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2 décembre 2017

Un décret institue un haut-commissariat à la transformation des compétences

Évoquée au moment du lancement du Plan d’investissement compétences (Pic) le 25 octobre, l’installation d’un haut-commissaire chargé de gérer le déroulement du programme a été officialisée par le décret du 3 novembre 2017. Plus...

28 novembre 2017

The top skills career-minded students need in today’s digital workforce

eCampus NewsOnce seen as merely "nice to have," critical thinking skills have emerged as a flat-out necessity in today's knowledge-based economy. More...

28 novembre 2017

Here's a 21st Century Skill--and How to Teach It!

Here's a 21st Century Skill--and How to Teach It!
Daniel Willingham, Science & Education, 2017/10/02
I'm going to give Daniel Willingham props for a no-qualifications admission that he was wrong in the past. He has argued in the past that students should be taught domain knowledge, rather than critical thinking or other '21st century skills'. More...

28 novembre 2017

Why Higher Ed Needs to Bridge the Critical Thinking Skills Gap

Why Higher Ed Needs to Bridge the Critical Thinking Skills Gap
Frank Connolly , EdSurge, 2017/09/05
I agree that "providing appropriate guidance in critical thinking needs to become a central part of the college value proposition," but I don't think this article makes the case very well. It's based on a Wall Street Journal examination of the Collegiate Learning Assessment Plus (CLA+) test, described as "a standardized testing initiative designed to measure college students’ critical thinking skills." Examples here. More...

27 novembre 2017

Assessing Learning Outcomes: Thinking Critically about Critical Thinking and Written Communication Skills

Assessing Learning Outcomes: Thinking Critically about Critical Thinking and Written Communication Skills
Vera Beletzan, Melissa Gabler, Paula Gouveia, Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario, 2017/08/30
When I think about my own intellectual history I can think of several keystone events in which I received explicit guidance in critical thinking (and writing) which advanced my thinking significantly. One was reading Eleanor Maclean's Between the Lines. Another was reading Darrell Huff's How to Lie With Statistics. Another was a close reading and analysis of one of my papers given to me by Jon Bordo, a philosophy professor. More...

26 novembre 2017

University vice-chancellors deserve more pay, not less. Here’s why

The Guardian homeRunning a university requires a rare combination of skills. Pay peanuts, and you will get monkeys in charge of them. More...

25 novembre 2017

Federal Audit Challenges Faculty Role at WGU

HomeBy Paul Fain. Education Department’s inspector general labels Western Governors as a correspondence-course provider, seeks reimbursement of $713 million in aid and may broadly threaten competency-based education. More...

25 novembre 2017

Top Rating for U.S. on Skills Training

HomeBy Paul Fain. The U.S. gets high marks on World Economic Forum index on human capital development, which could ease worries about higher education's contribution to a skills gap. But some experts are skeptical. More...

25 novembre 2017

Mixed Prospect for Growth of Competency-Based Ed

HomeBy Paul Fain. Most competency-based education programs remain nascent, highly localized and of limited size, according a new report from Eduventures, Ellucian and the American Council on Education. More...

24 novembre 2017

Et si nous parlions compétences ?

Nombre de places limité : inscription obligatoire
Et si nous parlions compétences ?
Recrutement et compétences
Professionnalisation, qualification certification et blocs de compétences
Le CPF inscrit dans la dynamique de développement des compétences
Vers l’Insertion Professionnelle – Un label de compétences pour faciliter l’insertion professionnelle des jeunes diplômés


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