By . Standardised curriculums adopted by many universities in India are not helping to raise students' academic outcomes. More...
Universities can’t decolonise the curriculum without defining it first
By . Academics are trying to rid South Africa’s universities of the procedures, values, norms, practices, thinking, beliefs and choices that mark anything non-European and not white as inferior. More...
Using real-time student feedback to shape curriculum
7 September 2016, Theatre A, Old Arts, Parkville campus
Part of the Innovations in Teaching and Learning seminar series
Inviting students to collaborate in real time on the design of a subject’s curriculum is an exciting and empowering way to engage them in self-directed learning. Furthermore, allowing students to be directly involved in the curriculum design process results in a carefully-customised subject that covers appropriate, relevant and useful topics. Using Poll Everywhere in this subject has resulted in a vibrant, highly interactive and collaborative learning environment and classes that were carefully customised for the student cohort. More...
This is what corporate-designed curriculum looks like
By Bridget McCrea. When Hydrotech, Inc., detected a noticeable gap between the experienced, knowledgeable recruits that it needed and the types of job candidates it was attracting, the company knew it wouldn’t be long before its eligible employee pipeline dwindled. More...
Decolonising the curriculum: it’s time for a strategy
Data Science Curriculum on edX
Higher Ed Tech News and Research ~ Ray Schroeder, editor. Data Scientists are in high demand – and now there’s another way to earn relevant accreditation via the Microsoft-designed Data Science Curriculum offered on the edX platform. More...
A survivor making black lives matter in the curriculum
By Brendan O'Malley. Eight hours before Aya Waller-Bey was due to jump on a plane from Detroit to London to take up a scholarship at Cambridge University she was sitting in a courtroom watching as a judge sentenced her sister to two years behind bars for assault with intent to do bodily harm during an armed robbery. Read more...
Reinventing the curriculum for today’s students
By Suellen Shay. It has become common in discussions about higher education and equity to draw on the metaphor of ‘pathways’. This metaphor has usefully focused attention on access: the gap between school and university, the articulation between and across different tiers of the system and a range of barriers faced by students from traditionally underrepresented communities. Read more...
Rethinking curriculum approaches in challenging times
By Elizabeth de Kadt, Brenda Leibowitz and Precious Sipuka. Higher education has been in the spotlight in South Africa, with students demanding greater access – including epistemological access – and decolonising of the curriculum. In the press, too, have been the unsatisfactory completion rates of students. Read more...
CAMES ministers agree to harmonise university curricula
By Jane Marshall. Ministers from CAMES, the Conseil africain et malgache pour l'enseignement supérieur – African and Malagasy Council for Higher Education – which represents 19 Francophone African states, have agreed on measures to develop higher education. Read more...