Sur le blog "Histoires d'universités" de Pierre Dubois. Vérité, efficacité, confiance… Réformer, réduire les déficits, redresser, réussir. Pourquoi tant de mots ? Déclaration du Premier Ministre et détail du plan d’économies (16 avril 2014). 50 milliards d’euros d’économies à réaliser entre 2015 et 2017 : 18 milliards de la part de l’État, 11 milliards de la part des collectivités territoriales. L’enseignement supérieur et la recherche ne seront pas épargnés. Voir l'article...
Infographic: 2015 state budgets
By Melissa Ezarik. Slow climb to pre-recession funding.
After years of budget cuts, some states are finally putting money back into higher education for FY2015. More...
Higher Ed Cuts in GOP Budget
Budget 2014: £200 million for science as postgraduate options considered
By . The government will outline options to increase postgraduate student numbers later this year, according to today’s Budget statement. While George Osborne, the chancellor, did not mention postgraduate study in his speech, the Treasury’s accompanying Budget document pledged to overcome “potential barriers in the postgraduate system that may be restricting the supply of…higher skills”. More...
'Massive' budget hole predicted as RAB charge rises
By . A £2.5 billion drop in forecast student loan repayments over six years means the government will “massively overrun” on its higher education budget, independent experts have warned. Meanwhile, the government has also confirmed that its estimate of the portion of student loans that will never be repaid has risen to 45 per cent. More...
Universities to get near 6 per cent cut to ‘most teaching budgets’
By . Teaching grants for universities in England are to fall by more than the £45 million announced last month, the country’s funding council has said. In a letter to institutions from Madeleine Atkins, Higher Education Funding Council for England chief executive, it has been revealed that most teaching budgets will drop by 5.85 per cent in 2014-15.
This is a higher cut than previously expected when the higher education budget was unveiled in the government’s annual grant letter, which was released last month. More...
The 2015 Budget, Real and Illusory
By Michael Stratford. President Obama on Tuesday sent Congress a budget request that would keep most student aid and basic research programs level-funded; the 2015 plan also included several ambitious new higher education proposals. But the new proposals stand little chance of passing a gridlocked Congress that is gearing up for the midterm elections this fall. Read more...
L'Etat reprend la main sur le budget de l'université de Versailles - Saint-Quentin
Par Benoît Floc'h. L’université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ) s’enlise dans les problèmes financiers. Vendredi 14 février, la présidence de l’université n’a pu, comme cela était attendu, présenter au conseil d’administration de l’établissement un budget en équilibre. C’est donc au recteur que revient désormais la tâche d’établir, sous quinze jours, un budget exécutoire.
Il manque toujours à l’UVSQ, devenue le symbole des difficultés budgétaires des universités, 5,2 millions d’euros pour boucler son budget 2014. Suite...
English university budgets slashed, heads 'rebuked' over pay
Relief greets news of 'better than expected' university budget
By Lucy Ward. Universities warn that while access and high-cost courses have been made a priority, they are not completely protected. Universities are bracing themselves for significant cuts to teaching budgets totalling around £160m next year, while welcoming efforts to shield poorer students and high-cost courses from the worst of the cutbacks. The delayed announcement of the cash available for higher education in 2014-15 and beyond represents a less bleak picture than many in the sector had feared, amid rumours last month of £200m cuts including the axing of the Student Opportunity Allocation, a fund supporting widening participation. More...