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Cedefop's network for lifelong guidance and career development
CareersNet was created to collect comparable and reliable information on a European scale in the field of lifelong guidance and career development issues. The gathered information and analysis aims at identification of gaps and solutions, beyond a snapshot of national guidance systems.
European community of learning providers
The European community of learning providers was set up in February 2017 by Cedefop and six EU-lev­el VET associations: EfVET, EVBB, EVTA, EUCEN, EUproVET and EURASHE, in order to complement the Platform for European associations of VET providers created by DG EMPL in 2015 which provides policy advice to the EU Commission.
ReferNet is a network of institutions created by Cedefop in 2002 to provide information on national vocational education and training (VET) systems and policies in the EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Each national partner is a key organisation involved in VET in the country it represents. Therefore, all partners are particularly well- placed to offer first-hand information on VET’s role, purpose, governance and structure, insights into developments and trends in VET policies, and in-depth analysis of how each country is progressing in its implementation of common European policy objectives.
Cedefop's network of experts on skills analysis and forecasting
Skillsnet network welcomes researchers and experts active in early identification of skill needs and forecasting or in the transfer of research results on future skill requirements into policy and practice.
Skillsnet members can follow and be involved in Cedefop activities related to identification of skill needs (forecasting, various skills surveys, sectoral analysis, skills governance, skills mismatch research, etc.) and receive privileged access to information.