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10 février 2019

Cedefop European database on apprenticeship schemes - Map

HomeThis map shows the countries covered by Cedefop mapping of apprenticeship schemes.
Darker shades of blue are associated to a higher number of schemes in the countries, as per the legal frameworks analysed up to mid-2016.
From the map, you can navigate the available country fiches and the relative scheme fiches. More...

10 février 2019

Cedefop European database on apprenticeship schemes - Compare schemes

HomeFrom here you can navigate the database by comparing schemes.
Select one or more filters and click on Compare to see the results. More...

10 février 2019

Cedefop European database on apprenticeship schemes - Compare countries

HomeFrom here you can navigate the database by comparing countries.
Select one or more filters and click on Compare to see the results. More...

10 février 2019

Cedefop European database on apprenticeship schemes - Scheme fiches

HomeFrom here you can navigate the database by apprenticeship scheme to learn more about the specific features of one or more schemes: target group, overview of the scheme, qualifications attainable, duration, alternation of work-based (in-company) training and school-based training, formal relationship with the employer, remuneration and responsibility of employers. More...

10 février 2019

Cedefop European database on apprenticeship schemes - Country fiches

HomeFrom here you can navigate the database by country to learn more about the understanding of apprenticeships in the national context.
You can select below one of the 30 country fiches at a time. Or you can find out which countries share the same features, by choosing one or more option from the menus on the right. More...

10 février 2019

Cedefop European database on apprenticeship schemes

HomeThe European database on Apprenticeships, produced within Cedefop’s Department for Learning and Employability, is based on information collected in the first half of 2016 as part of Cedefop’s study “Apprenticeships: A Cross-National Overview” (forthcoming, 2018). The study carried out a mapping of apprenticeship schemes considered as such in the national official definitions, i.e. what governments define as such by means of norms and minimum legal requirements. Only schemes with a stable/valid legal basis and which are system-level or mainstream schemes were considered. Pilot schemes, even when underpinned by a legal basis, were out of the scope of the study. More...

10 février 2019

Cedefop Resources for guidance - Objectives and Target Groups

HomeIt is essential that all those working with people in career guidance and advice keep up to date with what is happening in the labour market. In this way, we can impart realistic career education and guidance. With the constant financial pressure on governments and organisations, managers and practitioners must make use of all available technologies, which will improve service to clients. In many cases, this means using ICT in guidance services and encouraging clients to actively manage their career through the use of online tools and services. More...

10 février 2019

Cedefop Handbook of transferability

HomeThe Handbook describes how the innovative practices, with proven results, can be transferred to other contexts by identifying and analysing their essential components. The Handbook foresees to support (national level) managers to identify which successful initiatives to transfer to their context and how to adapt them to successfully integrate it in their national context. More...

10 février 2019

Cedefop Labour market information (LMI) toolkit

HomeThe subject of this toolkit is the role of labour market information for lifelong guidance, and the integration of labour market information into lifelong guidance making use of ICT tools. More...

10 février 2019

Cedefop Resources for guidance

HomeDeveloping Information Technologies and Labour Market Information in Lifelong Guidance. More...

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