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13 mars 2019

Les enjeux de l'internationalisation de MOOC

sup-numerique.gouv.frL'Université Virtuelle Environnement et Développement durable (Fondation UVED) a produit et coordonné des MOOCs pluri-établissements, pluri-acteurs, pluridisciplinaires et pluri-partenaires sur les enjeux du développement durable. Elle en propose aujourd'hui des versions en langues étrangères. Plus...
13 mars 2019

Formation de formateurs NéopassSup - Connaître, tester, développer des scénarii de formation

sup-numerique.gouv.frNeoPassSup, plateforme pédagogique au sein de l'Institut Français de l'Éducation (I.F.É.), propose une formation destinée aux formateurs sur les scénarii pédagogiques. Cette formation se tiendra les 27 et 28 mars 2019. Plus...
13 mars 2019

Journées de formation Karuta - Printemps 2019

sup-numerique.gouv.frDans le cadre de la démarche d'accompagnement au déploiement d'un ePorfolio open source flexible pour la communauté des établissements d'enseignement supérieur, plusieurs formations à Karuta, outil de création et de gestion de ePortfolio open source, sont organisées sur le second trimestre 2019. Plus...
13 mars 2019

MOOCs and the Funnel of Participation

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. MOOCs and the Funnel of Participation
Doug Clow, The Open University Open Research Online, April 16, 2013
Interesting paper introducing the metaphor of a 'funnel of participation' to illustrate the steep drop-off inactivity in a MOOC. It uses three MOOCs as cases and observes that the number of people registering is much greater than the number of people making "meaningful learning Progress." Good set of references (though it suggests to me I ought to publish more). More...

13 mars 2019

Mooc platform to focus on group learning

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Mooc platform to focus on group learning
Emma Boyde, Financial Times, April 16, 2013
The Financial Times (of all places) reports on a new MOOC start-up from Stanford called NovoEd. As the headline suggests, the defining feature of the new software is a group-forming algorithm. Groups were originally formed of people from the same geographic area but with a range of experience. Members rated each other, then participants were asked to reform into new groups. More...

13 mars 2019

Google Operating System

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Google Operating System
Alex Chitu, Google Operating System, April 16, 2013
Alex Chitu, who is nornally pretty positive about Google, is experiencing a warped Catch-22 world in the land of DMCA takedowns. To begin, he received a takedown for a Blogger web page about a Greasemonkey script that allowed you to show music lyrics in the YouTube interface (pictured). The takedown (which he had to search for on Chilling Effects, they don't actually send it to him) states, "The URL listed below is one of nearly 20 song lyrics sites who have attempted to post lyrics for the song titled 'Alden Howell' by the artist Inspection 12." Fair enough, but the page doesn't post Alden Howell lyrics and the blog doesn't mention 'Alden Howell' at all, ever. More...

13 mars 2019

MOOCs Changing the Way We Think About Higher Education

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. MOOCs Changing the Way We Think About Higher Education
Helen Hu, Diverse, April 16, 2013
Good overview of the arrival of MOOCs, from their first instntiation by George Siemens and myself, to later university versions, to some of the fallout. More...

13 mars 2019

Fair Dealing for Educators

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Fair Dealing for Educators
Matthew Johnson, Media Smarts, April 19, 2013
The Canadian 'Media Smarts' website has added a 'Fair Dealing for Educators' section to the site ('Fair Dealing' is the Canadian equivalent to 'Fair Use' in the United States). The section responds to recent changes in the Canadian Copyright Act. More...

13 mars 2019

Apple's Virtual University Patent Finally Comes to Light

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Apple's Virtual University Patent Finally Comes to Light
Jack Purcher, Patently Apple, April 19, 2013
Ever since iTunes University we've all seen this coming, but it is interesting to finally see the lid removed from Apple's "Virtual U" patent application (it's interesting to me that not even the name is original, as longtime ed tech devotees will recognize the name from a Canadian project in the 1990s (and several other projects worldwide more recently)). More...

13 mars 2019

How Can MOOC Platforms Be More Dynamic?: A Comparison of Major MOOC Providers

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. How Can MOOC Platforms Be More Dynamic?: A Comparison of Major MOOC Providers
Adam Heidebrink, MOOC News & Reviews, April 19, 2013
It's interesting to watch someone who has no experience with the gRSShopper cMOOC platform wrestle with the same discussion board issues we faced, and then come up with some of the same solutions. More...

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