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4 mai 2018

Un module E-learning sur la transmission d'entreprise familiale

Screenshot-2018-5-4 Aides-entreprises fr plus de 2000 aides publiques financièresBpifrance Université, la plateforme de e-learning dédiée aux dirigeants d'entreprises, a conçu un module consacré à la transmission d'entreprise familiale, afin d'aider les dirigeants à réussir cette démarche. Plus...

4 mai 2018

CIPD: E-learning 'Shows Potential not Performance'

CIPD: E-learning 'Shows Potential not Performance'

People have been saying this for a while, but now it has been officially discovered. More...

4 mai 2018

E-learning Manifesto

E-learning Manifesto
I think just about every educational weblogger got spammed today with this announcement, along with who knows how many other people. "The International Journal on E-Learning (IJEL) has completed publication of its premiere year of articles." Well fine. More...

29 avril 2018

FOAD. Réunion d'échanges et de collecte d'informations sur les formations qualifiantes ou certifiantes proposées à distance

La Région souhaite améliorer sa connaissance des enjeux de la transition numérique afin d'adapter son offre de formation qualifiante à destination des demandeurs d'emploi.
Source :

25 avril 2018

‘Making Digital Learning Work’: why faculty and program directors must change their approach . The main strategy appears to be to move some of the face-to-face lectures online, without changing either the face-to-face or the online lecture format. In particular there is often a resistance to asynchronous approaches to online learning.  In one or two cases I have seen, faculty have insisted that students watch the Internet lectures live so that there can be synchronous online discussion, thus severely limiting the flexibility of ‘any time, any place’ for students. More...
25 avril 2018

‘Humans Wanted’: online learning and skills development . I have at last got hold of a full copy of this report that came out a couple of weeks ago. Much to my surprise, I found the report essential reading for anyone in education, mainly because it is relatively specific about the skills that the Canadian job market will need between 2018 and 2021, and the results were not quite what I expected to see. More...
25 avril 2018

Stanford University to be fully online by 2025? . Because the university is on an Easter break, it was difficult to find anyone at Stanford to verify this rumour, but the planning seems to be quite advanced. Apparently a highly confidential strategic planning committee has been working for some time on a plan to convert all programs at Stanford into a fully online format, using advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR and AR), and data analytics (DA), technologies in which both Stanford and Google are world leaders. More...
24 avril 2018

11 online education trends institutions should track

eCampus NewsCareer aspirations continue to drive students’ decisions to enroll in online education programs, according to a new survey tracking online learning trends. More...

24 avril 2018

3 ways video assessment fosters community in online courses

eCampus NewsWhile online courses have become a convenient option for students, their growing popularity has also exposed some significant challenges associated with distance learning. One in particular—how to foster community in online courses—is especially pressing. More...

24 avril 2018

6 steps to gain faculty support for online learning

eCampus NewsRecently, a case at Eastern Michigan University came to light in which the administration and faculty had very different experiences with online efforts. Unfortunately, most situations that I’ve encountered are more similar to this than they are different. More...

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