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23 avril 2016

Pôle emploi et le CROUS, partenaires de l’emploi étudiant

Pôle emploiEntre mars & mai, 49% des emplois saisonniers sont à pourvoir. C’est le moment idéal pour trouver un job d’été !
Pouvoir travailler en parallèle de ses études, voilà l’opportunité offerte par cette 10ème édition du Forum Jobs d’été étudiants organisé par Pôle emploi Ile-de-France et le CROUS de Paris. Voir l'article...

20 avril 2016

What students should know about the federal budget

By . There were several education highlights for students for the 2016-2017 tax year. They include:

1. An increase of 50% to the Canada Student Grant (CSG) amounts:

from $2,000 to $3,000 per year for students from low-income families;
from $800 to $1,200 per year for students from middle-income families; and

2. For part-time students, the CSG increased from $1,200 to $1,800

In total, these measures will provide assistance of $1.53 billion over five years, starting in 2016–17, and $329 million per year after that.

3. An increase to loan repayment regulations

The loan repayment threshold under the Canada Student Loans Program’s Repayment Assistance Plan has been changed to ensure that no student will have to repay their Canada Student Loan until they are earning at least $25,000 per year. More...

16 avril 2016

Boom du nombre d’étudiants à l’horizon 2024 : cette réorganisation de l’enseignement supérieur qui pourrait éviter une pression

Atlantico, un vent nouveau sur l'infoPar Boris Ménard. L'Education nationale a rendu publiques les projections suivantes : 2,81 millions d'étudiants seront inscrits dans l'enseignement supérieur en 2024, soit une augmentation de 335 000 par rapport à 2014. Cette projection est annoncée alors que le chômage des jeunes est toujours élevé (25,7% des moins de 25 ans en novembre 2015). Voir l'article...

16 avril 2016

Students discuss the future of higher education in Romania

ESU - European Students' UnionFrom March 25 to June 4, The National Alliance of Student Organizations in Romania (ANOSR) will hold 6 debates on topics of interest for the Romanian higher education system in 6 different cities (Timișoara, Iași, Sibiu, Cluj-Napoca, Suceava, Alba Iulia), during the second edition of the Bologna in Universities project. These events are listed in the calendar of activities organised under the aegis of the National Debate for Education and Research - "Romania Educated", conducted by the Presidential Administration. More...

2 avril 2016

Student complaints time limits 'improve service'

By Jack Grove. Rules introduced by Scotland's ombudsman have forced universities to improve how they handle student complaints, says University of Edinburgh expert. More...

1 avril 2016

Strategies to support students with autism at CHERE Conference

University Business LogoSubmitted by Stefanie Botelho. The Center for Higher Education Retention Excellence (CHERE) is sponsoring a one-day conference, Higher Education & Students with Autism: What We Know, What We Need to Know & How We Get There Together, to explore best practices for educators working with college students who are on the autism spectrum. More...
31 mars 2016

Students with unusual names: 'at least no one forgets us'

The Guardian homeBy. Meet Fragile, Xanthe and Yu Rong. Sometimes they get annoyed with spelling or explaining their names, but they always have something to talk about. More...
31 mars 2016

The party’s over for young people, debt laden and risk averse

The Guardian homeBy. With such grave financial prospects, it’s no wonder today’s under-25s prefer jogging to drinking. To have a sense of freedom now seems illogical. More...

30 mars 2016

Six things students can do to boost their mental health

The Guardian homeBy. University mental health day is the perfect time to take stock of how you’re feeling, the things that stress you out and the activities that lift your mood. More...

30 mars 2016

Student mental health: a new model for universities

The Guardian homeByJo Smith. Almost 80% of students have had mental health problems in the past year. So how can campuses take a proactive approach to helping. More...
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