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5 juin 2019

If You Ain't a Feed, I Don't Read

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. If You Ain't a Feed, I Don't Read
This post captures the tension between wanting to use new communications tools - things like RSS, for example - which are really so much more advanced, and wanting to read people who have interesting ideas, but who have, for some reason, not caught on to these tools. Marc Prensky, for example, hasn't blogged anything for more than a year. Meanwhile, Jay Cross is discontinuing his email newsletter. More...
5 juin 2019

Facebook Bankruptcy

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Facebook Bankruptcy
We are seeing the pushback from people who joined Facebook without anticipating what happens when all their friends can send stuff to them all the time. The problem isn't Facebook so much as all those apps that prompt users to 'send this to ten of your friends' (one - the sticky notes - was so aggressive it pre-selected ten friends and prompted me to invite them before I had even finished installing it on my own account). This will backfire. But before it does, it's giving us all some really good object lessons on how to build the real (that is, the open and distributed) social network that will eventually replace Facebook. More...
5 juin 2019

7 Ways Croquet Is Better Than Second Life

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. 7 Ways Croquet Is Better Than Second Life
Good post that argues that Croquet - the open source 3D multi-user environment - is better than Second Life. The most significant is scalability - each Second Life server can only handle 15-25 people (which is really quite astonishing). More...
5 juin 2019

Why Does The RIAA Hate Webcasters?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Why Does The RIAA Hate Webcasters?
The answer is: webcasters don't play very much RIAA music. "The situation really is a win-win for the RIAA (in the short-term). It either kills off those webcasters who don't contribute to the homogenization of music, or it forces them to pay large sums even if they only play non-RIAA music." Now take this sort of story, and apply the logic back to the debate about restrictive licensing clauses in free content. More...
5 juin 2019

The 5-4-3 Double Play, or The Art of Conference Blogging

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The 5-4-3 Double Play, or The Art of Conference Blogging
Interestingly, I used to score baseball games when I was younger (I played Strat-o-matic baseball too). Now that my team (the Montral Expos) has vanished into nothingness, I have no reason to follow baseball any more. But I still do some conference blogging. So I found this article, describing some tips and tricks, to be of interest. More...
5 juin 2019

What Are You, Who Are You, And How Do You Know?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. What Are You, Who Are You, And How Do You Know?
I'm attending the privacy, security and trust conference taking place here in Moncton. I've written a couple of summaries, the first of the keynote this morning by Jonathon Cave from RAND Europe, and the second on the panel discussion, Security Issues and and Business Opportunities. Stephen Downes, Half an Hour July 30, 2007 [Link] [Tags: , , ] [Comment. More...
5 juin 2019

Walled Gardens or Walled Hearts?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Walled Gardens or Walled Hearts?
David Wallace reflects on the new openness that Facebook creates. See also Kent Newsome, who writes, "I simply cannot describe how excited I am that Bebo is going to follow Facebook and launch a developer platform". More...
5 juin 2019

Visualising OpenLearn Course Listings

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Visualising OpenLearn Course Listings
This is something I've spent some time thinking about - how do you visualize listings of open learning resources. Tony Hirst focuses on open courses (rather than resources generally) but the problem is the same. Readers will appreciate the visualizations of the different approaches. More...
5 juin 2019

How to Develop a Hit Facebook App: 29 Essential Tools and Tutorials

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. How to Develop a Hit Facebook App: 29 Essential Tools and Tutorials
I'm hoping the Facebook fad will have come and gone before I get around to writing apps for it (so I won't have to - I do not relish the idea of writing custom code for each hit application as it gets popular). If not: this is where I'll be looking. More...
5 juin 2019

Striving to Encourage Natural Learning at School

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Striving to Encourage Natural Learning at School
Sometimes I hear people say that contemporary edubloggers are not sufficiently aware of the history of pedagogy. Perhaps - but at the same time, today's edubloggers are saying the same thing generations of writers have been saying. Seymour Papert, for example: "The institution of School, with its daily lesson plans, fixed curriculum, standardized tests, and other such paraphernalia tends constantly to reduce learning to a series of technical acts and the teacher to the role of a technician." Of course it doesn't work. More...
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