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16 mai 2015

ACA Annual Conference 2015, Brussels, Belgium (14-16 June 2015)

LogoThe Academic Cooperation Association (ACA) 2015 is organising its annual conference on 14-16 June in Brussels. The theme of the conference is Internationalisation: from strategy to implementation.
The ACA Annual Conference 2015 is a two-day event, preceded by a social programme on the preceding day. It is made up of a mix of plenary and parallel workshops. For further information, click here. More...

16 mai 2015

ESN and Uniplaces: Student accommodation made easy

The European-based startup Uniplaces and the pan-European Erasmus Student Network have teamed up to improve international students’ support services by introducing an innovative solution to overcome one of the biggest barriers to student mobility: accommodation. As Europe has committed itself to increase the global competitiveness of European Higher Education, student support services have an important role to play in attracting high quality students from abroad. More...

16 mai 2015

Recommended Annual Instruction Time in Full-time Compulsory Education in Europe 2014/15 now published

Cover instruction time 2015small.jpgAn analysis of recommended annual instruction time suggests that countries have a very similar focus on key basic competences in compulsory education. At primary level, most countries' main focus is on reading, writing and literature (about 25 % of total instruction time). Mathematics takes the second largest share of total instruction time, at around 15 %. Many countries put a stronger focus on languages at compulsory secondary level compared to primary level. The report also finds that only a minority of countries allow for the flexible allocation of time between and across grades. It includes information on instruction time in national data sheets, and country specific notes. The data is presented in diagrams, detailing instruction time by country, by grade and by subject. Data collection took place across all 28 EU Member States as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia and Turkey. Data collection was a joint undertaking between the Eurydice network and the OECD (NESLI network). The reference year is 2014/15.
Full version EN.

16 mai 2015

Thematic focus on ‘Apprenticeship-type schemes and work-based learning structured programmes’

HomeThe economic crisis has hit young people particularly hard and more young people face increasing difficulties in setting their foothold into the labour market. Against this context, there is a broad consensus today among policy-makers, social partners and experts that apprenticeship-type programmes can be an efficient solution to some of the present labour market imbalances and benefit both learners and employers.
By combining study and work, apprenticeship and work-based learning (WBL) can offer them an opportunity to acquire work experience while enhancing skills in close alignment with employer requirements. Because of their inherent relevance for the labour market, apprenticeship and work-based learning can help to reduce skills mismatch and ease transition from education to work.
Promoting alternate learning and work has been one of the key policy tools of the European policy agenda for youth employment from the Bruges Communiqué (7 December 2010) through the Council recommendation on establishing a Youth guarantee (22 April 2013) to the Council Declaration on the European Alliance for Apprenticeships (15 October 2013). More...

16 mai 2015

'Skillset and match' special Cedefop 40th anniversary edition is out!

HomeA special edition of Skillset and match magazine celebrating Cedefop’s 40th anniversary is now available to read and download. It features messages from leading European figures, including European Parliament President Martin Schulz, Cedefop’s stakeholders, its own people past and present, and articles on the agency’s work to improve vocational education and training in Europe. More...

15 mai 2015

Manuel Valls prône l’instauration d’une carte étudiante europénne

Par Figaro Etudiant. Le Premier ministre Manuel Valls a présenté ce mercredi une communication sur «le projet européen de la France» en Conseil des ministres. Rappelant que «cinq millions de jeunes Européens sont aujourd’hui au chômage», le chef du gouvernement a regretté que le programme d’échange universitaire Erasmus soit trop «élitiste» et appelé à la mise en place d’un «Erasmus professionnel qui permettrait la création d’un statut de l’apprenti européen. Il a également prôné le lancement d’une carte étudiante européenne, qui offrirait aux jeunes un accès simplifié à certains droits et services (bibliothèques, logement, restauration universitaire, etc). Suite...

15 mai 2015

L’exemple suédois : cent fois sur le métier...

Emploi Parlons Net, le webzine de l'emploi & du travail (Retour à l'accueil)Par Catherine Bernard. La Suède a longtemps été considérée comme un modèle en matière de politique de l'emploi.  A force de toujours augmenter son niveau de qualification, le pays, pourtant, a de plus en plus de mal à intégrer ses populations les plus fragiles. Voir l'article...

14 mai 2015

9 mai 2015 : Journée de l’Europe

logo fafseaDans le cadre de la Journée de l'Europe du 9 mai, le FAFSEA remercie le FSE (Fonds Social Européen) pour les fonds alloués à de nombreuses actions de formation régionales de son réseau.
L’Union européenne est l’association de 28 Etats indépendants ayant décidé de coordonner leur politique.
Instauré par le Traité de Rome, le Fonds social européen (FSE) vise à faciliter la mobilité des travailleurs et l’accès à l’emploi au sein du marché commun grâce à un soutien financier aux programmes de formation professionnelle organisés par les États membres.

Le FSE a globalement 4 champs d’action prioritaires :

  • la formation des salariés,
  • la sécurisation professionnelle (éviter que les personnes ne perdent leur emploi, et permettre leur retour rapide dans l’emploi si elles sont licenciées),
  • l’aide à la création d’entreprises via la formation et le tutorat des chefs d’entreprises et des créateurs ou repreneurs d’entreprises,
  • l’accompagnement des travailleurs en difficulté, c’est-à-dire des personnes qui cumulent des difficultés sociales et professionnelles rendant problématique leur accès à l’emploi.

Pour  la nouvelle programmation 2014-2020, les objectifs du FSE sont :

  • l’intégration des personnes sur le marché du travail ;
  • l’inclusion sociale ;
  • l’amélioration de l’éducation et de la formation ;
  • le renforcement de l’administration publique. Plus...
12 mai 2015

Turkey mandates students study at top-500 HEI or sit domestic entrance exam

By Beckie Smith. Turkish students who study abroad must do so at a top-500 ranked university or take the domestic higher education entrance exam in order for their qualifications to be recognised by the government, under new regulations put in place by the Higher Education Council of Turkey (which goes by the Turkish abbreviation YOK). More...

10 mai 2015

University in Europe: how to know if it's right for you Student life on the continent can seem idyllic, and with Ucas now including European universities in the admissions process, many British students are shunning the UK. But how do you know if this is the right choice for you. More...

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