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16 juin 2014

Graduate Certificates Growing in Value for Working Adults

The EvoLLLutionBy . The following interview is with Wayne Smutz, dean of continuing education and UCLA Extension. Smutz has been involved with creating innovative approaches to graduate education throughout his career, first at Penn State University and now at UCLA. In this interview, Smutz discusses the issue of credentialing at the graduate level and shares his thoughts on the growing influence, and value, of graduate certificates both for employers and working adults. More...

15 juin 2014

Online consultation – UNESCO Recommendation on the Development of Adult Education

As recommended by the Belém Framework for Action and approved in 2013 by UNESCO’s General Conference, UNESCO will revise the 1976 Recommendation on the Development of Adult Education.

In order to discuss the draft 1976 Recommendation on the Development of Adult Education with a broader audience, The UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) has organized an open online consultation from 16 to 29 June, 2014. The revised draft of the Recommendation, prepared with the help of international experts and in consultation with Member States, will be submitted for approval by the General Conference in 2015.

UIL is looking forward to receiving contributions from policy-makers, researchers, practitioners, teachers and learners. 

Click here for more information and to subscribe to the Online Consultation. More...

15 juin 2014

Revising the UNESCO Recommendation on the Development of Adult Education

As mandated by the Belém Framework for Action and approved in 2013 by UNESCO’s General Conference, UNESCO will revise the 1976 Recommendation on the Development of Adult Education. Concomitantly, the Recommendation on Technical and Vocational Education and Training will be revised.

The revised drafts of the Recommendations, prepared with the help of international experts and in consultation with Member States, will be submitted for approval by the General Conference in 2015. To that end, a joint expert meeting is being held at UIL on 27 to 28 May 2014 with adult education and TVET specialists from all world regions, UIL, the UNESCO Section for Youth, Literacy and Skills Development and UNESCO-UNEVOC. This meeting is producing draft recommendations which will be distributed to Member States in September to be finalized for submission to the UNESCO Executive Board and General Conference. The revised recommendation on adult education will serve as a high-level normative document to support and monitor adult learning and education from 2015 onwards.

In order to discuss the draft 1976 Recommendation on the Development of Adult Education with a broader audience, UIL will organize an open online consultation from 16 to 29 June, 2014. An invitation to participate in this process will soon be posted on this website. More...

15 juin 2014

A new Cedefop database on financing adult learning

Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational TrainingCedefop has launched a database, which provides information on design and performance of cost-sharing schemes implemented in EU countries to increase participation and private investment in adult learning.
The database covers the following types of instruments: training funds, tax incentives, grants, vouchers/individual learning accounts, loans, training leave and payback clauses. Project on financing VET. More...

14 juin 2014

Adult education boosts language knowledge in Latvia

By Vita Žunda. The Latvian Adult Education Association (LAEA) is an excellent place and site for adult education providers to inform of, pilot and disseminate LLL projects that are being developed in Latvia. Here we introduce some of them.
Benchmark of 15 procent for adult participation in lifelong learning may seem an abstract goal, but all adult education leaders wish to have more learners in their schools.  But it is not only a matter of funding, but also a matter of skills.  Where can we develop these skills? We propose to learn from successful and experienced education leaders who can be our mentors. We can analyze their experience and identify strategies which can bring more learners. More...

14 juin 2014

InfoNet is ten years old: Annual conference in Prague

By Michael Sommer. Ten years ago European InfoNet Adult Education was launched at its first meeting in Cologne. Since then, InfoNet has developed into a major network that has representatives in almost every country in the European Union and approx. 5000 regular readers. More...

31 mai 2014

Constructionism for Adults Mark Guzdial. Most researchers exploring constructionism study children. Mitchel Resnick, Yasmin Kafai, Uri Wilensky, Amy Bruckman, Idit Harel, and other academic offspring of Seymour Papert have studied how children learn through construction in a variety of media, from Scratch to e-textiles. The semi-annual Constructionism and Creativity Conference talks about “students” not “children” on the Constructionism history page, but the proceedings from the 2012 conference show that it’s about children’s learning, both formal and informalMore...

10 mai 2014

Spring-summer courses are in big demand at Brock Rosanna Tamburri. Course format is ideal for part-time mature students. Spring and summer are generally quiet times on university campuses – but not at Brock University. The university, located in southern Ontario’s Niagara Region, is quickly expanding course offerings in its spring-summer term to meet the strong demand from students like Renata Di Cienzo. More...

10 mai 2014

Participez à l'enquête EPALE sur l'éducation des adultes !

Logo AgenceÊtes-vous un professionnel de l'éducation des adultes ? L'enquête Epale se termine le 15 mai, alors ne manquez pas cette chance de donner votre point de vue sur l'avenir de l'éducation des adultes en Europe ! 

En savoir plus sur EPALE

Participez à l'enquête

10 mai 2014

Socio-psychologie de l’éducation des adultes en Afrique

Par Afsata PARÉ KABORÉ et Rasmata NABALOUM-BAKYONO. Socio-psychologie de l’éducation des adultes en Afrique (Collection APAL-African Perspectives on Adult Learning).
Ce chapitre traite d’abord du rapport entre la communication et l’éducation, en discutant du contexte de plurilinguisme des systèmes éducatifs africains, de l’importance du choix d’une langue de communication en formation des adultes et de quelques autres considérations théoriques. Ensuite, les facteurs d’une bonne communication en situation de formation en général, de formation d’adultes africains en particulier, ont été analysés. De même, les modalités d’une approche participative en formation d’adultes, en relation avec les modes pertinents d’évaluation ont été approchées.
Articulation langues nationales – français dans les systèmes scolaires
Le contexte de l’Afrique francophone est marqué par une multitude de langues maternelles à côté desquelles évolue le français qui est, depuis la colonisation, la langue officielle et la langue d’enseignement dans les systèmes scolaires formels. Par contre, l’éducation non formelle, notamment l’alphabétisation des adultes, se fait essentiellement en langues maternelles (appelées langues nationales dans la plupart des pays) même si le français n’est pas exclu. Nous sommes donc en présence, dans bon nombre de pays francophones d’Afrique subsaharienne, de deux sous-systèmes éducatifs qui évoluent en parallèles. Cette situation crée un contexte de « diglossie » en faveur du français, et ce dans la mesure où la vie administrative et politique nationale est généralement organisée autour de cette langue qui est la langue officielle.
Depuis quelques décennies dans le système formel, un intérêt pour l’enseignement par et dans les langues nationales africaines est né et se développe à partir des programmes d’alphabétisation des adultes. De plus en plus donc, l’éducation bilingue impliquant langue nationale et langue française gagne du terrain dans les systèmes éducatifs des pays, aussi bien au niveau non formel que formel. Que devient alors le statut des langues nationales et du français dans ces systèmes ? Nikièma et Paré Kaboré (2010) nous situent sur la question en nous proposant une série de définitions en cohérence avec la réalité africaine et qui sont reprises ci-dessous. Télécharger Socio-psychologie de l’éducation des adultes en Afrique.

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