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1 décembre 2018

This toxic Brexit hurts universities, linking us to Trump and the rest

Screenshot-2018-4-23 The GardianBrexit is rooted in the rejection of modernity and reason. Higher education cannot thrive where expertise is sneered at. More...

1 décembre 2018

We won't bail out failing universities, says higher education regulator

Screenshot-2018-4-23 The GardianUniversities should not assume they will be bailed out from a financial crisis, according to the head of the higher education regulator in England, who likened them to overconfident banks before the global financial crisis. More...

1 décembre 2018

International students are abandoning Britain – we must stem the tide

Screenshot-2018-4-23 The GardianAustralia, Canada and the EU are snapping at our universities’ heels as UK immigration policy is putting off talented young people. More...

1 décembre 2018

Higher education reform is our priority

Screenshot-2018-4-23 The GardianOur report this week is focused on skills, social justice and good graduate outcomes. The fact is we have a huge skills deficit in our country, with the manufacturers organisation, the EEF, warning that almost three-quarters of businesses are concerned about finding workers with the skills they need. More...

1 décembre 2018

Joyless bores? No, today’s young are quiet revolutionaries

Screenshot-2018-4-23 The GardianThe younger generation have been caricatured as easily offended puritans. But they just want to expand freedom for all. More...

1 décembre 2018

From Madonna's Sex to Lady Chatterley: inside the Bodleian's explicit book club

Screenshot-2018-4-23 The GardianCreated at the height of Victorian prudishness, the Bodleian Library’s Phi collection was designed to protect young minds from ‘immoral’ books. More than a century later, they’re going on display for the first time. More...

1 décembre 2018

Fines for partying won’t make students better neighbours

Screenshot-2018-4-23 The GardianSpare a thought for the UK university student forever locked in a losing battle against the Man. First they hiked the tuition fees, then their housing costs, then politically engaged students became fair game for the press to attack. More...

1 décembre 2018

Stormzy: Oxford University turned down my scholarship offer

Screenshot-2018-4-23 The GardianGrime artist says institution ‘did not want to get involved’ in funding offer for black students. More...

1 décembre 2018

I've run out of money at university – what can I do?

Screenshot-2018-4-23 The GardianMost students experience financial hardship – following these steps can help you get back on track. More...

1 décembre 2018

Why is my university forcing me to see colleagues as "customers"?

Screenshot-2018-4-23 The GardianThe best academic research is done in a supportive, collaborative environment – not a corporate culture.
I started my career at a post-92 institution, which was struck several serious blows during my time there. The first was the withdrawal by the government of bursaries for nurses in 2017, which caused applications to fall by a third and had a major effect on our bottom line. The second came in the form of low performance in the National Student Survey, combined with a change of senior leadership. This saw a number of departments fighting for survival. More...

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