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17 juillet 2016

Don't turn students into consumers – the US proves it's a recipe for disaster J Angulo. Americans embraced the marketisation of higher education, with profit-making colleges and debt-laden customers. The result has been corruption and failure. More...

15 juillet 2016

Le nouveau code de la consommation : une table de concordance téléchargeable

Le nouveau Code de la consommation améliore la cohérence juridique des dispositions légales et réglementaires. Pour faciliter l’accès à la nouvelle numérotation des articles, la DGCCRF met à la disposition des utilisateurs une table de concordance électronique téléchargeable. Voir l'article...

25 mai 2016

Student Experience, Customer Service, and the “Gig Economy”

By Elizabeth Lewis Pardoe. In the academy, we shun the term “customer service.” It belittles what we do, the impact that we have on students and on society. It makes it appear as if education were a commodity. More...

22 mai 2016

Comparateurs en ligne : de nouvelles obligations à partir du 1er juillet 2016

Les comparateurs en ligne jouent un rôle de plus en plus déterminant dans la décision des consommateurs, pour l’achat d’un bien ou la fourniture d’un service. Voir l'article...
15 mai 2016

Studentin nutzt Bankfehler für Shoppingtouren: Disp000000 mit sechs Nullen

SPIEGEL ONLINEVon . Eine australische Bank hat einer Chemiestudentin einen Überziehungskredit in Millionenhöhe eingeräumt, versehentlich. Die junge Frau investierte das Geld in Schuhe, Handtaschen und Appartements. Mehr...

14 mai 2016

Getting carded on campus

University Business LogoBy Nancy Mann Jackson. Regardless of the size of the staff or office, efficient campus card programs share several best practices: A focus on customer service, cutting-edge technology and collaboration with the campus community and beyond. More...

14 mai 2016

Card office cares: Provider perspective

University Business LogoBy Nancy Mann Jackson. What aspects of customer service do campus card offices seem to do best with—and in what areas do they struggle the most. More...

13 mai 2016

Student Experience, Customer Service, and the “Gig Economy”

By Yves Salomon-Fernandez. In the academy, we shun the term “customer service.” It belittles what we do, the impact that we have on students and on society. It makes it appear as if education were a commodity. More...

2 avril 2016

Course customization boosts personalized learning for students

eCampus NewsEdgenuity, a provider of online and blended learning solutions, has launched a new course customization tool that gives educators an enhanced ability to customize the learning experience to drive even better academic outcomes. More...

31 mars 2016

Energy drinks: Ban the cans on campus?

University Business LogoBy Ray Bendici. Citing that beverages such as Red Bull, Monster and 5-Hour Energy have been linked to heart, liver and neurological issues, the school has stopped selling those products to students, although it still permits them to be consumed on campus. More...
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