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7 décembre 2014

Turning institutes into technological universities

By John Walshe. Ireland is to get its first technological university with the new Dublin institution, to be followed by more in the regions shortly after. But the development has aroused criticism, particularly in the traditional universities. Read more...
6 décembre 2014

University cuts: government spends $150,000 gauging need for advertising

The Guardian homeBy . Federal education department hires market research firm to measure understanding of plans to deregulate fees. More...
6 décembre 2014

‘Crick of the North’ confirmed for Manchester

By . But centre for advanced materials will still have “satellites” in Oxbridge and London as well as Leeds, Liverpool and Sheffield. More...

6 décembre 2014

Two universities to benefit from East London development

By . The government has awarded more than £140 million to develop a new Education and Cultural Quarter in London at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. More...

6 décembre 2014

Glyndwr told to leave London campus as visa licence reinstated

By . Glyndwr University has been allowed to start recruiting international students again, but must end operations at its London campus. More...

6 décembre 2014

Erasmus+ s’ouvre au monde

Universités & TerritoiresUniversités & Territoires est une lettre électronique qui existe depuis juin 2003. L’objectif de la lettre est de montrer, par la valorisation d’actions et d’expériences emblématiques et remarquables, aux décideurs territoriaux que l’Université joue un rôle centrale dans l’émergence d’une société de la connaissance. Universités & territoires n° 100.
Erasmus+ s’ouvre au monde. p. 5 de Universités & Territoires n° 100.
La dimension internationale d’Erasmus+ va devenir effective à partir de 2015. Si la mobilité et les coopérations universitaires se concentraient jusqu’ici prioritairement sur les 33 pays participant au programme, la nouvelle dimension internationale offre de larges opportunités de coopération. La dynamique universitaire créée au sein de l’espace européen d’éducation s’étend ainsi au monde. Parallèlement, le processus de coopération avec les pays de la rive sud de la Méditerranée, instauré dans le cadre du dialogue 5+5, se trouve renforcé. Voir la suite dans Universités & Territoires n° 100.

6 décembre 2014

EAEC Special Thematic Interest Groups

EAECWe are pleased to announce the launch of new Special Thematic Interest Groups created by EAEC which will help the Association and its members, within Europe and its neighbours, to communicate our objectives and activities clearly, to promote the development and innovation of Lifelong Learning and to highlight the unique character of our organisation. The new Groups will be supported by a new communication platform that will allow for a greater interaction among partner institutions and their academic and administrative communities.
We would like to invite representatives of our member universities interested to actively participate in these Groups. Members of the Groups will have access to the communication platform where all related documents will be listed. Annual meeting of the Groups will be taking place at the annual ERASMUS Congress and Exhibition (ERACON), Special Interest Groups Committee chairs will receive a free registration at ERACON while Group Committee members will receive a 50% discount on the registration fee. Additional benefits will be announced at a later stage. The scheme of offers will be applied from 2015, one year after a group is formed and started its first meeting during ERACON 2014.

STIG1 – FMS: Facilitating Mobility of Students (click here)
STIG2 - CELM: Cooperation between education and the labour market (click here)
STIG3 – IOC: Internationalization – Opportunities and Challenges (click here)

STIG4 - EUMED: EuroMediterranean Cooperation(click here). More...

6 décembre 2014

European Association of Erasmus Coordinators (EAEC)

EAECThe European Association of Erasmus Coordinators (EAEC) was founded in 2004 in Lodz, Poland, with an official kick off during the ERACON 2005 (Erasmus Coordinators Conference and GO-Exchange Education Fair 2005) in Cyprus.
The aims of the Association are to:
1. Enable an information and experience among the European Erasmus Programme Coordinators and beyond,
2. Promote mobility of students, academic and administrative staff in the territory of the European Union and beyond,
3. Circulate provisions on the Bologna Process and its  updates in academic circles,
4. Promote principles and participation in the Erasmus + European Commission Programme,
5. Support the process of raising education and quality standards in the territory of the European Union and beyond,
6. Organise seminars and conferences, with an assumption of enabling direct communication among the Association's members and be a catalyst for increased monility throughout Europe and beyond, as well as defining new areas of the Association's activity,
7. Prepare and submit project proposals to be funded by the European Commission,
8. Cooperate as a partner in European funded projects,
9. Run surveys and studies on topics relating to the above,
10. Produce publications of interest to the members.
During the first General Assembly in Cyprus, June 2005, it was decided that the Erasmus Coordinators Conference and GO-Exchange Education Fair (ERACON) become an annual event. Since 2010, it was decided to be named Erasmus Congress and Exhibition.

6 décembre 2014

Masters conjoints- Candidature

Logo Agence Erasmus+ France Education FormationLe  dossier de candidature est disponible sur le site de l'ECEA :
Date limite de dépôt des candidatures: 4 mars 2015. Voir l'article...

6 décembre 2014

Projets de renforcement de la capacité : candidature

Logo Agence Erasmus+ France Education FormationLe  dossier de candidature est disponible sur le site de l'ECEA :
Date limite de dépôt des candidatures: 10 février 2015
A noter : un budget supplémentaire de 5 millions d'euros sera  consacré à des projets spécifiques avec la Jordanie. Voir l'article...

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