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31 juillet 2014

Adult Education Made Accessible

The AEMA Network, consisting of 12 organisations from 11 European countries, intends to improve access to adult education by developing a shared network and quality framework on accessibility issues in adult education provision. More...

12 juillet 2014

An Adult Education Model That Works

The EvoLLLutionBy  - EvoLLLution. Research conducted by The Harvard Business Review points to the extraordinary correlation between employee development and organizational performance. The data also reflects a connection between educational benefits and employee retention rates. This would suggest that those of us in the continuing education business should be filling our online classrooms with ease. But we aren’t, and it’s because the business model in higher education for adult learners is badly broken. More...

6 juillet 2014

Turning an Adult Education Center into an Open Learning Environment

By Shihua LI, Renfeng Wang, Liesbeth De Donder. How can an adult education center achieve a culture of sustainable individual, social and professional development? How can it better serve the learner, the community, the region and the society? The answer is turning it into an open learning center. We had a chance to interview Prof. dr Koen de Pryck, principal of CVO Antwerpen, and discover what an open learning environment is truly about. More...

6 juillet 2014

Offer development – keeping up-to-date

By Felix Ritter, Karl Wüest-Schöpfer, Marinella Papasterios Pedevilla. How do you seek out the latest trends? Do you include them in interesting advertisements? And get lucky every now and again with a new trend? Continuing to develop offers is one of the most interesting tasks in continuing education. EB Zürich, the largest public continuing education institute in Switzerland, is giving us a look behind the scenes on how it continuously reinvents itself. Because those who rest do not just rust, they will also be punished by the market. More...

4 juillet 2014

The Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC): Implications for education and training policies in Europe

In October 2013, the OECD together with the European Commission published the results of the Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC), the first comprehensive assessment of the skills of the working age population carried out in the majority of EU Member States. More...

1 juillet 2014

EPALE, plate-forme pour l’éducation et la formation des adultes en Europe

Logo de l'Agence Régionale de la Formation tout au long de la vie (ARFTLV Poitou-charentes)La Commission européenne a officialise la mise en ligne d'une plate-forme électronique pour l’éducation et formation des adultes en Europe.
La plate-forme EPALE, vise à devenir le portail de l'éducation et la formation des adultes en Europe. Elle donnera de la visibilité à toutes les initiatives dans ce domaine. Carrefour des innovations, lieu d'information sur les réformes politiques et partage d'expériences, elle permettra aussi la recherche de partenaires pour bâtir des projets entre Européens. Voir l'article...

29 juin 2014

UIL contributing to Second Conference of the ESREA Network on Policy Studies

The Second Conference of the European Society of Research on the Education of Adults (ESREA) Network on Policy Studies in Adult Education entitled, Interrogating Sustainability in Adult Learning Policy: European and Global Perspectives took place from 18 to 20 June 2014 at the University of Aalborg in Denmark. Around 50 participants, predominantly university professors and researchers from Europe and other regions gathered to analyse how sustainability is – and could be – integrated into policies for adult learning.
UIL contributed to a panel on literacy with a presentation by Ulrike Hanemann, highlighting key findings of the second Global Report on Adult Learning and Education (GRALE 2), and to a paper session with a presentation by Chripa Schneller on the Impact on Distance Education on Adult Learning (IDEAL) project. Both presentations were well received by the conference participants.
The European Society of Research on the Education of Adults (ESREA) Network on Policy Studies in Adult Education is one of the 12 active networks of ESREA and is holding a conference every two years since 2012. The conference proceedings and papers will be published and all information will be available on More...

25 juin 2014

Première enquête PIAAC : les compétences des adultes français en question

Logo Groupe AlphaPar Nicolas Fleury. La nouvelle enquête de l’OCDE sur les adultes PIAAC 2012 présente un panorama des compétences des adultes dans les pays participants : nous revenons sur ses résultats pour la France.
L’enquête PIAAC (Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies) est une nouvelle enquête de l’OCDE (2011-2012) qui évalue les compétences des ‘adultes‘ (16-64 ans) pour les pays de l’OCDE et ses partenaires. Elle est donc complémentaire de l’enquête PISA mesurant les compétences des jeunes de 15 ans. Trois domaines de compétences sont définis et considérés dans l’enquête, les principaux étant littératie (capacité de comprendre et de réagir de façon appropriée aux textes écrits), numératie (capacité d’utiliser des concepts numériques et mathématiques). La compétence résolution de problèmes dans des environnements à forte composante technologique n’est testée que dans certains pays (et pas France), et pour les individus dont le niveau de compétence informatique leur permet d’effectuer l’ensemble du test sur support informatique (et non au format papier). Suite...
22 juin 2014

Understanding Student Needs Vital to Succeeding in the Graduate Student Environment

The EvoLLLutionBy , co-written with Marian Cohen - EvoLLLution. In a previous EvoLLLution article (Three Factors Influencing Persistence and Withdrawal for Part-Time Adult Graduate Students) we shared some of the findings from a study of adult students attending part-time graduate programs at a public university.[1] As we reported, the leading reason why some students had withdrawn or seriously considered withdrawing from their program was due to “feeling overwhelmed by the workload.” We suggested that prior to their matriculation, adult students need to fully understand the expectations of graduate-level coursework, the requirements of the federal credit-hour definition and the changes they would need to make in their lives to successfully manage school on top of work, family, financial and other obligations. More...

22 juin 2014

Adult education study shows gaps in European systems Peta Lee. People involved in adult education activities become politically active, vote and are on the whole politically motivated, while adults aged between 50 and 71 will develop a higher level of self-confidence. They are also less at risk of adopting extremist attitudes and tend to develop more tolerant behaviour. These fascinating findings are from a recent Benefits of Lifelong Learning – BeLL – project funded by the European Commission and carried out in 10 European countries. Read more...
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