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6 octobre 2019

La majorité des étudiants de la nouvelle promo de Harvard est issue de la diversité

La plus prestigieuse des universités américaines accueillera en septembre une nouvelle promotion composée à 50,8% d’étudiants issus de minorités ethniques. Plus...

2 octobre 2019

Les femmes encore trop peu nombreuses dans les écoles d’ingénieurs

Selon un rapport du Contrôle général économique et financier, les écoles publiques d’ingénieurs connaissent une diversité très limitée selon le sexe ou les origines sociales de leurs étudiants. Plus...

2 octobre 2019

Écoles d’ingénieurs : toujours trop peu de diversité

Une étude récente démontre que les profils socioprofessionnels ou les voies d’accès à la formation sont encore trop peu hétérogènes au sein des écoles d’ingénieurs. Plus...

2 octobre 2019

Celebrate Diversity!

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Celebrate Diversity!
Link to a pretty good graphic on diversity. I'm less impressed with the commentary - the point isn't to 'celebrate diversity' as though it were all folk music and funny dances. The idea is that diverse groups solve problems more effectively because diverse groups take more variables into account and factor out variables. More...

27 septembre 2019


By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Diversity
Well how many times have I harped on diversity? George Siemens links to this political site. "Innovation provides the seeds for economic growth, and for that innovation to happen depends as much on collective difference as on aggregate ability." Collective difference. Now that's a good phrase. He has also compiled a list of connectivism resources, but the site demands a registration, which is not cool. More...

20 septembre 2019

What Should Graduates of Diversity Programs Be Good At?

I run a diversity organization -- and spend hundreds of hours every year working with a range of campus diversity programs -- and here’s a question I think about all the time: What do I hope students get good at as a result of being part of our initiatives. More...

15 septembre 2019

College Readiness Among Hispanic Students

HomeBy Madeline St. Amour. New research from ACT's Center for Equity in Learning and Hispanic media company Univision Communications Inc. has produced three recommendations for increasing college readiness among Hispanic students. More...

15 septembre 2019

Med Schools Still Lack Diversity

HomeBy Greta Anderson. U.S. medical school diversity is falling behind the shifting racial composition of the country, according to a new study published Sept. 4 in the Journal of the American Medical Association. More...

7 septembre 2019

Diversity is indispensable to excellence: The Canada Research Chairs program

The ConversationEarlier this year, NASA’s plan to conduct a historic joint spacewalk of two female astronauts outside the International Space Station was thwarted because the station did not have space suits that fit both women. More...

2 septembre 2019

Pew Study: Faculty-Student Diversity Divide Persists

Techno-News BlogFaculty are slowly becoming more racially and ethnically diverse – but not nearly as diverse as their students, a new Pew Research Center study found. More than three-quarters of faculty are White compared to 55 percent of students, according to fall 2017 data from the National Center for Education Statistics. More...

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