Cedefop will host the 33rd ICT Advisory Committee Meeting of the EU Agencies (ICTAC), in Thessaloniki on Thursday 16 and Friday 17 of May 2019. More...
3rd Validation of prior learning (VPL) Biennale
The aim of the VPL Biennale is to strengthen the dialogue between policy-makers, practitioners, users of validation as well as other stakeholders in the process. The Biennale is a forum where different stakeholders can exchange knowledge, ideas and vision on how to make VPL work. The good practices and recommendations from the event will be used in the formulation and public adoption of the Berlin Declaration on VPL. More...
Policy forum: what role for community lifelong learning centres?
Cedefop, in cooperation with the Lifelong Learning Platform is organising this policy forum to explore the potential of community lifelong learning centres as one-stop shops for preventing young people at risk and early school leavers from disconnecting. More...
Second policy learning forum on supporting teachers and trainers for VET of the future
Cedefop is organising the second policy learning forum (PLF) on developing competences and supporting the professional development of teachers and trainers in vocational education and training (VET). More...
Thematic Working Group 2: “Learning providers and the EU Mobility: Reinforcing VET attractiveness through Staff engagement”
Cedefop is currently organizing the fourth meeting of the Working Group 2: “Learning Providers and the EU Mobility: Reinforcing VET attractiveness through Staff engagement” planned to take place in Aveiro, Portugal on Monday, 8 and Tuesday, 9 April 2019. More...
Thematic Working Group 3: “Learning Providers and Migration: Empowerment and Integration through Learning”
Cedefop informs that the fourth meeting of the thematic working group 3: “Learning Providers and Migration: Empowerment and Integration through Learning” will take place in Rome on Thursday, 4 and Friday, 5 April 2019. More...
Thematic Working Group 1: “Learning Providers and the challenge of TEL: enhancing teachers’ and trainers’ e-skills”
In the context of its European Community of Learning Providers, Cedefop announces that the fourth meeting of the Working Group 1 “Learning Providers and the challenge of TEL: enhancing teachers’ and trainers’ e-skills” will take place in Toulouse on Monday 1 and on Tuesday, 2 April 2019. More...
The role of vocational education and training in shaping the future of Europe
The event will provide an opportunity for Cedefop to inform the Members on the latest work of Cedefop on the rapidly changing nature and role of VET in Europe. Building on research covering a total of 30 countries, a set of ‘Scenarios 2035’ will be presented, illustrating the choices faced by policy makers and stakeholders in the years ahead. More...
Launch of 2nd Cedefop European skills and jobs survey
The European skills and jobs survey (ESJS) is a major survey of adult employees carried out by Cedefop in all EU Member States. It constitutes Cedefop’s first large-scale EU-wide survey, carried out in 2014 to investigate the determinants of skills development and mismatch in EU countries. More...
Second Policy learning forum on upskilling pathways: a vision for the future
Cedefop, together with the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), is organising on 14-15 February 2019 in Brussels, the Second Policy Learning Forum on upskilling pathways: a vision for the future. More...