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30 janvier 2020

The 60-Year Curriculum: What Colleges Should Do

The 60-Year Curriculum: What Colleges Should Do
Universities should adopt the 60-Year Curriculum (60YC) as a goal and a theme. It begins in the freshman year and serves students throughout their lifetime. More...
16 janvier 2020

The 60-Year Curriculum: What universities should do

The 60-Year Curriculum: What universities should do
Universities should adopt the 60-Year Curriculum (60YC) as a goal and a theme. It begins in the freshman year and serves students throughout their lifetime. Whereas “lifelong learning” expresses the need for an individual to continue learning, the 60YC...
13 janvier 2020

Is Writing to Text the Only "High-Quality" Curriculum?

Is Writing to Text the Only "High-Quality" Curriculum?
By John Warner. Some bad notions of what helps students turn into good writers have been enshrined in curricular standards. We should root them out. More...
7 décembre 2019

Where “working hard and being kind” are part of the curriculum

Where “working hard and being kind” are part of the curriculum
One of the most debated findings from PISA has been that teacher-directed instructional practices tend to better predict student achievement than student-oriented learning. Some consider this a statistical fluke; but it has been a consistent finding....
3 octobre 2019

Les meilleurs cursus pour des études d’urbanisme

Les meilleurs cursus pour des études d’urbanisme
Évolution continue de la réglementation, apport des nouvelles technologies, problématiques de gouvernance… Autant de facettes que revêtent les questions d’urbanisme, qui font l’objet d’approches très diverses de la part des mastères spécialisés. Plus...
14 juin 2019

Best Damn New Media Curriculum Evah! Plan

Best Damn New Media Curriculum Evah! Plan
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Dave Cormier[Edit][Delete]: The Best Damn New Media Curriculum Evah! Plan, Ed Tech Talk Wiki [Edit][Delete] February 20, 2006As the page (currently) explains, "This is a plan for a mass curriculum project. Dave is going...
23 mai 2019

Curriculum: The Design of the Prerequisite

Curriculum: The Design of the Prerequisite
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Brian Alger: Curriculum: The Design of the Prerequisite, The Experience Designer Network November 1, 2005 Via Harold Jarche comes this nice essay about the foundation of, and death of, curriculum. No doubt there will...
7 mars 2019

Curricular Change and The Decline of Poland

Curricular Change and The Decline of Poland
By Alex Usher . Sometimes Canadian universities drive me up the wall. Mostly, it’s when they start lobbying for other people to take action in areas where the clearest problems lie within their own wheelhouse. I speak in particular of Study Abroad and...
18 janvier 2019

Here’s one way 3D printing is enhancing curriculum

Here’s one way 3D printing is enhancing curriculum
Lincoln Memorial University-College of Veterinary Medicine (LMU-CVM) will incorporate the 3D models into an innovations elective course that will be offered in January 2019. More...
29 décembre 2018

Quel est le cursus exigé en France pour faire usage du titre de psychologue ?

Quel est le cursus exigé en France pour faire usage du titre de psychologue ?
La profession de psychologue est réglementée en France par l'article 44 de la loi du 25 juillet 2005 portant diverses dispositions d'ordre social. En application de ce texte, ont le droit de faire usage du titre de psychologue, les personnes titulaires...
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