intensifs, de réseaux et de projets multilatéraux. En France, aujourd'hui, la totalité des universités françaises participent à Erasmus ainsi que la plupart des établissements d'enseignement supérieur non universitaires.
Charte universitaire Erasmus
La charte universitaire Erasmus établit les principes fondamentaux qui sous-tendent les activités Erasmus que tout établissement d'enseignement supérieur s'engage à respecter. établissement d'enseignement supérieur éligible selon les critères nationaux (voir BOEN du 23 novembre 2011), souhaitant participer à Erasmus et obtenir des financements auprès de son agence nationale, doit être en possession de la charte universitaire Erasmus.
Consultez les modalités d'obtention et calendrier.
Appel à propositions spécifique: Charte Erasmus pour l'enseignement supérieur 2014-2020

L'appel à propositions 2014 spéficique pour la charte Erasmus 2014-2020 été publié.
Tous les établissements d'enseignement supérieur doivent déposer une demande de charte pour cette période, avant le 15 mai 2013.
Consultez Statistics for All, la plateforme statistique européenne de l'agence 2E2F. Vous y trouverez tous les chiffres et cartes du programme Erasmus en France:
* destinations des étudiants Erasmus
* Profils des enseignants
* Cartographie des universités
* etc
Consultez Statistics for All. Cad é an clár Erasmus?
Erasmus a chuireann le gnóthú limistéar Eorpach ardoideachas ag leanúint roinnt cuspóirí oibríochtúla lena n-áirítear. Níos mó...

11 mai 2013

9 mai 2013 - Journée de l’Europe le cadre de la Journée de l'Europe du 9 mai, le FAFSEA remercie le FSE (Fonds Social Européen) pour les fonds alloués à de nombreuses actions de formation régionales de son réseau.
L’Union européenne est l’association de 27 Etats indépendants ayant décidé de coordonner leur politique.
Instauré par le Traité de Rome, le Fonds social européen (FSE) vise à faciliter la mobilité des travailleurs et l’accès à l’emploi au sein du marché commun grâce à un soutien financier aux programmes de formation professionnelle organisés par les États membres.
Le FSE a globalement 4 champs d’actions prioritaires:
    * la formation des salariés,
    * la sécurisation professionnelle (éviter que les personnes ne perdent leur emploi, et permettre leur retour rapide dans l’emploi si elles sont licenciées),
    * l’aide à la création d’entreprises via la formation et le tutorat des chefs d’entreprises et des créateurs ou repreneurs d’entreprises,
    * l'accompagnement des travailleurs en difficulté, c’est-à-dire des personnes qui cumulent des difficultés sociales et professionnelles rendant problématique leur accès à l’emploi.
En savoir plus sur le FSE: Mar chuid den Lá na hEorpa ar an 9 Bealtaine, FAFSEA buíochas a ghabháil leis an CSE (Ciste Sóisialta na hEorpa) le haghaidh maoinithe i go leor gníomhaíochtaí a líonra oiliúna réigiúnacha. Is é an tAontas Eorpach mar cheangal idir 27 stát neamhspleách tar éis a chinneadh a gcuid beartas a chomhordú. Níos mó...
9 mai 2013

UK students escape the fees nightmare and head for Europe

The Guardian homeBy . Are you looking for an affordable university somewhere different? There are plenty of English-friendly options in Europe to consider. Going to university is a pretty big step, but moving abroad for three years to do your degree is an even bigger one. To date it's a choice that few UK students have made – 2009 figures from the OECD show just 22,000 opting to study in another country, a tiny proportion of the two million or so who stay at home. With the introduction of much higher tuition fees this autumn, however, this is already starting to change, and there are good reasons why studying in Europe may be well worth considering. If you want do your entire degree within the EU – which means most of Europe – you'll lose your entitlement to a student loan here. But you'll find that all UK students are eligible for the same financial assistance as a home student from that country would receive. Many countries are considerably more generous to their undergraduates than we are: in Holland, for instance, you'll pay just £1,500 a year for your course. In some countries, including Denmark and Sweden, tuition costs nothing at all. Read more...
8 mai 2013

So ist Russland Charlotte Haunhorst. In Moskau oder Sankt Petersburg müssen Studenten nicht immer nur büffeln. Für eine gute Note reicht es auch manchmal, dem Professor ein paar Scheine zuzustecken. Als sie das erste Mal einen Professor bestach, war Olga noch aufgeregt. Was, wenn es schiefgeht? Wie würde er sie behandeln? Ihre Freunde beruhigten sie. Das sei Routine. So ging Olga los, verwickelte den Dozenten in ein Gespräch und ließ ganz nebenbei das Codewort fallen, das ihr ein Kommilitone verraten hatte: Ob man das nicht "anders regeln" könne? Danach steckte sie 1500 Rubel, etwa 40 Euro, in das Lehrbuch des Professors - fertig.
"Ich habe bezahlt und ging direkt mit meiner Note nach Hause. Es war alles ganz einfach und leicht", erzählt die Studentin der Veterinärmedizin. Mittlerweile kauft sie nicht nur Noten. Sie geht zu manchen Prüfungen überhaupt nicht mehr hin. "So ist Russland!", sagt sie.
Olga war mit ihrer ersten Bestechung ganz schön spät dran. In ihrer Heimat ist es keine Seltenheit, dass Eltern ihren Kindern schon in der Grundschule durch Gefälligkeiten an die Lehrer Vorteile verschaffen. Schafft es der Nachwuchs dann mittels gekaufter guter Noten zur Hochschulreife, geht es an der Universität munter weiter. "Blat" nennen die Russen das Gestrüpp aus persönlichen Gefallen, Geschenken und Bestechungszahlungen. Mehr...
8 mai 2013

Studieren kurz vor Polen: Schnell hin und schnell wieder weg Jana Gioia Baurmann. An der Grenze zu Polen lernen? Gern. Aber dort leben? Nein, danke. Viele Studenten der Europa-Universität Viadrina können sich ein Leben in Frankfurt an der Oder nicht vorstellen - und reisen täglich mit dem Zug an und wieder ab. Bericht aus dem Pendler-Express. Der große Zeiger der Bahnhofsuhr macht einen leichten Ruck, es ist 9.26 Uhr. Auf dem Bahnsteig rennt eine junge Frau mit schwarzen Locken und Perlenohrringen zum Zug. Sie visiert den Türöffner an, streckt den Arm aus, drückt, aber es ist zu spät. Der Regionalexpress von Berlin-Alexanderplatz nach Frankfurt (Oder) fährt los. "Scheiße!", ruft Roberta Fernandez de la Mora. Nun wird sie zu spät zur Vorlesung kommen. Sie schreibt ihrer Freundin, mit der sie sich im Zug treffen wollte, eine SMS: "Halt mir einen Platz frei." Der Excel-Kurs ist immer so voll.
Roberta studiert International Business Administration an der Europa-Universität Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder), einer Stadt mit etwa 60.000 Einwohnern. Sie mag ihren Studiengang, sie genießt es, dass so viele Kommilitonen aus dem Ausland kommen und sie an der Viadrina für eine globalisierte Weltwirtschaft fit gemacht wird. Es sprach sehr viel dafür, in Frankfurt (Oder) zu studieren. Bloß wohnen wollte sie dort nicht. Mehr...
5 mai 2013

International students happy in Norway education and good reputation of research and studies are among the top listed reasons for international students to choose Norway as their study destination.
During the fall of 2012, the Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education (SIU) conducted a survey among 2 104 international students enrolled in 36 Norwegian higher education institutions. Both exchange students and full degree students (i.e. doing their entire degree in Norway) answered the survey.
An increasing number of international students reported that they were satisfied or very satisfied with their experience as a foreign student in Norway (88%, compared with 86% in 2010 and 84% in 2008), exchange students being slightly more content than full degree students. Students from the Netherlands and Spain were the happiest.
“I didn`t know anything about Norway before I came, and I love it here. I love the nature and outdoor life, the cities, social opportunities, the welfare system, everything - except the prices.” (Bachelor student from the USA)
Some students found the Norwegian weather a bit disappointing:  “I thought there would be some sunshine during fall. But actually there is no sunshine at all.” (Master student from China). Read more...
4 mai 2013

Celebrate with us at ACA’s 20th anniversary conference you know what highly renowned international higher education experts such as Sir Peter Scott, Peggy Blumenthal, Adam Tyson, Neil Kemp, Ulrich Grothus and Ulrich Teichler have in common? All of them, and many more, will be speakers at ACA’s 2013 Annual Conference, which will take place in The Hague from 9 to 11 June 2013.
The event, co-organised by the NUFFIC, one of ACA’s founding members, is entitled Internationalisation and international mobility. Where do we stand, where are we heading? and marks ACA’s 20th anniversary. At its jubilee conference, ACA will revisit those themes which were already at the center of the Association’s interest in 1993, the year of ACA’s foundation, and which have remained topical to this very day: internationalisation and international mobility.  More precisely, the conference will address issues currently hotly debated, such as the ethics of internationalisation, transnational education and ‘internationalisation at home’ on the one hand, and ‘mobility windows’, ‘mobility appetizers’ and the relationship between mobility and employability on the other hand.
The conference will consist of a mix of plenary sessions and parallel workshops. In comparison with earlier ACA conferences, the share of workshops has been increased, which will enhance and encourage active involvement of participants. The 2-day event will be preceded by an opening reception and a social programme on 9 June, to welcome participants and to allow them to meet and discuss with friends, colleagues and partners.  As usual, there will be ample opportunities for networking. For more information, click here.

4 mai 2013

Consultation launched on future arrangements for student number controls is asking for views on its proposals on controlling student numbers from 2014-15 onwards.
The consultation
asks for views on a more flexible approach to the student number control [Note 1]. It  has been developed in the context of the Government’s reforms to the funding and regulation of higher education in England [Note 2].
Each year HEFCE sets a student number control allocation for each institution it funds. The purpose of the control is to help manage public expenditure on higher education, while furthering the Government’s vision for a more diverse, dynamic higher education system that supports student choice and enables popular institutions to grow. For 2013-14, HEFCE is enabling universities and colleges to recruit to a certain level above their allocation without incurring a reduction in the grant they receive. In addition, students holding certain qualifications with high grades (currently set at ABB or above at A-level or certain equivalent qualifications) are exempt from the control. Read more...

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