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16 décembre 2018

'In Search of Curricular Coherence'

HomeBy Colleen Flaherty. “How can faculty work together to create a more coherent and intentional curriculum whose goals, pathways and outcomes are clear to students and other constituencies with a stake in the future of higher education?” With that question, the Teagle Foundation began its Curricular Coherence initiative in 2014. More...

1 décembre 2018

Getting the job done

University Business Magazine logoFor higher ed institutions considering restructuring their general education curriculum, administrators suggest they involve the faculty in the process from the start. More...

1 décembre 2018

Reconstructing general ed for colleges and universities

University Business Magazine logoWhile a college’s general education curriculum touches every student, officials may go many years without touching those requirements in any significant way. More...

26 novembre 2018

What I Wish I Knew Before Starting Grad School

HomeExactly 10 years ago this past August, I was getting ready to move to Washington to start my master's in medieval history at Catholic University, with a larger goal of earning a Ph.D. I had just graduated from the College of Holy Cross three months before and was excited to continue on with my education. More...

23 septembre 2018

Integrating Makerspaces Throughout the Curriculum

Screenshot-2018-4-19 Techno-News BlogTechno-News Blog. The makerspace isn’t just a fixed space where kids come and go to complete busywork. It’s an extension of a well-established approach to educating students that has applications and deep implications across disciplines. As makerspaces start to pop up in schools across the country, some educators, particularly those teaching non-STEM subjects, may be wondering what exactly they’re supposed to do with them. More...

3 août 2018

New cursus. Saupoudrage de crédits

Sur le blog "Histoires d'universités" de Pierre Dubois. Je suis encore plus sceptique sur les résultats du second appel à projets PIA3 « Nouveaux cursus à l’université » (Frédérique Vidal. Communiqué du 9 juillet 2018). Plus...
23 juin 2018

Teaching off-the-shelf curricula does university students a disservice

Screenshot-2018-4-23 The GardianIn the US, I was coerced into teaching a prepackaged course that stifled creativity. I fear UK universities are not far behind. More...

19 juin 2018

Making the Most of Your Low-Res Program

For MFAs or MAAEs in creative writing, visual arts, photography, or stage writing, the option of low-residency has become increasingly popular as many non-traditional graduate students juggle other responsibilities. More...

16 juin 2018

Harvard Hosts 60-Year Curriculum Symposium

Screenshot-2018-4-19 Techno-News BlogTechno-News Blog. In a 2017 interview with the University Professional and Continuing Education Association, Dean Hunt Lambert, who leads Harvard’s Division of Continuing Education, emphasized that the 60-year curriculum recognizes that people begin their learning careers in earnest in their teens, continue learning throughout their work years, and even continue their educations during their retirements. More...

2 juin 2018

« Le nouveau cursus de l’Icam est basé sur le « faire vite » avant d’apprendre » "Il y a une vie après le bac" d'Olivier Rollot. L’Icam, école d’ingénieurs multi-campus en France,  sur tous les fronts. Après avoir inauguré son implantation en République du Congo, à Pointe-Noire, début janvier elle lance un tout nouveau parcours d’études, dit « parcours ouvert ». Plus...

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