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20 mai 2019

Plan biodiversité : lancement de l’initiative «Territoires engagés pour la nature»

Associations des Régions de France, toute l'actualité des régions.Face à l’accélération de l’érosion de la biodiversité, seule une mobilisation collective au niveau international et national peut permettre d’inverser la tendance. C’est pourquoi le ministère de la Transition écologique et solidaire et Régions de France, avec la contribution de l’Agence française pour la biodiversité et les Agences de l’eau, lancent l’initiative « Territoires engagés pour la nature ». Plus...

19 mai 2019

Insign et Pathmotion organisent une matinale RH dédiée à la diversité dans le recrutement

Focus RH - Gestion de carrière et évolution professionnelleLe 18 juin prochain, l'agence Insign et PathMotion organiseront une matinale dédiée à la diversité dans le recrutement dans les locaux de l'agence Insign à Paris. Plus...

5 mai 2019

What if… we really wanted to diversify access to our universities?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "hepi"We lost the argument about having a set of equal institutions 800 years ago when Oxford was founded, for Oxford and Cambridge spent centuries discouraging the establishment of other universities. More...

5 mai 2019

Is the Emphasis on Marginalization Flattening Diversity Work?

By Eboo Patel. Intersectionality theory welcomes conversation about multiple dimensions of identity but allows for the narration of only one type of experience. More...

22 avril 2019

Universities can’t all be the same – it’s time we embraced diversity

The ConversationThe university “brand” has been developed over some eight centuries. There have been many changes in that time, with much regional variation. For example, in the 19th century British universities were largely teaching institutions while German universities took leadership in research. More...
21 avril 2019

We must celebrate gender and sexual diversity in our schools

The ConversationMoralising commentaries about the Safe Schools Coalition are dangerously out of touch with the science of sex, the social research about gender and the realities of the ways that young people already understand their own sexual and gender identities. More...
19 avril 2019

My Black and Latinx Students Need Affirmative Action

HomeMy students face numerous obstacles inside and outside of school. Being scapegoated for taking seats should not be one of them, writes Yoo Eun Kim. More...

18 avril 2019

Stanford’s new AI institute is inadvertently showcasing one of tech’s biggest problems

Techno-News BlogAI’s “sea of dudes” or”white guy problem” has been well-documented, and awareness of the topic is becoming more and more mainstream. Diversity and inclusion has become boilerplate language for any major industry event, including Stanford’s own literature on the launch of HAI, and the institute was quick to acknowledge the problems with its faculty makeup. More...

8 avril 2019

How can teachers be more effective in diverse classrooms?

Education & Skills TodayTeaching is a complex, multifaceted task – especially at a time of rapid societal change. Recent migration patterns have led to increasingly diverse classrooms, which present new challenges to teachers. More...

7 avril 2019

Différence et diversité : deux notions opposées

Focus RH - Gestion de carrière et évolution professionnellePar Yves Richez. Notre propos de ce jour traite de la confusion entretenue entre différence et diversité. Confusion à partir de laquelle des actions, des discours et des débats se perpétuent au gré des années. Plus...

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